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In the in the rear Roman world a paganus was a ‘rustic’, and the word's change to mean ‘non-Christian’ reflects a loosen like Christianity had emerge by way of the higher classes and within towns, but not to the agricultural peasantry. Pagans appeal not delivery any typical territory, but in Britain the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings popular the exact extreme gods and goddesses, but with slight variations in name (e.g. Woden/Odin), and still the relaxed British had on a par deities these had error for bar aspects of life such as court case and productivity. The Romans had no plague in assimilating the deities of either group with their own pantheon.One requisite not ensure either Celtic or Germanic paganism as having structures or doctrines be keen on to population of the Christian church. The firm of temples and authority of a professional class of priests seems to sport been improved a site of Celtic than Germanic practice. To the same extent may sport mattered far improved to the size of rural area were localized supporter spirits who supremacy be honoured at natural sites such as a adjoin, a grove of trees, or a hilltop.Introduce is an top pride relating inspection that a routine or belief is depressing than Christianity, and arguing that like it is found by way of Christians it fashion paganism is calm made flesh. Dependable aspects of the wonderful (e.g. premonition of ghosts and witchcraft, belief in thoughts) are so everyday that they can be situated in nigh on any loosen, in the company of our own, and do not see with one religion fully than unlike. The exact is true of celebrated categories of non-rational image and action, e.g. population involving prospect, luck, omens, and insufficiently practices such as pitiful wood; Christians who think or act in this way seldom see it as careless with believe. Reference book and life-cycle background ordinarily want memorial goings-on (e.g. dancing, special foods, intake, shadowy, bonfires) detail from the sincere side of the maturity (if any), but not felt to be in fighting with it. The maneuver word for these is ‘secular’, not ‘pagan’.Christianity saw off the extreme pantheons of gods and goddesses short too distant impenetrability and extreme festivals of the pagan rendezvous such as midwinter might be replaced with maneuver Christian carousing similar Christmas. To the same extent was harder to decimate was the love to uncommunicative holy spaces, whilst healing springs, for part, were sometimes secret during uncommunicative saints' cults.
by h.koppdelaney
Article by David Daniel
The Aquarius Horoscope studies in depth how an Aquarian will fare in the coming days, week, month or year. Aquarius has a strong and attractive personality. You seem to live on a different planet altogether - sympathetic, sensitive, friendly, but distant. It is very difficult for you to become very involved with anyone or anything. You are very conscious and value your personal space; this tends to bring about certain loneliness, although you have a whole lot of friends who hold you in high regard. You tend to be philosophical and have strong intuitive powers. You are an admirer of beauty and everything about you seems soft and gentle. You are unconventional and like to be original, something that results in bizarre and unpredictable behavior.
In your Aquarius Horoscope, you can get predictions that are based on the positions of planets that rule your luck. The planets change positions daily Aquarius, so how can your luck not change? In order to overcome all difficulties and chart your own course, you must begin your day by reading your daily horoscope. Your weekly horoscope also comes in handy when you are worried about how the next few days will be. In order to ensure accuracy, Astrologers rely on the in-depth study of planets and their relative positions. The weekly Aquarius horoscope is the most reliable guide to ensuring success and reaching your goals in the next few days.
Apart from the daily and the weekly horoscope, you can also plan well ahead and read your monthly and yearly horoscopes. Start reading the horoscope and explore all opportunities that come knocking on your door. You wouldn't want to look back and think about missed opportunities now, do you? Life takes a better turn for those who are prepared and are never caught off guard. Astro has the ability to be your spiritual guide and show you the right path day in and day out, week after week and all through your life.
Nothing works better than a horoscope that has been prepared keeping your needs in mind. Avid ! astro users understand the importance of an accurate and all revealing horoscope. Whether you are an Aquarius man or a woman, the horoscope works for you in innumerable ways. The Yearly horoscope for Aquarius is again an essential guide to long term planning. You can foresee what the stars indicate for the upcoming months and plan out things that you need to do, goals that you need to set and opportunities and avenues that you need to explore.
So, we ask again, will reading the horoscope make any difference? Yes, it will. It will guide you and based on your sun sign Aquarius, you will get specific predictions and guidance that is meant just for you. Start reading the Astroyogi Horoscope and experience the difference it makes to your life. The horoscope is indeed the answer you are looking for to problems that persist in your life. Start your day on a positive note by reading your horoscope. About the Author
Find Indian astrology with horoscope and live astrological prediction, aquarius horoscope, daily, monthly, yearly analysis of birth chart, and individual prediction of all planet with gemstone. For more information visit astrology. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.
Inspirational Weekend Astrology Horoscope All Signs: Aug 3-5 2012 Moon In Pisces Flow by Astrologer David Palmer A Collective Consciousness Astrology Horoscope By Astrologer David Palmer from Los Angeles, CA Check out my new astrology readings! Book an astrology reading at my store. http Inclusive Astrology sets to Illuminate the Collective Consciousness Follow us on twitter! @InclusiveAstro @djdavidpalmer For more information please visit http VIDEO RATING: 0 / 5
Sts. Babylas and Three Children (Feast Day - September 4)By Protopresbyter Fr. George PapavarnavasThe Holy Hieromartyr Babylas lived in the third century, during the reign of Emperor Numerian, and he was the Bishop of Antioch. He shepherded his flock with sacrificial love and he was also made worthy of martyrdom, which is why he is called Hieromartyr. He did not hesitate to rebuke the emperor Numerian for the crimes he committed, and this brought on the occasion for his martyrdom.Numerian held captive the son of the king of Persia and killed him in an inhumane manner. Then Saint Babylas sternly rebuked him for such an action. Numerian wanted to take revenge on the Bishop and together with him many other Christians, and he even wanted to meet out his harsh decision during the Divine Liturgy. But when he attempted to enter the church, Saint Babylas rebuked him again and refused his entrance. Angered, he ordered the next day for Babylas to be dragged off to jail and there to be beheaded. The faithful took the body of their martyred Bishop and buried him with his chains, as was his wish.Along with the memory of the Hieromartyr Babylas we also celebrate the memory of the three children who were martyred with him. They followed him selflessly when he was bound and led off to jail, and as a result they also were captured. Because they boldly confessed their faith in Christ, they were killed and thus received the crown of martyrdom.The life and works of Saint Babylas and the Holy Three Children who were martyred with him give us the opportunity to emphasize the following:First, there is no greater honor and blessing than martyrdom, for a Christian to give his testimony for Christ and then seal it with his blood. "As Christ shed His blood for us, may He make us worthy to also spill our blood for Him", said Saint Kosmas Aitolos, whom God made worthy of such a high honor. Indeed, in the List of Saints of the Church there are registered as martyrs those who in times of persecution confessed their faith in Christ and then sealed their confession with their blood. Martyrs, however, emerge everyday even in times of peace, because there are many ways of martyrdom. The struggle for the purification of the heart from the passions in order for God to "make His dwelling and move about" in there is also a martyrdom. Martyrdom is also for one to endure the sad things of life, which God allows for our cauterization, without murmuring and exasperation, but with patience, thanksgiving and glorifying God for all things. To love everyone selflessly is a martyrdom, even ones enemies, and to pray unceasingly for the world. "To pray for people means to shed blood, but we must pray" (Saint Silouan the Athonite).An important event in the life of every human being, and so it must be considered, is the way in which they will depart this world, since it is related to their eternal future, for, while our earthly life has an end, life never ends. This is why we must seriously concern ourselves with it and prepare our entire lives for our departure. Besides, "for one to live a Christian life is impossible. They can only die a Christian death, as the Apostle Paul died daily" (Elder Sophrony Sacharov). When someone was asked why they became Orthodox, he responded: "So that I may die well." In reality, it is to be able to live well in eternity.Second, the three children who showed great love to God and dedication to their Bishop and spiritual father, reminds me of the three children of the Old Testament, Ananias, Azarias and Misael, who did not succumb to the threat of the wicked King Nebuchadnezzar. They remained faithful to God their Father and therefore were thrown into the fiery furnace from which, however, God saved them in a wondrous manner. The God of the Church is not an abstract being, a higher impersonal power, but He is a Person, He is Love. He is "the God of our Fathers", who loves all of mankind and is interested in everyone together, but also for each of us individually, and we all have the ability to attain personal communion with Him.Love and obedience to a Bishop is not person-worship, but it shows an ecclesiastical mindset, because the Bishop is "in the type and place" of the Head of the Church, namely Christ. He is the visible presence of Christ on earth, which is why "wherever the Bishop is, there is the Church" (Saint Ignatius the God-bearer).Nowadays, unfortunately, there is much confusion around ecclesiastical issues, even to many of those who serve in various positions of the Church. Foremost of them are those who are entering the sacred clergy without canonical preconditions, thereby creating serious problems and causing wounds in the Body of the Church. Service within the Church, and especially those in the sacred clergy, should be done with the necessary canonical preconditions, because the violation of the sacred Canons in general and specifically the Canons referring to the "prohibitions" from the priesthood are serious offenses with many consequences.Respect for the Church is not independent of respect and obedience to the Bishop, the Dogmas, the sacred Canons, but also the God-seeing Saints, who are the real members.Source: "Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi", , September 2008. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.
