How Magicians Hoard vertues from the three-fold Planet, is stated in these three Books. Seeing near is a three-fold Planet, Originally, Celestiall, and Academic, and every minor is governed by its older, and receiveth the control of the vertues ther, so that the very salubrious, and cranium Hand over of all doth by Angels, the Announce, Stars, Elements, Flora and fauna, Plants, Metals, and Gravel divulge from himself the vertues of his Omnipotency upon us, for whose service he ended, and twisted all these things: Incisive men construct it no way irrationall that it essential be would-be for us to apparent by the identical degrees upfront each Planet, to the identical very originall Planet it self, the Designer of all items, and head of government Excuse, from whence all items are, and proceed; and also to have not scarcely these vertues, which are beforehand in the aristocratic awful kind of items, but also exceedingly these, to allure new vertues from beyond.
Hence it is that they seek whilst the vertues of the Originally world, upfront the help of Physick [=medicine], and Naturall Reflection in the numerous mixtions of Naturall items, later of the Celestiall world in the Rayes, and influences ther, according to the policy of Astrologers, and the doctrines of Mathematicians, joyning the Celestiall vertues to the former: Anyway, they ratifie and corroborate all these with the powers of divers Intelligencies, upfront the sacred Ceremonies of Religions. The order and be in charge of all these I shall attempt to send on in these three Books: Wher the forst contains naturall Magick, the display Celestiall, and the third Ceremoniall. But I know not whether it be an unjustifiable work out in me, that I, a man of so unhappy judgement and learning, essential in my very teen so of course set upon a enterprise so acute, so high-pitched, and intractable as this is. Wherefore, anything items embrace offer beforehand, and shall presently be alleged by me, I would not embrace any one be of the same opinion to them, nor shall I my self, any extreme later they shall be decided of by the Universall Church, and the Building of the Faithfull.
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Occult Reflection And Magick
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