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Monday 7 April 2014

Do You Wake Up With The Devil Sitting On Your Face

Do You Wake Up With The Devil Sitting On Your Face
If you are anything like me, you may spell morning a little differently - "m-o-u-r-n-i-n-g".

Mornings are tough. They are a struggle. I am not typically a morning person. It is hard to wake up. But that isn't the only issue, when I do eventually wake up I then find it hard not to get drawn in the busyness and complications of my day. When I wake up I feel the smack across my face of all the things reminding me that they need to be done. The day screams - Urgent! Hurry! Get busy! My heart gets so easily burdened and distracted in the morning. That is why I appreciate these comments from C.J. Mahaney and Jeff Purswell which address those struggles and give us a prescription to help us overcome them:

I NEVER CEASE TO BE AMAZED AT HOW COLD MY HEART IS IN THE MORNING. AND I USED TO THINK, "NO, IF I AM REALLY SAVED THEN I WOULDN'T FEEL THIS WAY IN THE MORNING." IT ENCOURAGED ME ONE TIME TO HEAR DR. PIPER SAY, "I FEEL LIKE I HAVE TO GET SAVED EVERY MORNING. I WAKE UP AND THE DEVIL IS SITTING ON MY FACE." (TWEET THIS) I can relate to that....The coldness that I feel just reminds me how badly I need God. Because apart from him I can do nothing. And apart from getting food for my soul this morning, I will be starving....

...getting (my) soul happy before God. That is what I am after in my devotions. I am not there to learn more data about God (although hopefully I am constantly learning as I read and meditate upon Scripture). I am not there studying (I will study at other times). But I am desperate in those moments not merely to complete a regimen, I am there to, as James put it, to "draw near to God." I am banking on his promise, "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you" (4:8 ESV)(ht: Sovereign Grace Blog on Early Morning Spiritual Battles)