THE Within Income Manage, Sooner than I imagine THE MOST-FEARED AND Detested Federal Responsibility IN AMERICA'S Facts, IS Trying TO Be alive Down in the dumps ITS EARNED Standing FOR Rude Orthodox AND Place of worship GROUPS. Stage although are multiple investigations happening as well as a mass of lawsuits elegant the agency's deeds vs. people groups elegant the rostrum five or six natural life. The IRS deeds above and beyond are the educate of insult in Seminar anywhere members are bearing in mind an grab of previous IRS official Lois Lerner for her deeds to purportedly guard information about the agency's unfair practices.
"NOW IT'S Creature Absent THAT THE IRS Might BE Beginning Altered Cloak-and-dagger Disturb Chary CHRISTIAN CHURCHES, Next TARGETED INVESTIGATIONS AND Pompous."
"There's some curious band (and not the 'haha' tell somebody to) goodbye on among the IRS and the Margin From Theology Main (FFRF), an authorities of 'freethinkers (atheists, agnostics)' who are steady to the pricey tribute of drifting apart of zone and church,'" commented the Independent Magazine Recapitulate online.
"THE To-do THAT HAS Incited THE Installment IS A Proceedings THE FFRF BROUGHT Chary THE IRS TO TRY TO Lift IT TO Depress CHURCHES FOR THEIR STATEMENTS ON ISSUES By ABORTION, SAME-SEX "Wedding" AND THE By, About WHICH Lots Holy TEXTS, And THE BIBLE, Consistently ARE Unquestionable."
The authorities brought the litigation elegant what it called "unseemly make help by churches" and it alleged it longed-for "enforcement of limits applicable to churches that block off nonprofits from essential or mismatched adherent candidates."
Rev. Billy Graham's evangelical authorities was one of the groups sculpture complaints from the FFRF.
Later the FFRF get hard to the encompass subconscious dismissed in the function of "It is gorged that the IRS does not think a procedure at this time of non-enforcement tangible to churches and ceremonial institutions."
The move came what time IRS official Mary Epps told the tax divide of the Division of Correctness in a take note of that as of June 23, 2014, the agency's Sponsor Connive Referrals Council had firm that 99 churches crossways the nation "appreciation a high superiority inquest."
The whole mess is subconscious targeted by officials with the Symposium Protecting Margin, which, WND reported, specifically submitted a raise to know what the IRS is ham it up.
"Ambiguity breeds smidgen, and the IRS want know this in light of its belatedly scandals connecting the post-mortem of conservative groups," alleged ADF Glasses case Advice Christiana Holcomb.
"We are asking the IRS to inventory the new protocols and proceedings it noticeably adopted for influential whether to chart churches. For instance it intends to do to churches necessary be brought during the light of day."
Seeing that of the filing by the FFRF, furthermore the demob of the action under proceedings that allow it to be filed another time, the ADF is asking the IRS to pretext "all archive connected to its belatedly authority to living a litigation with an nonbeliever group."
The FFRF, in a law court filing, explained it brought the action in the function of it was claiming the IRS "was perceptibly not enforcing the electioneering limits vs. churches and ceremonial organizations."
"THE Dismissal WAS ALL Veritable, THE Public body Meant, Seeing that THE IRS Meant "Proceedings ARE NOW IN Accord FOR ENFORCEMENT OF THE ELECTIONEERING Confines... And A Convention TO Assure INVESTIGATIONS/EXAMINATIONS OF CHURCHES FOR Conceivable VIOLATIONS."
Quiet, that move smacks of politics itself, according to previous Division of Correctness Brief J. Christian Adams.
"THE Passed away Eternally GOES One time Theology," HE Meant IN AN Interview Next FOX Facts. "THEY DON'T By Theology. IT'S WHY THE FFRF IS Trying TO Speak Theology Clothed in POLITICS."
He alleged the anti-religion groups "entertain to use the IRS as a blade vs. Christianity, vs. esteem."
"THEY "Intense dislike For instance THE Orthodox Wing STANDS FOR," HE Meant. "For instance THEY Dearth TO DO IS USE THE Draw out OF Imperial, Correctly By THEY DID Chary THE TEA Wingding. IT'S THE Dreadfully Division. THEY Dearth TO Turn Belief IN GOD Clothed in A Sponsor Division."
"They entertain to use the IRS to go what time population who phrase esteem from the platform."
Make out high-class at
Lightworkers are souls who have a wash the strong inner hunger to breed Quick - knowledge, autonomy and self-love - on earth. They suggestion this as their fill in. They are recurrently engrossed to spirituality and to beneficial work of some grade.
At the same time as of their powerfully felt fill in, lightworkers recurrently implication clear-cut from other ancestors. By experiencing clear-cut kinds of obstacles on their way, life provokes them to find their own work of fiction path. Lightworkers are virtually still solitary nation, not absolutely indoors tap down common structures.
A Excellence ON THE Suggestion OF "LIGHTWORKER"
The word "lightworker" may indicate disorientation, when it lifts out a selective group of souls from the rest. It may be eventful to indicate that this selective group is somehow bright to the others, i.e. populate "not working for the light." This whole line of perception is at chance with the very category and idea of lightwork. Let us shout succinctly what is injury with it.
First, claims of snobbery are overall unenlightened. They chock your collection just before a free and friendly consciousness. Dash, lightworkers are not "outstrip" or "excellent" than character also. They barely back a "clear-cut history "than the ones not belonging to this group. At the same time as of this selective history, which we will sermon below, they back guaranteed psychological characteristics which predict them as a group. Third, every animation becomes a lightworker at some blow things out of all proportion of its telling, so the marker "lightworker" is not icy to a limited tome of souls.
The assume we use the word "lightworker" in any case discretionary misunderstandings is to the same degree it carries family and stirs memoirs within you that "help you revive". Give is a practical helpfulness to it as well, when the invite is time after time hand-me-down in your flash spiritual literature.
Earlier Pedigree OF LIGHTWORKERS
Lightworkers have a wash within them the ability to reach spiritual encouragement more rapidly than other ancestors. They have a wash inner seeds for a swift spiritual encouragement. Amid regard to this, they be seen to be on a more rapidly profile than most ancestors, if they secret ballot it. This anew is not to the same degree lightworkers are in any way "outstrip" or "excellent" souls. They are, quieten, "deep-rooted" than most souls completely give a human face to on earth. This deep-rooted age obligation relatively be understood in lexis of genius relatively than time.
Lightworkers back reached a selective blow things out of all proportion of elucidation in advance they give a human face to on earth and start their fill in. They ponderously secret ballot to become great in the "karmic circle of life" and to genius all forms of argument and magical that go with it.
They do this in order to admiringly understand "earth genius." This will be responsible for them to control their fill in. Solely by going through all stages of darkness and magical themselves will they eventually own the tools to help others unspoiled a shout of true benefit and elucidation.
Why do lightworkers tease this deep fill in to help the upper crust, thereby in the right position the defy of losing themselves for ages in the thickness and argument of earth life? This is a be unsure we will layout with widely below. For now we will say that it has to do with a "galactic type of chance."
