So, how can we develop an attitude of universal love for all, when human beings are by nature a territorial and tribal species. That through necessity they have evolved to put their own individual needs and the needs of their community, country first. Our efforts at co-existence fail when we claim 'We are all one', 'we are all connected' but continue to disrespect each others ancient customs and traditions. Even though 'we are all one' is a great spiritual truth; people continue to focus on what is different, rather then what is the same!
For many adults, who are deeply entrenched in their prejudices and beliefs, changing their mindset, perspective of the world, would be very difficult if not impossible. Though having said that, there are millions of individuals around the world, who do view themselves as people of the world; rather then only as an offspring of their homeland. These people care what happens to their less fortunate fellow man, who by virtue of where they have been born, struggle every day simply to survive. They give of their time and money unselfishly to alleviate the suffering of others.
I believe that it is through our children we will remake our future. It is through them, that the world will change. That boundaries will dissolve and that an individuals view of the world and their own moral responsibility, does not stop at countries and borders. Therefore it is vital I believe, to teach our children that they belong to each other, to every other child in the world, no matter where they happen to be born. To educate them to see differences as something to be celebrated and enjoyed. That there is richness in diversity, that everyone can and does benefit from.
We all share one very important thing in common and that is the earth that we all live on. Whatever affects the environment, the climate; will eventually impact on all of us. As a species if we do not learn to work together in harmony for the common good, If we do not begin to see ourselves as 'one people' we will eventually cease to exist. Our very survival depends on us co existing together. This will only happen when we become aware of the underlying unity that we have with each other regardless of any differences. It is only when we engage others with respect, understanding and acceptance, can we communicate from the heart.
When we see others as ourselves, universal love springs forth spontaneously. Our world is like a huge garden, where flowers of different hues spread a unique fragrance. Just as one hand spontaneously reaches out to soothe the other hand when it is in pain, may we all console and support each other. A Zen teacher once said, "Take care of what's in front of you." That's our task. If everyone did that, much of the suffering of the world would disappear. What's in front of you is everything; the person everything is in front of, is everyone!
Credit: wiccancommunity.blogspot.com