Equinox Balancing Blessing
This is a wonderful balancing exercise that can be performed if you feel that your house, or a particular room in your home is feeling out of balance. If you feel that your family is out of kilter it may be worth performing this simple blessing as it may be the house itself or the rooms in it that are causing the imbalance.Start off with a simple cleansing exercise. First clear away the clutter in your home as much as you are able. Smudge with white sage or incense in all the corners of your home.
When you feel you have sufficiently cleansed you home, take two red apples and slice them in half so that you can see the pentacle inside. The apple signifies new beginnings and is a perfect symbol to use with its natural pentagram. Place a half apple at each of the cardinal points of your home, north, south, east and west. If you are just working in one room then place them as needed in the room you have chosen. Along with each half apple place a white candle in a holder.
This exercise may be performed at any time of the year but it is perfect completed at the time of the equinox when day and night are of equal length. This is an ideal time to bring your home and your family life into perfect balance too.
Starting in the east, light each candle in turn. As you do so, imagine a white balancing light pouring down into the rooms or room as you work.
When you have finished come into the centre of the room and light a fifth white candle. Imagine a set of old fashioned brass scales sitting in perfect balance in the centre of the room. Sit in front of the scales and watch them as they tip just slightly and then gently rest exactly horizontal. You feel the stillness descend on the room and the house as the exact point of balance is achieved. Sit there for a while enjoying the silence and balance.
When you are ready, snuff out your candles or if you are able, allow them to burn down completely.
Equinox blessings to you, Alison
Source: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com