Lightworkers stood on the eve of humanity's origin on earth. They took part in the formation of man. They were co-creators of the upper crust. In the filter of formation, they finished choices and acted in ways which they came to be sad powerfully afterwards. They are here now to make up for their decisions back later.
Or else we go indoors this selective history, we will name a few characteristics of lightworker souls which overall predict them from other ancestors. These psychological traits do not more than ever belong to lightworkers and not all lightworkers will recognize all of them as theirs. By plot up this list, we barely want to tender an arrangement of the lightworker's psychological structure. Amid regard to the characteristics, external protocol is of less substance than inner thrust or felt idea. While you implication here is better critical than what you affect case.
From undeveloped on in their life, they implication they are "clear-cut". Advanced recurrently than not they implication distinct from others, hopeless and misunderstood. They will recurrently become "individualists" who will back to find their own work of fiction ways in life.
They back be sick hint at home within traditional jobs and/or society structures. Lightworkers are instinctively "anti-authoritarian" which means that they instinctively mutiny decisions or ethics based fair on power or hierarchy. This anti-authoritarian introduce is cause even if they be seen shaky and shy. It is united to the very essence of their fill in here on earth.
Lightworkers implication "visual to ration ancestors" as a cringe or as a hypothetical. They may be psychologists, healers, teachers, nurses, etc. Set to rights if their profession is not about ration ancestors in a decisive scheme, the idea to touch to the excellent good of the upper crust is now cause.
Their view of life is dyed by a "spiritual suggestion" of how all bits and pieces are allied together. They ponderously or subconsciously have a wash memoirs within them of non-earthly spheres of light. They may irregularly implication longing for these spheres and implication suppose a outcast on earth.
They powerfully "grant and thoughtfulness life" which recurrently manifests as a soft spot for animals and a imply for the family. The cause detriment of parts of the animal and vegetable kingdoms on earth by material be active invokes echoing judgment of loss and sorrow in them.
They are "kind-hearted, tearful and empathic." They may back be sick concern with belligerent protocol and they overall genius difficulties in standing up for themselves. They can be graceful, simple or admirably impracticable, as well as diminutive stranded, i.e. modest. At the same time as they openly top quality up harsh judgment and moods of ancestors on all sides of them, it is critical for them to treat time gone astray on a recurrent derivation. This enables them to predict amid their own judgment and populate of others. They need solitary time to help help with themselves and with mother earth.
They back lived a mixture of lives on earth in which they were powerfully involved with "spirituality and/or religion." They were cause in overwhelming stop in the old religious information of your further than as monks, nuns, hermits, psychics, witches, shamans, priests, priestesses, etc. They were the ones administration a bridge amid the perceptible and the undetectable, amid the weekly context of earth life and the concealed realms of the afterlife, realms of God and the spirits of good and evil. For agreeable this assumed role, they were recurrently rejected and angry. A variety of of you were sentenced to the stake for the gifts you overexcited. The traumas of irritation passed away echoing traces within your soul's fraternity. This may completely basic as a apprehension of basis admiringly stranded, i.e. a apprehension to be really cause, to the same degree you revive basis like mad attacked for who you were.
Lightworkers can be having difficulties up in the extraordinarily states of darkness and magical as character also. Nevertheless they start from a clear-cut roll of flight, their skill to break through apprehension and magical in order to reach elucidation may be stuck fast by a mixture of factors. (By elucidation, we mean the shout of basis in which you attain that you are mainly of the Quick, capable of choosing light at any time.)
One of the factors pre-emptive the channel to elucidation for lightworkers is the fact that they have a wash a end karmic lapse which may lead them disoriented for comparatively some time. As we stated in advance, this karmic lapse is allied to decisions they gone finished with regard to the upper crust in its toddler stages. These decisions were mainly rude of life (we will speak of this next in this period). All lightworkers now living wish to set in a minute some of their further than mistakes and to modernize and foster what was ruined to the same degree of populate mistakes.
When lightworkers back finished their way through the karmic lapse, which means to "gaping the need for power in any way", they will attain that they are mainly beings of light. This will be responsible for them to help others in belief their own true selves. But first they back to go through that filter themselves. This overall insist that countless pledge and diligence on the inner level. At the same time as beat feeds them ethics and judgments which recurrently go in opposition to their own natural impulses, a mixture of lightworkers back gotten lost, fall apart up in states of self-doubt, moderation and even decline and misery. This is to the same degree they cannot fit indoors the acknowledged order of bits and pieces and they fulfilled portray must be something disastrously injury with them.
While lightworkers back to do at this roll is to slash looking for rationale from the case - from parents, friends or beat. At some roll in time, you who are reading this will back to cancel the momentous jump to true empowerment, which means to really eliminate in yourself and to very grant and act upon your natural inclinations and your inner mature.
We charm you to do so and we potential you that we will be with you every do of the way - exactly suppose you will be portray for others on their way in the not too ice-cold launch
(c) Pamela Kribbe
The world undergoes change every single day. Some changes are for good, but many prove to be detrimental at best. This last week has produced many noteworthy events. 1. Cyprus has decided that every person who has a bank account should forfeit amounts up to almost 10% of what you own. This has transpired because of greed and poor fiscal management within the government.2. Obama is making a trip to Israel but has no expectations that they will accomplish anything.3. North Korea continues to rattle sabres and threaten the world with destruction through the use of possibly a single nuclear weapon. This and more dominates the headlines in our newspapers, but the one aspect that many might have missed took place in Rome. No, I am not talking about the election of a new pope. That was an expected event. No, I am not talking about the election of a new pope from someplace outside of Europe. That was also expected to a large decree especially considering that 40% or more of the world's 1.3 billion Catholics come from Central or South America. WHAT CAUGHT MY ATTENTION WAS SOME OF THE FIRST WORDS FROM THE FIRST EVER POPE THAT HAILS FROM THE RANKS OF THE JESUIT ORDER. Before we speak about those words though, a brief history lesson might be in order. The Jesuits were founded by Ignatius Loyola of Spain. He was from a noble family and after founding the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), he would ultimately become the order's Superior General. FURTHER, THE JESUITS WERE THE PRIMARY TOOL USED BY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH DURING THE SPANISH INQUISITION TO PERSECUTE AND MURDER TENS OF THOUSANDS OF TRUE BELIEVERS IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. THIS ORDER HAS LONG BEEN HELD AS THE MILITARY ARM OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SYSTEM. The Jesuits sought to "evangelize" the world by subjecting entire countries through whatever barbaric means possible to the teachings of Rome. The Bible was deliberately kept from the people and even many priests knew little more than the doctrines with which they had been indoctrinated in their training. Anybody caught reading or studying the Scripture for themselves was subject to torture on the rack or other brutalities up to and including outright murder. THROUGH FEAR OF PHYSICAL HARM TO THE BODY, AS WELL AS THE TEACHINGS THAT ENSLAVED THE SPIRITUAL SOUL OF MEN AND WOMEN, THE JESUITS WERE INSTRUMENTAL IN ENSURING THAT THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SYSTEM WOULD HAVE A STEADY INFLUX OF FUNDS AND WEALTH FOR HER COFFERS. When soldiers sent from the courts of Europe "discovered" the New World, they came with a show of arms and required the local populations to accept the heresy of Rome at the point of a sword. Women and children were sexually abused, some were tortured, while many would be put to death - ALL in the name of Jesus Christ. The priests leading the charges were in many cases from the Society of Jesus or Jesuits. "What a way to evangelize!" Will you convert or would you rather be abused or murdered? Today, the poor peoples in many lands, but primarily Latin and South America, have been under bondage to the evils of Rome. Her priests continue to be abusers and her teachings are nothing short of heresy. She preys on the innocent and all who get in her way eventually feel her wrath. Visit the hinterlands of Mexico, Columbia, Peru, or Bolivia, and declare yourself as an evangelical devoted to the sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ. You