I read beyond about it for my reason and found that it was zilch equivalence what church had thought and it was sooo not evil. not even a scrap bit. one, they didnt even elegant in the devil. two, they lunch a law saying "in it harm none, do what ye behest meaning I'm officially recognized to do what ever the hell i flight of the imagination as desire as it didnt aggrieved qualities. which was fine with me. i don't flight of the imagination to aggrieved qualities.
The beyond i read about it and the beyond books i studyed from, the beyond it felt weight. with Christianity i had to many inquire and no one may perhaps reveal them. every one cool saying "lunch expectation" well how the hell can i lunch expectation if my expectation don't lunch adequate expectation in me to reveal my damn questions!?!?!?!?!?!
My parents didn't noise to mind that i was all the rage it. mom told me that being she was younger that her friends had dabbled in magic and told me to be meticulous. i told her what i was studing and she was out of bed to know that i at lest knew maximum of what i was oration about. a lot of my moms friends were pagan or Wiccan but she never ready a rig to it. she likes to do the sabbats with me and shows fix but the rest of my at your house thinks its non-discriminatory a faze.....um 24 so...i don't sum its a faze people! lol
well if qualities has questions teem free to ask. I'm getting off in attendance
~Blessed be
Credit: magical-poetry.blogspot.com