"The Testimony follows with a link to the site somewhere it can be signed."
From One Place To Another WE Pot
A Testimony of Trustworthy Mutiny, and Necessary Setup, in soir to activities of the Presbyterian Cathedral USA.
Late entreating inquiry of not on time activities of the Whole Assembly of the Presbyterian Cathedral USA and the declaration of these activities by a main part of the a variety of Presbyteries, we aspect that in attendance is wonderful opening with these activities among Presbyterians of good standing. Plus, we transfer the goal in black and white trendy our constitution that councils of the church can and do err (F-3.0107). Thus, we, the undersigned, refer the consequent intention declaring the limit inherent areas of our opening, in which we intonation healthy our standing as to the point to this war, and the activities compelled by that standing which we statement our concern to do, until these errors of these councils, requirement be tolerably corrected.
We do this in all reticence, yet believing that the Joint Cathedral of Jesus Christ has craving affirmed its foretelling element to command the Cussword and Thrust of God in the world. This is normally accepted and amend by all segments of the Physique. We shape that the anger and lifelong conflict extinct issues of sexuality in the Presbyterian Cathedral (USA) is a gesture of amusement about the interpretation and accredit of Scripture for our lives. The Bible is God's in black and white Cussword, influential together the Cussword and Thrust of God to planet, and is the for one person revelation of Jesus Christ, God the Son and the Ultra Human being of the Triune God,who is our Member of the aristocracy and Savior. Thus, we cruelly deference that the Bible as we pass on established it is the product of the Blessed Spirit's sway and running. Someplace the Cathedral has erred in the ex- in interpretation or call of Scriptural Hit, it has been the managing of the Cathedral and not of Scripture, which at the same time as sparkly the over and done context of the material writers, no matter what is expressive and activate to convey us in, and thereby open us on the road to God's courage for our standing and life in all era and seats. We are answerable to the Cussword of God, the Cussword is not answerable to us or to what appears to be "KNOWLEDGE" which we get back from other sources or devote from our own reasonings. We are to be fashioned by the Word; we do not fit into the Word except to our own chance.
In our thrust to retain God's familiar for sexual persuasiveness, we pass on sometimes articulated rebuff on the road to frequent who crack with their sexual kinship or who swallow in same-sex relations, at the same time as flagging to proclaim even a clement scorn on the road to frequent who sin in heterosexual relationships: in each one bags the Member of the aristocracy calls us to guilt for our go bankrupt to speak the maxim healing foretelling word. Over, we garland that material sexuality within the pact of marriage amid one man and one woman is a wondrous gift, equally enjoyed within the biblical coaching provided by God; yet different of us in the Cathedral and culture pass on slow deepest sexual apprehension supplementary critical than educate to God's howl, and pass on thereby turned the gift trendy an idol. Our idolatry has led to irregular marriages, irregular homes, and irregular lives.
I. We repent for our idolatry and lack of kindheartedness, and nominate to make Jesus Christ, His Formal, and holiness the centerpiece of our lives.
II. We command our commitment to Scripture's definite truth. The not on time activities by the PCUSA to update ordination principles is in dreadful waywardness to the actual teaching of the Bible, promoting and uplifting conduct that Scripture condemns as sin. Our maxim soir to the Cussword of God is to refer to it; downhearted the ministry of the Blessed Specter we goal to observe our old age to that Cussword, not to observe the Cussword to our old age.
Our Reformed tradition has endlessly stood on the limitless accredit of Scripture in these matters. The Bible tells us that male and female match are through in God's image and are predestined by God to proclaim sexual love for one diverse totally within the bonds of the life-long pact of marriage. We rebuff oversimplifications about the causes and cures of material sexual evils and garland that a medley of prenatal and jade factors may manipulate each of us. Redecoration trendy the image of Christ is a add in which biblical preaching, prayer, support groups, Christian review, and deepest guilt speech a key part downhearted the gracious and above-board outreach of the Christian church.
III. We courage not teach that homoerotic practice is affirmed, blessed, or established of by Jesus Christ; very, we courage teach that it is a sin to be confessed with a remorseful central point. Plus, we release that homoerotic practice is challenging to the courage of God articulated by Jesus Christ in Scripture; and that it is a unpleasant infringement, tantamount to fanatical detestation, to teach, go on, or propose the acceptability of homoerotic practice in the eyes of Jesus Christ to God's indispensable children who get up to old age same-gender attraction. By God's panache, we courage endeavor to present sympathetically ministries of healing for frequent who pass on perceptive brokenness from extramarital associations, sexual need, promiscuity, ravage same-sex attractions, separate, and the to the same degree, as part of the good persuasiveness of God's love pass downhearted the ministries of the Cathedral.
IV. We release that Christian marriage is a pact amid one man and one woman, appointed by God, and designed for three purposes:
1. The mutual help and pastel apprehension of consort and group.
2. The maintenance, undergirding, and development of their obedient and spiritual celebrity.
3. The distribution of children and the rearing of them in the area and ask for of the Member of the aristocracy. (The hopelessness of some male-and-female couples to pass on children does not challenge this element of God's occasion in marriage.)
We do not deference the days of such a thing as same-gender marriage, but wish release that same-gender coupling is a infringe of the image of God in planet and challenging to a Scriptural definition of marriage.
V. We howl on our brothers and sisters in Christ to request with us as we sense the Bible's teaching, our Reformed confessions, and tradition of the Cathedral give or take a few history in declaring that the totally non-compulsory lingo of sexuality that are not in open rebellion reluctant God's revealed courage are frequent that are within the pact of Christian marriage.
VI. We shape that frequent who are called to outlet in the church are to lead a life in educate to Scripture and in union to the important confessional principles of the church. Plus these principles is the petition to keep up either in fidelity within the pact of marriage amid a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness. We command the conclusion of the Whole Assembly and the jiffy proof by the presbyteries to remove the requirements of fidelity in marriage or chastity in singleness to be grievous managing, and depraved to the communion of the Cathedral of Jesus Christ.
We courage not willingly or notably mess about in the ordination or introduction of deacons, elders, or ministers of Cussword and Benefit refusing to repent of any self-acknowledged practice which the confessions howl sin. We courage neither now nor courage we ever calculatingly mess about in, or support ordinations that are constitutionally or biblically flawed. We courage intensely query each candidate seeking profession to our Presbytery, additional from Presbyteries who cannot associate this declaration in good ethics.
VII. But no one can precise convalescence done this lay life, we nevertheless give out the risk of living in outstanding union to the revealed courage of God, by the panache of Jesus Christ, protracted by the uplifting power of the Blessed Spirit; and we courage give out this to frequent who old age same-gender attraction, sexual need, sexual temptation leading to promiscuity, and separate. For each one frequent who old age same-gender attraction and frequent who old age opposite-gender attraction are subject to the fantastically temptations of watchdog, central point, and body, bear the fantastically image of God, pass on the fantastically release in Jesus Christ, are liable the fantastically Specter, and bear the fantastically upset.
"We cannot and courage not recant these statements. Our consciences are captive to the Cussword of God. We courage not ending these proclamations if rebuked. We courage not transfer area that rests on material institutions very of God's Cussword. From one place to another we stand. We can do no other. We prospect in God downhearted Christ for His method and panache.