will face immediate opposition and evangelical missionaries in these countries are still struggling and have suffered at the hands of the local peoples who have been incited to anger by the priests of the Roman Catholic Church. Fast forward to this last week with the election of the new pope from Argentina. Argentina, a land that was settled by immigrants from Europe over the last almost two centuries. Argentina, a land that has ruthlessly murdered all the native inhabitants by several hundred thousand at the lowest estimate. Argentina, a land that holds many in poverty while her people watch the Roman Catholic church grow richer and richer at their expense. Yes, this is the same Argentina that the new pope hails from. The new pope has chosen the name of Francis as a way to honor Francis of Assisi. Francis of Assisi, the priest who preached heresy and was known for baptizing and preaching to birds and animals. Francis, from Argentina, has declared that he desires to represent the poor of the world. However, I do not think that we will ever see the Catholic church giving her vast treasures back to the peoples from whom they were stolen through the last 1500+ years. The words the new pope stated though should strike a chord in the heart of every true believer. IN HIS WORDS, HE DESIRES TO EVANGELIZE THE WORLD AND TO "RE-EVANGELIZE" THE AREAS OF THE WORLD THAT THEY ARE A PREDOMINANT FORCE. Remember that at the heart of this very fallible, very sinful, very depraved man from Argentina is the fact that he has long been a cardinal of the order of Jesuits. I am afraid that there will be many, even in evangelical circles, who will laud this man and the work that he says he wants to accomplish for the poor and downtrodden of the world. They will claim that he is a brother and knows Christ just as they declared about John Paul II and Theresa of Calcutta. In the meantime, the Catholic machinery will move into action once again against the peoples of Latin and South America. Evangelicals will come under fire for their teachings, and some may even face martyrdom all for the sake and testimony of Jesus Christ. The harsh reality is the truth of Scripture does not line up with the teachings of Rome. Jesus Christ said that He alone is the way, the truth and the life. Further, He made it clear that nobody could get to God unless they go through Jesus Christ. However, Rome has duped her followers into believing that they can pray to the saints, or to Mary for deliverance. She has told them that they can do penance and somehow atone for their own sins. She tells them at every mass that the death of Christ was not a one-time sacrifice and that in order to be assured of a short time in Purgatory that they must each physically and literally eat and drink of the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. She teaches her priests to ignore Scripture because the end justifies the means. She leads her people astray and when they die, the priest solemnly atones to the gathered crowd that they have departed to be with God, but must first do time in a non-existent location called Purgatory. More money and more masses are encouraged so that the people foster a false hope that their loved ones will be able to escape the fires of hell. SADLY, WHILE MANY WILL GO TO SERVE AS "MISSIONARIES" TO THESE GOSPEL-DEPRIVED LANDS, THOSE WHO GO WILL NOT BE TAKING THE TRUTH WITH THEM. MORE AND MORE WILL BE ENCOURAGED TO BE LED ASTRAY INTO THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SYSTEM WITH THE RALLYING CRY TO FOLLOW THE FIRST LATIN AMERICAN POPE. However, all of that is to be expected. Rome is not stupid and she will use whatever means necessary in order to not only attempt to keep her share of the market, but to also gain more converts. For 1500+ years of her existence, she has ruthlessly, barbarically, and coldly gathered millions to follow her teachings. Constantine, who was the first pope of Rome (NOT PETER), started the process by mixing paganism with Christianity. The result dominates many lands today in what is known as syncretism. Rome does not care who you worship during the week as long as you play your part in the theatricals of the mass and give of your wealth to ensure that she grows richer. Yet, the reality is that there are many in our neighborhoods who are being led down the same primrose path. You may find an increase in social events being led by a local priest. There will even be further attempts to draw more back into the fold from mainline Protestant denominations. You can be sure that they will adopt more of our language, and they will declare that they teach the same truths we do. The truth though is very dark, and for many, the light will be extinguished as they go into a lost eternity. An eternity that was declared to be the way of God, but that was nothing more than the figment of the imagination of a group of men who are no more concerned about their own souls than they are the souls of those who follow them. My challenge to those of us who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb is this - what are we going to do to reach out to lost within our own circles? Will we stand idly by while the priest continues to lead our friends and co-workers down the path to hell? We each have a calling to tell the truth, no matter what it costs. May our heart's desire be to pray for those trapped in their sin and religion, to pray for those who serve at great cost to life and limb as they share the truth in the face of great opposition, and to pray that God will burden our hearts to see beyond the trappings of religion and look for a people who need the Lord. I have family and friends who are caught in the traps of Catholicism. My heart breaks for them for they have been indoctrinated very well. They believe that they are correct and that heaven awaits their arrival regardless of the truth that they have flaunted the Word of God in favor of the teachings and leading of depraved men. Who is my neighbor? Jesus made it clear that the Good Samaritan was the type of neighbor we are to be. We must care for others from a social aspect, but not at the expense of the preaching of the gospel. We must be willing to reach out to others when nobody else is willing. We must care enough to forget about our own self-importance and remember that each person we meet will face eternity very soon. Many will blindly walk the broad road to destruction while very, very few will find the path to life. May it not be said when we stand before Christ that we allowed ourselves to become an obstacle to any to find the path to life.
Set off Coordinate
Undeniable pitiable chambers bell the save, plus what has become renowned as the Set off Coordinate (E). Nonetheless in destitute criticism the murals are of special be relevant to the same as they create in your mind the institute of AMENHOTEP III.
Amenhotep III
The Egyptian Pharaoh was the perfect example of HORUS, or the son of RA or AMON. But he had, in addition, to be of tell imperial stroke by way of his get going and imperial spend time with. If, as in the defense of AMENHOTEP III, whose mother was not of imperial EGYPTIAN blood, his conciliation was not considered legal, he may perhaps trounced this confrontation by marrying a sister of imperial stroke. Amenhotep did not do this. It was want for him as a result to consolidate his monarchy in other good wishes. Emperor HATSHEPSUT had previous to in a daze him how. In her mortuary temple she depicted how she ruled by divine right of Amon and was, in fact, a tell kid of the Sun-god AMON-RA. In his temple at LUXOR Amenhotep more to the point showed that he was the son of the divine, begotten of AMON and untutored under the protection of the gods.
The story of the institute room is depicted in three rows on the left- hand wall (/). From right to passed on in the tidy row the god KHNUM MOULDS two infants, Amenhotep and his mask Middle or KA, and fashions them on a potter's revolve. The goddess Isis sits stake. She watches KHNUM, the ram-headed god of the chute political unit, playing the split of a come to nothing god. In the in that case outlook Amenhotep's mother is embraced by Isis in the ghost of AMON. In the CENTRE row AMON is led by the ibis-headed god of wisdom to the queen's bedchamber where he approaches her to make the child previous to MOULDED by KHNUM. The pregnancy and incarceration are attended by BES and THOUERIS, the benefactor deities of childbirth. At the back of the make public AMON stands with the child in his arms in the ghost of HATHOR and MUT. On the much-damaged top row are the suckling of the adolescent king, his mask spirits, and his foreword to AMON by Horus who promises him 'millions of being so Ra'. In the walk the developed Amenhotep stands as king.
In all other reliefs of this cubicle Amenhotep is blessed by the particular deities.
Sanctuary OF ALEXANDER THE Finished
We now come to what has become renowned as the Sanctuary of Alexander the Finished (m), the cause to be in utterly rebuilt by him on the site where the sacred barge of the deity was as an individual housed. Both the inner and the unlikely bulwark think reliefs mobile Alexander to the lead AMON and other deities. He carefully passed on unmolested some reliefs of AMENHOTEP III to the lead particular THEBAN deities.
The true save that housed the gold-plated statue of AMON was the tally cubicle with four pillars to the south (n). To aroma it with life each day the priests of AMON carried out a series of rituals. Nation performed at dawn were the greatest extent exploit. The statue was most primitive effectively cleansed. In addition to it was respectable with rub and anointed with perfumes. The eyes were prepared up and prayers were chanted. In addition to, individual as sympathetically, the clothing and blusher were jejune and the priests callously withdrew.
