By His Enormity Conurbation Hierotheos of Nafpaktos and Agiou Vlasiou
The mind of the Member of the clergy Samuel, who we one today, holds a innate place in the Old Shrine, as well as in the Cathedral of Christ. He is one of intimates people who paved the way for the incarnation of the Son and Reassurance of God and was help in all belongings to the strength of mind of God in his life. In today's talk we strength of mind boost some points of his life.
Central, the Member of the clergy Samuel was the fruit of the prospect and prayers of his parents, in the role of his parents, Elkanah and Hannah, received him at the back of prayer and obedience to God, and the exceptionally parents faithful him to the Temple forthright at the back of his weaning.
After that, at a lush age he was complete fine, having the status of in the Temple, to collect the articulate of God asking him to advise a e-mail to the priest Eli. The Member of the clergy Samuel had constant dialogue with God in his life, which is why the people called him "THE SEER". The people called their prophets "SEER" and "PSYCHIC", to the same degree they saw God and brought to the people His commandments.
Samuel lived in the eleventh century B.C. and he was complete a Regard as being and without doubt was the conduct of the Judges, in the future the organization of the Territory. Samuel led the Jewish people, and having the status of the people asked for a king, gulp down the resistance of other nations, he received a e-mail from God to bring it about. At earliest he anointed Saul as king, and at the back of the fall of Saul he anointed David as king. He had innate status in the future the people and one admires the courage he had in the future God, as well as the status that had with the people.
Everybody can overhaul having the status of they read the life and character of the Member of the clergy Samuel. Spouses can learn how to lead their lives together, parents can learn how to consent to twitch and cultivate their children, lush people can learn how to squeeze themselves in the future God and spiritual fathers, Clergy can learn how to chief priest their multitude answer to them by God, human rulers can learn how to conclude the people for whom they were installed. Total all people can learn how to squeeze themselves in the future people, our neighbors, and what we necessity do for our redeemer. The gifts of the Member of the clergy Samuel were innate, namely sanitation of spirit, obedience to God, charity, love for the people, and tons others.
The hymns of the Cathedral that forward to him use tons phrases to draw attention to his innate usefulness. In one funeral song we pray to him: " Member of the clergy all-revered, you stood with the prophets, conversed with the fair, and partook with the angels."
Previously we assumed that the Member of the clergy Samuel was the fruit of the prayers and obedience of his parents towards God. Hannah was devastate and Elkanah conducted himself with innate love towards her, inadequate undervaluing her, in the role of poverty plus was planned a ruin. And Hannah was a holy animal who had innate prospect in God, and she had noetic prayer, in the role of she prayed with her spirit to God to consent to her a child. Spiritual Scripture says just about this: "HANNAH WAS PRAYING IN HER SPIRIT, AND HER ORIFICE WERE MOVING BUT HER ARTICULATE WAS NOT HEARD. ELI CLUE SHE WAS INTOXICATED" (1 SAM. 1:13). If one notices every word in this authorize they can ascribe it with what the Spiritual Fathers assumed about noetic prayer of the spirit, and plus they strength of mind understand why Hannah, the mother of the Member of the clergy Samuel, had such an tell of prayer. This is why the sacred Chrysostom writes that the beginning of the twitch of Samuel was prayer, weep and the prospect of his mother.
At the end of the day we all-embracing that the education of children is a big grow smaller, which is not precisely alert of worldly opinions, but with the whole stardom of the parents, with their prospect in God and mostly their prayers.
May we hold tight the intercessions of this innate Member of the clergy, "THE SEER", and his parents, that each of us may be fine to inclusive our responsibility and work.
Source: "EKKLESIASTIKI PAREMVASI", " 20, ", July 2006. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.