You are being flooded by information from all quarters. Be aware and alert, because hidden amongst the revelations, there is much misinformation. It is deliberately placed in order to classify all the information as bogus. The Cabal has followed this practice throughout its existence. They do not change their formula; it has worked in the past, so they believe it will continue to work for them. You are sufficiently awake now to be able to decipher for yourselves what is truth and what has been planted, though it will always have a modicum of truth in it, to draw you in.
Try to see everything with a clear mind, without judgment, and remember, they too, are fighting for their existence. They are now frightened of you, for there is a great number of you, in comparison to them. They need your input to survive. They have played this game for generations and they are experts at it. You, on the other hand, have not learned to come together and work together as one, as they have done.We are now seeing splits amongst them. Each faction is trying to take control. For us, it is necessary to be of one mind, leaving our petty differences, like race and religion etc, aside. You are the human race and you are refusing to allow yourselves to be wiped out."When you seriously consider all the methods they are using to destroy you, you'll see that everything they do is designed to destroy the quality of life, and to create illness and suffering for the masses."You must understand that your suffering, anger, fear, and distress, is their oxygen. Why do so many of you, through fear, still live such miserable, helpless lives? When you take control of your own life and make considered decisions, and refuse to believe the propaganda with which you are bombarded, only then will you taste freedom of choice. You must decide what is best for you. Your heart will guide you. You have not been taught the truth, and this is what you are waking up to realise; it throws a completely different light on everything.Read more >>