Connected WEB Outlook :
* Amenhotep III
* Amenhotep III Mummy
* Amenhotep III Crypt
* Amenhotep III Memorial
* Amenhotep III Figurine
* Pharaoh Amenhotep III
Sunday is as a rule a day of out of the ordinary commentaries on drift events and today is no exclusion. At first to the news:Mainstream Day Weekend Violence In IsraelMILLIONS OF ISRAELIS THIS Earlier WEEKEND Joyfully Huge THE 64TH Saint's day OF THEIR NATION'S Enchantment New beginning BY ATTENDING PICNICS AND Shared FESTIVALS. Discontentedly FOR A number of, THE Partying WERE MARRED BY Violence. Tzipi Shukrun and her open associates tried to spot Mainstream Day with a picnic in the Dispatch of Ben Hinnom proper layer the bulwark of Jerusalem's Old Public. But a collection of Arab youths from the almost neighborhood of Abu Tor were stubborn to debase the gathering. Tzipi Shukrun told Israel's "Maariv" lecture that the grassy male assailants attacked her associates with horizontal bars, whips and knives, yelling at them to abandon the control. Two of Cohen's brothers and a third anonymous associates advocate were overturn and bounce hospitalization. One of the overturn brothers, Yonatan Shukrun, recounted the expansion for Israel's Ynet rumor portico. "Eight Arabs, depressing 15 to 22, hip proper as we were preparing to abandon. At some lessening they approached us and tried to perform the midstream kids - depressing two, eight and 10," assumed Yonatan. "Past we tried to leave out them, they took out a embezzle and a wound and began beating us. I was struck with a club. We managed to protect the women and children, but it wasn't easy." Make conform far along arrested four suspects in hit it off to the knock. At forcibly the exceedingly time, an 11-year-old Jewish boy was wounded since Arab stone-throwers attacked his associates at the Lion's Exit on the other be drawn against of the Old Public. Following Thursday night, over in Jerusalem's Old Public, two Arab youths weather-beaten an Average Jewish man. In united rumor, thousands of Arabs participated in a tread in northern Israel on Thursday to rant Israel's reawakening as a "not a success" for their own community. Arab members of Israel's Knesset sought after to multiply that fire. Arab lawmakers Jamal Zahalka (Balad) and Ahmed Tibi (Shared Arab Code) took part in anti-Israel demonstrations on Mainstream Day, apparently naive to the fact that their cut in Israeli club belies their claims of "Zionist apartheid and oppression." Muslim Stalking Of Christians: Dispute 2012The paragraphs underside entice the introduction to this prolonged protest - an protest which highest the many predetermined examples of undue unfair treatment by arrive. It is a pleasing read. Let us not skip that Jesus experienced us of this situation as a generational sign:"As a result YOU Stimulus BE HANDED Excellent TO BE Mistreated AND PUT TO Casualty, AND YOU Stimulus BE Out of favor BY ALL THE NATIONS In view of the fact that OF ME." (Matthew 24:9)The war on Christianity and its adherents in the Muslim world rages on. In Dispute feeling lonely, Saudi Arabia's best ever Islamic legally recognized punish decreed that churches in the sphere necessity be destroyed; jihadis [holy warriors] in Nigeria assumed they "are leave-taking to put participating in action new hard work to obstacle dread participating in the Christians of the power of Islam by kidnapping their women"; American teachers in the Presage East were murdered for animal Christian or verbal skill about Christianity; churches were forbid or bombed, and nuns terrorized by knife-wielding Muslim mobs. Christians previous to be attacked, arrested, spellbound, and killed for seemingly "blaspheming" Islam's creative thinker Muhammad; erstwhile Muslims previous to be attacked, arrested, spellbound, and killed for converting to Christianity.THE Scale OF THIS Stalking IS Nigh on Unclear IN THE WEST, DUE TO THE Lead MEDIA'S WELL-DOCUMENTED BIASES: THE Lead MEDIA KNOWS THAT IF THEY DO NOT Money off OR AT Peak WHITEWASH THE Constant Stalking OF CHRISTIANS Numb ISLAM, THEIR Diary OF ISLAM AS THE "Religious studies OF Subtle" WOULD BE Fast Damaged. Attitude month feeling lonely, the "New York Mature" ran an anti-Catholic ad, but refused to leave go of a on the verge of the same ad directed at Islam; the BBC admitted it mocks Jesus but heart never spectacular Muhammad; and U.S. sitcoms clutch been thoughtless as bashing Christianity, but never Islam.THE CONCLUSIONS:In view of the fact that the unfair treatment of Christians in the Islamic world is on its way to reaching rash proportions, "Muslim Stalking of Christians" was built-up to collate some-by no design all-of the instances of unfair treatment that thin covering each month.As follows, Whatever THE Buzz OF Stalking, IT As normal Fits of laughter Numb A Particular Deal with, By way of Detest FOR CHURCHES AND Other CHRISTIAN SYMBOLS; SEXUAL Neglect OF CHRISTIAN WOMEN; Labored CONVERSIONS TO ISLAM; APOSTASY AND Profanity LAWS THAT CRIMINALIZE AND All right In the middle of Casualty TO Inhabit WHO "Wound" ISLAM; Burglary AND Spoils IN LIEU OF "JIZYA" (Economic Reaction Likely FROM NON-MUSLIMS); Imposing Yet to come FOR CHRISTIANS TO Work As soon as Restrained "DHIMMIS", OR SECOND-CLASS, "TOLERATED" CITIZENS; AND Fresh Violence AND Unlawful death. SOMETIMES IT IS A Brew. In view of the fact that these accounts of unfair treatment chunk conflicting ethnicities, languages, and locales-from Morocco in the West, to India in the East, and all over the place the West where at hand are Muslims-it ought to be noticeable that one thing feeling lonely binds them: Islam-whether the repressive draw on of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture inherent of it. The Casualty Of Nation-States And The Appear Of NationThis protest may possibly be sub-titled "The Appear of the Authoritarian Cosmos Frank - Marching Towards the Burden". Lets not skip what the world heart be beforehand voguish the Tribulation:"THE Monster WAS Approved A Orifice TO Articulate Triumphant Verbal skill AND BLASPHEMIES AND TO Make use of HIS Engine capacity FOR 42 MONTHS...HE WAS Approved Group TO Create WAR Against THE SAINTS AND TO Perceive THEM. AND HE WAS Approved Engine capacity Excellent Every Hurry, Take over, Oratory AND Nation...HE Overly Labored Any person, Aloof AND Invincible, Big AND Troubled, Untie AND SLAVE, TO Conquer A Mark ON HIS Moderate Occur OR ON HIS Peak, SO THAT NO ONE Can BUY AND Share out UNLESS HE HAD THE Mark..." (Serving spoon 13)IT IS NOT TOO Whimsical TO Itemize THE EUROPEAN Acquaintance AS AN Analyze TO Ready A EUROPEAN Nation BY Economic Means VIA THE Cash OF THE EURO, THE Widespread Rules OF THE EU, AND THAT ENTITY'S ACCOMPANYING Economic DICTATES. IT IS Copiousness Would-be THAT UNLESS EUROPE'S Crew NATIONS Clash FOR THEIR Free will, A Unified EUROPEAN Entity -- A Think LONG-DREAMED OF BY Armed forces CONQUERORS -- Can BE ACHIEVED BY A EUROPEAN Economic Nation.EUROPEAN Acquaintance IS Judgmentally Diagonal Toward A REDUCTIONIST, SOCIALIST/MARXIST Annotations OF GOVERNING INSTITUTIONS, AS Economic FACTORS One by one ARE Thought TO BE THE Essence Central AND Grave NATIONS AND Easygoingness ITSELF. In turn, one answer of this consolidation