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Tuesday 15 May 2012

My Introductory Notes To The Gd 65 Ritual

My Introductory Notes To The Gd 65 Ritual
"I am of the opinion that Westcott's Four Color Scale Enochian Tablets were intended for use in the higher grades, particularly the 6=5 grade of Adeptus Major. This grade corresponds to the Sephirah of Geburah on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, and to the paths of Lamed and Mem, attributed to the Tarot trumps of Justice and the Hanged Man.

"The folios that follow contain the Golden Dawn's ceremony of initiation into the Adeptus Major Grade. It is titled "Ritual of the 6=5 Grade of Geburah being the Book of the Conference of Signs in the Grade of Adeptus Major," copy number 4. This copy of the ritual, from the private archives of the HOGD, is the only known copy in existence. It was typed by Carnegie-Dickson, who provided a two-page preface (dated November 2nd, 1945) stating that he copied it from two copies by Brodie-Innes. He also notes that his source copies were used by Sub Spe (Brodie-Innes) and G. H. Frater D.D.C.F. (Mathers). A typeset transcript of the document follows the folios.

"This document is interesting in that it provides new insights into various Grade Signs and Mystical Titles. However, I feel that, as a ritual, it is dry and lacking in magic. It certainly does not rise to the potency of either the Stella Matutina's 6=5 Ritual or the Adeptus Major Ceremony of Waite's Independent and Rectified Rite."

"Excerpt From "The Book of the Concourse of the Watchtowers