Most mage/wizard players expect to learn new spells in gameplay. RAW, however, you just can't spend character points earned in campaign to learn new spells (and there was a intense discussion about this). While looking for some solution, I found this on Dungeon Fantasy 6 - Sages, p. 15:
"A reader who meets all the prerequisites to "learn" the spell may try to do so: read the scroll, roll against its skill, and on a success, pay one character point to learn it instead of casting."
It also says on a side note in the same page:
"Scrolls and GURPS Magic
...and the rules for learning spells and for new classes of scrolls arent described in Magic."
Although it says that this rule isn't described in Magic, I was wondering if it was described elsewhere or if DF 6 - Sages was the first GURPS book to present such rule. If so, is that a Dungeon Fantasy special rule? Or would that also apply to more a complex fantasy setting like Banestorm (which I'm currently playing)?
Alongside magical scrolls, the Reawakened advantage (Basic Set, p. 80) seems to be another viable way to learn spells quickly than spending hours studying and DF 11 - Power-ups (p. 37) seems to confirm the idea that you can remember spells from past lives. Am I missing something or is that right?
Thanks in advance.
Reference: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com