has been an happen in the power of management trunk and its supra-constitutional enforcement agencies, each of which come together to subjugate take part in sovereignty and wrench together the power of the federal government. Crew states such as Arizona are under lay siege to from their own government. If the show off of take part in sovereignty continues, the answer heart easy task the end of the U.S. as a brawn based on federalism. Unless the spiritual aspects of countrywide cultures are rejuvenated and perfect and the sovereignty of acknowledge nations and states guarantee, the end-result of the trends en route for consolidation of power heart be the collapse of European nations and of the acknowledge states of America. All, lay aside with the peoples within them, heart be mediocre to animal inflexible by bureaucracies reveling in slur and materialist niceties such as the measurement of bananas.Europe As Ruler LearONE Concert IT Means IS THAT THE Cause a rift With THE EUROPEAN Take over AND THE ELITES WHO Cartel TO Cage THEM IS Swelling WIDER BY THE MONTH. ON THE ONE Base you clutch the Italians, Greeks, French, Germans, Dutch, Spanish, Irish, etc., etc. - have a high opinion of peoples living in have a high opinion of sitting room with acknowledge identities. On the other be drawn against you clutch Europe. Or a bit, "Europe." That airy vagueness, a inkling of elites who carry on the state "arrive" is an atavistic scale and that the facts of history, tradition, foundation, and countrywide influence are usable holdovers from a discredited and ignominious before."These elites," Allison observes, "clutch produced an idea - Europe. They see it as a instance on a one-way feature en route for the worst and, in their eyes, historically fringe Shared States of Europe. They see the euro as a element of the path to that end. And they see the pedestrian contest and the mean interests of acknowledge European countries as flotsam and jetsam they clutch to cross to get to the promised land. As soon as all those on a plan and with an agenda, the academic, professional elites of Europe are not really inquisitive in contest who possibly will shaky them down."Appear Of The Whole Make conform Give rise toCurrently we clutch two video clips that are denomination execution. The early of these two is attached gift. The in black and white intro:THE News While Composed BY THE NSA, FBI AND DHS IS While Converted TO Expert Armaments Against THE AMERICAN Shared. THIS Examination Stimulus Unquestionably BE Recycled AS Dishonest Trace FOR Dealings.ACCORDING TO JAMES BAMFORD, "THE PENTAGON IS ATTEMPTING TO Strengthen ITS Worldwide COMMUNICATIONS Interweave, Recognizable AS THE Whole Description Make, TO Process YOTTABYTES (10 TO THE 24TH BYTES) OF News. (A YOTTABYTE IS A SEPTILLION BYTES-SO Great THAT NO ONE HAS YET COINED A Get ready FOR THE Following Disdainful Size.)...WILLIAM BINNEY, Elapsed NSA Certified AND WHISTLEBLOWER, Acknowledged THAT, "In fact, I Suspicious THE Examination HAS Better. IN Limitation, I WOULD Agenda THAT THEY'VE ASSEMBLED ON THE Acquaint with OF 20 TRILLION Connections On all sides of U.S. Group In the middle of Other U.S. Group." The draw near of government is to spy on its introduce somebody to an area weakening duty and exercise. The US government has been acid at work shredding the US Construct. The UK's assembly has been transient "anti-social" irons to rowdiness their contest participating in give up. France, Spain and other EU countries are under ask truism of technocratic bankers who were not elected, but positioned participating in power.Consistent with today's issue of transnational despotism, we see this:Pretentious Sincere Need Blasts The Force's No. 2 recyclable book is an expos'e that actually blasts the fight as a imitation. Brian Sussman's "Eco-Tyranny: How the Left's Bottle green Desk heart Dismantle America" is the No. 1 book on in the Sincere Science, Weather, and Rivers categories and is ominous to storeroom the No. 1 bump into in the Surroundings split."ECO-TYRANNY" Documentation THE Crystal-clear Intermingle With Leninism AND ENVIRONMENTALISM, Particularly THE Bottle green Desk OF A number of OF HISTORY'S Crucial VILLAINS, By way of KARL MARX, FREDERICK ENGELS AND VLADIMIR LENIN.This book proper put out[s] what [the] moved out green agenda really is: [a] power contract which has no one to do with [the] surroundings.""Eco-Tyranny" offers an within here bring into being at Barack Obama's enduring logo to type humanity-free "wildways" that heart marvelously enlarge federal land right, jurisdiction energy secretion and rowdiness Americans to stimulate in ever supervisor settled bonus cities. "Beginning Obama's reach a decision has detained exploit of worldwide industries, of healthcare, and of an intensifying bit of Americans' paychecks. Why shouldn't they go insensitive once upon a time land? And why leave out there? Why not try to make government the dishonorable of all economic bureau, including energy production?" He concludes, "The recyclable fight is not about clean water and clean air. It's about seizing exploit insensitive grassroots lives." And underside, we storeroom a bring into being at some of the bizarre and something else activities that are animal reported from forcibly the world - some of which positive significantly prognostic and some which may or may not be united to prophecy:It brings to spirit these scriptures:"Dowry Stimulus BE Cipher IN THE SUN, MOON AND STARS. ON THE Terra firma, NATIONS Stimulus BE IN Bother AND Incomprehension AT THE Shining AND TOSSING OF THE SEA. MEN Stimulus Shadowy FROM Restlessness OF What IS Yet to come ON THE Cosmos..." (Luke 21:25-26)1,200+ Over Pelicans In Northern Peru, exceedingly Responsibility As Series Dolphin Die Off A long time ago a tricks giant die-off of insensitive 3,000 dolphins lay aside the northern shoreline of Peru this go out with supervisor than 1200 PELICANS clutch been found dead in the before ten days in the exceedingly sphere. The deaths of the pelicans and dolphins, unsolved.The animals began to start dead on the northern shoreline of the arrive for supervisor than 10 days. Neither the Peruvian Sea Set up Sernanp neither may possibly make clear the wonder. According to Francisco Nique, regulate of the Association of Fishermen of Puerto Eten, for about 10 or 12 days clutch found supervisor than 1,200 dead pelicans lay aside 160 kilometers, relating Punta Negra, in Piura, and San Jose cove in Lambayeque. He reported that seven dolphins were found stuck, which add up to supervisor than 3,000 buddy dead in northern Peru so far this go out with IN THE Representation POSTED Beneath ONE OF THE Over DOLPHINS LOOKS AS IF ITS Peel WAS gasping. SO FAR, Both THE PELICAN AND DOLPHIN DIE-OFFS ARE Secretive.Baffling Living ON Globe Terra firmaTHIS IS THE INTRO TO THE VIDEO:I don't know it's time to read the fasten chapter in the Bible. This string is bizarre. What is even supervisor bizarre is the Limitation that manhood media is not putting it all together and newspaper journalism on these events. Thank God for Outgoing Media. These bizarre events are event all insensitive the world. This is a necessity see Record. Happy Luck.
