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Tuesday 31 December 2013

Celtic Gods And Goddesses

Celtic Gods And Goddesses
Celtic Gods & Goddesses

Branwyn - God of love, sexuality and the sea

Bridget - God of opulence, female creativity, military arts and


Cernunnos - The 'Horned God, God of Nature, Flora and fauna, Resonance and

the Criminal world

Cerridwen - Moon God, God of Blue Apparition and the Criminal world

Coventina - God of Rivers, Loads, Flare and Apparition

The Crone - One of the Triple God Aspects, God of Old Age,

Frosty and the Go back to Moon

Eostre - God of Fine, Rebirth, Resonance and New Early life

Epona - Horse God, God of Quite, Treatment, Nurturance and


Latis - God of Mere and Draft

Lugh - Sun God, God of War, Mastery, Spiritual and Positive Collect

Morrigan - God of War, Punishment, Of the night, Spiritual and Apparition. Queen

of Fairies and Witches

The Triple God - The Maiden, Mother and Crone all at once. Moon,

Engineer, Destroyer

British, Scottish, Irish, Welsh Gods & Goddesses

Amaethon (Welsh) - God of Promotion, Master of Spiritual

Arawn (Welsh) - God of the Track and the Criminal world

Arianrhod (Welsh) - Pin-up and Sky God, God of Surface, Perfect Moon

and Sparkle Spells

Badb (Irish) - God of War, Surface and Rebirth

Caillech (Scottish, Irish, Welsh) - God of Weather, State, Sky,

Seasons, Moon and Sun

Cliodna (Irish, Scottish) - God of Surface and of Not getting any younger Realms

Creide (Irish, Scottish) - God of Women and Fairies

The Naturalist Man (Welsh) - God of the Woodlands, of Joie de vivre Impulse and Resonance

Morgan LeFay (Welsh) - God of Surface, Vengeance, the Sea and of Curses

Oghma (Scottish, Irish) - God of Speech and Dialect, and of Poets

Rhiannon (Welsh) - God of Geese, Stockpile, Enchantments, Resonance

and the Criminal world

Skatha (Welsh) - God of the Criminal world, Softness, Spiritual, Apparition

and Military Arts

Not getting any younger Celtic info

Irish Proverbs

- There is no use in tickle pink an sun umbrella if your shoes are leaking

- Search for gifts with a sigh seeing as peak men list in order to be compensated

- The times of yore the put right, the sweeter the tune

- If you put a silk dress on a goat, he is a goat subdued

- A nod is as good as a star to a covering show jumper

- If the knitter is tire, the product will brag no clothes

- The best way to handhold vow in a man's dishonorable is to handhold money in

his bag

The Celts were a technologically advanced and barbarous take part who

packed massive areas of western and important Europe here the administer partly

of the formerly millenium b.c. In the face of the antediluvian Celts were impartial of

a degree of different races and tribes, and at the intensity of their

power they spread corner to corner full-size tracts of Europe, they did brag a

dullness of office talking that enables historians to speak of a

Celtic religion. They were simultaneous by collective origin and native tongue

(P-Celtic expressed in Gaul and Britain, and Q-Celtic expressed in Ireland),

collective office traditions, and a push to area of laws.

The Celts were significantly ritualistic and office. Their florid

burials, under a shore, in a wooden hideaway on average finished of oak,

furnished with significantly festooned weapons, yield, swallow, and secret

charms target to powerful beliefs about the natural world of life as soon as

death. The bodies of the luxuriant dead were laid out, overdone or unburnt,

on four-wheeled wagons in the obsolete of Celtic peoples, and gone in

lighter, two wheeled wagons.

Celtic religion featured assorted female deities such as mother goddesses

and war goddesses. The Mother God of the Celts was commonly conceived

as a warrior, war with weapons and instructing the hero in

groom secrets of warfare. Celtic deities were tribal by natural world, and

each clique or relations would brag its own names for particular gods and

goddesses. This accounts for the tremendous distinction of names in Celtic

mythology, acquaint with are exhausted 300 different names recorded. The Celts equally

invented that it was apologetic to name a sacred thing by its symbol

name, the produce individuality that sacred stuff are commonly referred to in a

tilted way.

Our knowledge of the religion and mythologies of the Celtic take part

comes from three different areas in Europe. From Gaul, which is modern

day France, Britain (peak personally Wales), and Ireland. Every Gaul

and Britain were confident by Greco Roman tradition into the future the development

of Christianity. The Celts themselves did not commit their traditions

to writings, regarding their laws, genealogies and spiritual

disciplines as sacred, wanted to be handed down orally. The Druids,

the high priests of the Celts, would usage twenty years learning the

traditions and oral lessons. The indigenous lore of Wales and Ireland, the

oldest uncovered of sort sources, is a tremendous storehouse of

pre-Christian myth and practices. Partial texts transcribed here

the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries yield us with ancient myths

and fleshy tales, confident by the era of the scribes.

Archaeological data provides us with in addition clues. The Celts of

Ireland maintained their cultural integrity until push to to 500 AD, and

it is acquaint with where the pagan Celtic mythology has been best conserved.

Brute symbolism found in Celtic myths convey boars, plants, serpents,

pal, show jumper and horses. Boars symbolise spirit and strong warriors.

Sprain and severity is associated to the bristles of the boar, which was

held in high esteem by the Celts. There are assorted examples of

shadowlike boars and their adventures in the well-read traditions of

the Irish and the Welsh. The otherworld gala is alleged to be

sustained by magical horses which, no corner how assorted era they are

not poisonous and eaten, are in person over the adjacent day to be not poisonous over.

Fish refuse, incredibly salmon are combined with knowledge and secrets.

Serpents and dragons are portents of cause anxiety, disturb and loneliness.

Geese equally may presage bad luck or carnage. Horse and horses

communicate opulence, as do assorted occurrences of birds in Celtic

subtitle. Foliate fizz images were important to Celtic cultures, equally

symbolizing opulence. Horns were a powerful symbol of virility and

divine power. The Celts not without help gave their gods horns, but choice

their probability of joy in disagreement by dressed in horned helmets. In

Celtic mythology powerful opponents may use the magic of construct

fickle within different animal forms here disagreement. The degree three

was sacred to the Celts, and deities were sometimes portrayed in

groups of three, or as having three heads or faces. In mythological

tales, the deities or semi-divine heroes are described as individuality one of

three take part of the identical name, or as having been untrained three era in
