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Thursday 15 August 2013

Reclaim The Summer Solstice In Our June Sale

Reclaim The Summer Solstice In Our June Sale
For centuries the summer solstice has been a magical, yet dangerous time for the witch community. We celebrate the Litha Sabbat and its heightened magical strength as the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, but are saddened by the witch-burning bonfire ceremonies that continue to take place to this day.

This month Green Mountain Witch Wares wants to help you stay safe, so we will be running a promotion in our witch store on Dragons' Blood, Octopus Powder, and Krait Venom, the key ingredients in any protection potion. Add all three items to your cart, but only pay for two -- THE KRAIT VENOM IS FREE! Besides this 9 gift, you will also get FREE SHIPPING in the continental US. This deal will be running through 20 June; order early to make sure you're prepared for the 21st!