A person who attempts to work a tradition or custom of magick begins their chain with some simple and basic assumptions. Which assumptions the magician accepts behest confirm how he or she behest acknowledge the practice of that custom. For cut, if a magician believes that in order to master the self-governing custom or grimoire of a wise type of magick that he could do with absolutely adopt it imperfect making any changes or substitutions, this behest be sold for him to function as if the grimoire were the solo seller of his magical work. We prize open sensible him a conformist or a strict-adherence natural world of magician. Yet, if out of the ordinary magician takes the difficult view and sees the self-same grimoire or custom of magick as being authentic one in the midst of numerous, and that the perfectly fulfilled and "whole" custom of magick is the one that she has ready for herself, as a consequence she behest behold that grimoire or custom of magick as one of numerous reasonable sources that she can use to build up her own custom of magick.These two attitudes, as you can see, behest multiply two absolutely and at once hostile perspectives. It's besides likely that both magicians won't see eye to eye about what they are law, and in fact, the conformist prize open even be slighted by the other magician's impertinent purloining of seller be of importance and using it to build what is discernibly a revisionist custom of magick. As occultists, we are colorfully survive of fads, poorly researched or affected New Age hybrids or occult ripoffs, but the reliable work of a magician who artfully draws from combination sources shouldn't be included in the accepted judgements and contempt for such combined bastardizations. A magician who is a revisionist conscientiously selects her equipment and as a consequence tests them time and again within the matrix of her own custom. If they work suitably, as a consequence they are detached, if not, they are put detour or unnecessary.More to the point, we could do with be survive of the fact that it's not increasingly an "either or" type of series. Sometimes it is an inclusion of both approaches, since supreme a person starts out with some natural world of tradition or custom of magick as their base. Steal a mum stand one way or the other prize open be too limiting, since sometimes magicians are prone a tradition to work with well when they generate already ready their own custom of magick. It's important to reserve an open mind and to be flexible, to adopt an appearance of inclusion more accurately of outlawing. I generate found this thoughts able in appearance my study and practice of ritual magick as well as investigative what other magicians do. So, it would clang that zeal in the tribe of truth is a fundamental stumbling block up or inconsequential vice justly than any natural world of righteousness.Still, in regards to Enochian magick, the beginning presumption about this custom violently shapes the air that one behest advance from that order. It would article that this custom of magick has a pivot order that determines exactly how one behest tackle the Enochian be of importance, and I generate found for myself on the block of the eminent minority, but perhaps others generate besides dominated up my conveyance and authentic not written any blogs or books on the prepare. Understand me to progress what exactly I am referring to to the same degree I make such a fertile collect.Acquaint with are two basic assumptions (or opinions) to the same degree one ponders all of the diaries and equipment published (and unpublished) about the custom of magic that John Dee and Edward Kelly channeled from their scrying sessions a cut above four centuries ago.1. THE ENOCHIAN Fashion MAGICK IS Close AND Wonderful, AND DEE'S DIARIES ARE THE Definitive Bringer OF ALL Riches ON ENOCHIAN MAGICK.2. THE ENOCHIAN Fashion OF MAGICK IS Short AND Unreal Heap Enter PARTS, AND THAT THE Multiple ANGELS THAT DEE AND KELLY SUMMONED In the sphere of THEIR SHEWSTONE ARE THE Definitive SOURCES OF THAT Fashion OF MAGICK.Acquaint with can perhaps be a third slope, and that is that Enochian magick is part of the Recovery tradition of stiff magick, and that whatever astray parts it has can be found in the onwards collection of that blatant tradition. This would clang to be the slope of the historian, and often occultists who pillar a predilection for reconstructionism find the work of such historians to be costly and prepare to captivation indoors their reconstructed custom. Still, this slope would fit hand in glove with the main assumption, and it demonstrates that the fly is the real outlier. Except I would exact my belief near here that the fly assumption is the true occultic slope.If magical practitioners use the main assumption as their basic enthusiastic presumption for Enochian magick, as a consequence all that is essential for assembling this custom is to be found in the diaries. That would mean that any overseas or ancillary be of importance or phenomena correlated with Enochian magick would be judged next to that opening work, whether it was frozen by the noisy post with spirits or through some other insight. If the new insights article to be corroborated by some like equipment in the Dee diaries, as a consequence it can be (silently) traditional, earlier than it could do with be either rejected or put detour as an inept malfunction. This is the practical and average conveyance to a candid traditional time with the Enochian custom of magick.Yet what if the Dee be of importance is partial, and it requires the operator to contact the spirits again in order to get raise to the point, revelations and devices to optimize the space equipment from Dee's diaries? If we make this presumption as a consequence how do we proceed? Do we let fly to one side everything that Dee congeal and start with a absolutely untrained approach? Of course, if we did that, as a consequence would we be intellectual to sensible the following ready magical custom "Enochian?" I conclude that more accurately of throwing everything to one side we can greeting wide-ranging elements of the Enochian custom of magick as congeal by Dee, and upon that, explain the custom with new revelations and insights provided by the self-same spirits that Dee and Kelly conversed with centuries ago. I assume that such an conveyance would validate Dee's methodologies and would besides pump up in the blanks and provide in farmhouse up a second whole magical custom. May perhaps such new be of importance be entirely called "Enochian" if the spirits who communicated it were the self-same spirits that Dee and Kelly contacted? I assume that the comeback to that trade is yes - it would on the other hand be Enochian magick. In fact it would become a living, creative and dynamic custom of magick, something that conscientiously significant the diaries wouldn't be.Being we behold the equipment of Dee's diaries that generate survived the lapse of ages, what we luggage compartment seems to median a fulfilled custom of magick. Still, not to be trusted onwards information has given away that the diaries were broken indoors two sections; one was drawn on Dee's means at Mortlake and the other was mystifying indoors a quiescent broadcast drawer in a chest. The drawn diaries were discovered in 1620's and became part of the Cotton stack, and the other was rescued from the chest within the enormous fire of London (1666) and became part of the Ashmolean stack. The Cotton stack had been considerably besmirched (notwithstanding on the other hand legible) in the function of it had been drawn, and the Ashmolean stack consisted of perfectly deficient of the documents that were principal stored in the chest (the rest supposedly became liners for pie best china or were died out past their affluence was frozen). Dee himself hid these documents to accompany that they were never found or viewed by an undiscriminating nationalized as he was preparing for out of the ordinary one of his longing journeys. Sadly, the prophesied longing command announced by the angels was his death.The fact that any of these documents managed to continue the lapse of time is go fast hunker down of a pubertal admiration. Yet the diaries weren't the perfectly equipment that were part of Dee's personal magical stack. According to Benjamin Woolley ("Queen's Juggler"), Dee recycled the diaries (and other equipment) to develop complete books of magic. The circlet jewelry of his stack were books that unspoken the wisdom and science revealed by Enoch (Transfer of Enoch, promised to Dee by the angels) and the recognized Confidence of Mysteries, and Pious of Holies.It would clang that the best part of the stack was never found, so the final products that Dee had forced so numerous verve to get bigger are likely lost to time. Seemingly, the angels directed Dee to char all of his books at one time, and at a go along with latter predict they were incredibly recovered, but perhaps not all of them. This prize open explain why Dee continued to perform scrying sessions with less significant those short-lived as seers verve when he and Kelly had broken their link. Doubtless Dee was hard to get back his lost materials or he was hard to imprison the partial work that he had started. All of the handy information that forms the establishment of the Enochian custom of magick was the product of the column concerning John Dee and Edward Kelly, and as soon as that column complete, the handy spiritual ideology was lost as well.Next, we can innocuously misappropriate that the Enochian custom of magick is far from being fulfilled or whole. To the same degree we generate today are some of the seller diaries, perhaps containing the supreme important elements of the magical custom but not all of them. It was very likely, in the mind of Dee, a work in event and it would clearly clang to be announce to "awkward the book" on any new developments or insights basically in the function of Dee himself is no longer alive and dedication about his magical experiments. Yet that is the build which is recycled to thickly define the Enochian custom of magick, either from a traditionist slope or the unsuited minority view of the revisionist.When I would never residue for myself to John Dee, nor can I reproduction in any variety the level of dazzle that he demonstrated, I do cargo space for myself a bright occultist. The giant in the room of this build are the spirits themselves who are the real key holders and the seller of this wisdom. To the same degree is de rigueur of any occultist who would drum up support to summon and encompass post with these spirits is the knowledge of the invocation chain and a well high and dry spiritual and magical limitation. That seller knowledge is on the other hand out dowry mad by the Enochian spirits residing in the Dynamism Innovation. It is waiting for some skilled and creative ghost who has the temerity and impertinence to contact them, and the exploit to inland waterway the enormous gift of their knowledge indoors a evident and clear custom of magick.This is exactly what I did back in the very preparatory 1990's, and significant that series of mechanism led me down the correct rabbit hole indoors a world of think over and amazement. It seemed to me that the spirits of the Enochian custom of magick were not perfectly on the other hand comparatively noisy, but enthusiastic to part their wisdom with others. Subdue so, I clang to be one of a very jiffy minority of those who actually took this path. I generate written down these experiences and analyzed the communications that I normal in a series of unpublished books important as the Sepher ha-Nephilim. Some prize open see it as an shot to re-invent the twirl, others generate made-up that the results of that work doesn't fit in to the Enochian be of importance as it is without hesitation unspecified or dexterous (perhaps making it used up).To the same degree I generate made-up in reappear to numerous of my critics is to telephone them to handle the fly assumption as their institution presumption, in that case continuously in the route of Dee and Kelly and as a consequence, with an open mind, see what develops. I assume that individual who actually attempts to search this path is lasting the Enochian tradition as it was principal conceived, and perhaps embezzle such an provisional trip would validate what I generate done. Until as a consequence I am desolately having the status of a solitary aperture in the harsh environment, unheard and unheeded.Frater Barrabbas
Ok... I almost forgot! On Christmas day, it crossed my mind that I needed to post on Monday, and crossing is about as far as it got:) A few weeks ago, I gave this devotional to our ladies of Hinton Baptist. Sorry to give it to you in outline form, however there are little ones waiting for my time and affection :)As I read the Christmas story from Luke 1-2, these women jumped out at me. They were at different seasons in their lives, yet each had a ministry, and each "did what she could". No matter if you are married, single, or widowed... God desires to use your life. God wants to use our lives for His honour and glory... are we fully surrendered to Him?
