"On other information, I read that MJ's mother is fearing that submit give be no good quality place for her son's personage to rest, cos submit move been fear from fans who organize to use his personage. In the same way as the ? With top off hold on to to MJ, why is his environment stationary charge his body? Hasn't MJ time dead for in the order of 2 months now? I Imagine THIS IS THE Peak OF Point of view and it makes me laid up. MJ is dead, his personage is now an voucher receptacle. Wouldn't it be good if the environment can come to language with Humanity, hold on to MJ and withhold(/cremate) his personage so that he can towards the end rest in PEACE? They move to learn to surface specifics and learn to let go. I move never come agilely such greediness and area in the past more than a dead personage. As a Buddhist, I ardently suspend that zip is permanent and that death is inevitable...so equally someone dies, although it can be truly affecting, the personage necessitate be laid to rest or cremated (MY HELP), short holding on to it so intently. This personage is a dwindling organism...and equally it's dead, it wishes to be quick of, whether you in front of it or not. I insist on they move to switch off rivalry more than where the personage necessary be unseen cos it's significantly unconscious and is intolerably rise. I Sensation IF THEY Ever TREATED HIM SO Lovingly So HE WAS ALIVE?"
"Homily of 2 deaths in 1 post, I wanna ask you this dispute. You may basis if you wish to. IF YOU HAD A Graphic TO Write A Communication *to whoever you in front of addressing it to* Recitation HOW YOU Want YOUR Body HANDLED *once you're dead ofcourse u doofus*, In the same way as WOULD YOU Write IN IT? Say it in few words. Keep happy note this is not to contempt any dead core. This is simply my way of seeing Humanity. Now here's my letter:"
Be fond of Mum,
WOW so I'm dead? It in some way happened ha phew! Don't cry. See I'm stationary smiling LOL! You know, with all the John-Abrahams I agreed at the goodbye story at the Humanity terminal, I finger Humanity rocks man! oops I mean mum. I knew submit necessitate be some pretext why Handiwork was so dull. btw this decoration is in detail to let you know what to do with my now gravely crashed personage *all the other silky objects I wanted to say to you is in various 10-page decoration btw. good luck reading it mum ;-) dun flicker too a mixture of candles now*. For spare read my blog.
Now that I'm towards the end dead-bored, and I cannot wear inhabitants Manolo Blahniks anymore, accurate destroy me please *just make fixed the exhaust apprehension has working batteries incase I disappoint and hope for to get out!*. I'd in front of my sexy cinders to be spread more than the ocean where I can be at tranquillity mingling with the saccharine Nemo-like fishes *OMG I charge submit won't be any sharks!*. That's it domestic I'm towards the end free woohoo! o btw, make my casket a simple overformal one that doesn't list a group. At the back of all it's departure to be set fire to right? I knew you'd get it mum, gee tnxx!
MWAHZ *I accurate realised I cant send u kisses anymore...my talk are plummeting to one side urrrrg!*
Yours reheat and very sluggish child,
"Humanity is accurate various part of Handiwork. At the end of everyone's bearing, Humanity awaits your get-together. Humanity sees no color, religion, importance, caste or code of belief. Humanity does not have a preference. And you cannot ask Humanity to let somebody have temporarily you help...you cannot buy time...you cannot discourse with it. In death you can't bluster your nobility and ego, cos there's no one to tailing you. In Humanity you can't bite-mark various cos no one feels also, not even you. In Humanity you can't apologise, cos no one give bunch up you. In Humanity you can't be abundance, cos in Humanity you can't even move your hands or talk..."
"Affinity Music: Specific Relations by Mountain RICHARD"