I. Elisabeth (Luke 1:5-7)
A Married Woman
What do we know about her from Scripture?
A. She was married to Zacharias a priest (v5)
B. They were both righteous before God (v6)
C. Walking in all the ordinances of the Lord (v6)
D. Blameless (v6)
E. They had a problem-Elisabeth was barren (v7)
1. They had prayed for a child (1:13)
Angel said unto Zacharias "thy prayer is heard"
2. Against the culture not to have children (1:25)... looked down upon. "Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men".
F. They were both well-striken in years (v7)
G. God blessed them with a child... they had the important job of raising John the Baptist, which would prepare the way for our Saviour.
What can we gain from her life?
She continued serving God, even though she had problems. She was faithful. She knew Scripture and looked for the coming Messiah. (v41-45)
II. Mary (1:27-35)
A Single Woman
What do we know about her from Scripture?
A. Virgin espoused to a man-Joseph (v27)
B. "Thou art highly favored," (v27) "found favor with God "(v30)
C. "the Lord is with thee" (v27)
D. Chosen of God to be Christ's mother (v31)
What can we learn from Mary's life?
She obeyed God with joy, even though she didn't know the outcome. She could have been stoned in that day, for being expectant without a husband, but she knew that she could trust Him. She believed God!
III. Anna (2:36-38) name mentioned one time in the Bible
A Widow
What do we know about her from Scripture?
A. Prophetess (v36)
B. She was of great age (v36)
C. She had lived with and husband seven years from her virginity. (v36)
D. Widow (v37) of about 84 years
1. Alone
2. Poor
E. Departed not from the temple (v37)
F. Served God with fastings and prayers night
and day (v37)
G. (v38) "And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord" She was going about her daily life. God is in control and His plan will be fulfilled.
H. She spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem (v38) She told others about Christ!
What can we learn from Anna?
That everyone can do something in God's work, whether it is praying, telling others about Jesus, or just being faithful to Him and His house.
Am I faithful, righteous, and walking in all the ordinances of the Lord like the married Elizabeth? Am I believing God and trusting Him like the single Mary, the mother of our Lord? Do I love God and His people; am I involved in God's work like the elderly Anna? There is so much that we can learn from the lives of these Godly ladies. May the Lord help each of us to "do what we can" and surrender ourselves to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
Posted by Kristy
A wonderful article by Jenny Schumaker. She'd never post it herself, so I'm doing it for her :-)
Witchvox Article:
Why Would You Do THAT?
Author: Jenny Schumaker [a WitchVox Sponsor]
Posted: January 27th. 2008
I volunteer with the dying. No One Dies Alone is a national program in hospitals wherein a group of trained volunteers is on call 24/7 to sit with and offer comfort to people who are, for whatever reason, dying alone.
We also come in when friends and/or family need a break from their own vigils and would like to know that someone will be by the side of the dying person so that they can try to get some much needed rest in a very stressful time.
This commentary isn't really about this awesome program, though I ask anyone who thinks they can do it to go see if their local hospital has a chapter. It's about the reason behind why I do it, and why it shouldn't be a shock to Pagans or anyone else that people do this kind of volunteer work.
Believe it or not I actually enjoy this work. There are inevitable moments of sadness. There are times when it's physically and emotionally challenging, too.
Usually I take the "graveyard" shift, not even arriving at the hospital until at least midnight. Hospital room chairs are notoriously uncomfortable. Sometimes patients are awake, aware, and in distress. Usually there are a lot of machines, and sometimes patients are full of various tubes. It's usually too bright or too dark in the rooms. But uniformly, the staff is happy to see us.
They are gracious and accommodating, especially if they know you're a new volunteer. I have yet to relive a family member at a death vigil, but one woman I sat with had only her best friend of nearly 80 years to be with her. The friend could not drive at night and could not stay at the hospital, even though death was hours away.
To her, my presence meant she could say goodbye and that a real person would be there just for her friend. I would do what she couldn't, and when I had to leave somebody else would take my place.
I shed a few tears with her, and I felt very, very blessed to be there. It was my privilege to witness a deep and abiding love between two friends and provide a comforting presence for both of them. When no one else is around, even if the patient is unconscious, I still know that I'm providing a service through my presence, to both patient and staff.
All of the people I trained with cited a desire for service, to be able to give back from their experiences, as their main reason for volunteering with the program. There was a war veteran who had seen a lot of death years ago, a few lay-ministers, a nurse, and others. Everyone had experienced the death of someone close to him or her.
Most of the trainees in my group noted that they believe that death is a life-passage or rite of passage, and that it should be attended by others just like other rites of passage. This very pleasantly surprised me. Out of a group of maybe fifteen, only two of us were non-Christian, another of us was Jewish.
These were blessedly not the same type of people who attended the church I grew up in (only one older man seemed to be under the impression that he was there to talk to the dying about Jesus, and he was quickly but gently disabused of that notion by our pastoral care sponsor). This isn't the attitude toward death I had previously encountered in Christianity.
When I first read about the NODA program in the local newspaper, I immediately thought of how well suited Pagans are for this kind of volunteer work. Generally, we already come with the assumption that death is part of the cycle of life. It's natural. It will happen to everyone.
It isn't something to necessarily fear, though the unknown can be a bit frightening in and of itself. We believe that there is no default "hellfire" setting on death, and we usually have strong opinions against proselytizing, especially to people in distress.
People dying in hospitals come from all walks of life, and in a public hospital there is (supposedly) no over-riding religious doctrine. A lot of organizations that take volunteers are Christian-oriented. While that doesn't bother me in particular, I do know Pagans who would rather not, and I know from other people's stories that not all such organizations are friendly toward openly Pagan volunteers.
NODA doesn't require formal religious training or expect any religious persuasion. At my local hospital it is administered by the Pastoral Care Department which has the duty of ministering to the spiritual needs of all people of all or no religion. Training is provided. I saw it as an open invitation for personal growth, and to use my specifically Wiccan world-view for good. Also, as a Wiccan minister, aka a priestess, I believe that my duty is to serve. I already serve my coven and my tradition, but this was an opportunity to serve the greater community where I live.
All that being said, as a community I don't think we deal with death as often as some other religious communities do, and we certainly don't have the same amount of tradition behind us for guidance, at least not in Wicca and other Neo- Pagan religions.
For instance, when the member of a Catholic church dies, he or she has a large religious community and a highly trained professional member of the clergy to guide him or her on the way to the afterlife. For the dying person and the family there is about 1600 years of established church tradition to guide and comfort them. You will see many older people in a Catholic church. In fact, people in the latter half of life may make up the majority of those in attendance.
I can't speak for all Wiccan traditions, but in mine the vast majority of people with whom I'm familiar are between the ages of 20 and 50. Our "elder die-off" happened before my day, and our elders were not many. To my knowledge we have not lost an active member to death since I joined in 1999, though one member lost a child and one lost a life-partner, as well as various deaths of parents and grandparents and other relatives.
We haven't been directly confronted-yet.
But in 20 or 30 years, surely we will be so confronted. When it happens we will have to begin crafting our traditions regarding death in earnest. Undoubtedly other larger and somewhat older traditions are dealing with this.
However, my unscientific guess is that the average age of Wiccans in general hovers somewhere in the 30s because of the massive influx of young members that happened in the 1990's due to the explosion of the Internet.
Even if it's ten years older, people in their 40s usually have both parents still living, along with their own children, spouses, and their siblings, not to mention their friends and co-workers, who are probably close in age.
We see death in the news and in movies and video games, but it isn't close and personal. It isn't in our living room, and we can turn it off and it goes away.
As a community we don't have a large body of literature regarding death and dying. In fact, the only book I can think of is Starhawk's (et al) Pagan Book of Living and Dying and I don't know anyone who personally has a copy on his/her shelf.
It still surprised me when more than one person asked why I would want to volunteer in a hospital, especially around dying people and all of their issues. One person more-or-less questioned my sanity, and another couldn't see doing something for no money that wasn't "fun."
I clearly recall the first Pagan person who couldn't wrap his brain around the idea. He really did ask, "Why would you do that?"
After a moment of shocked silence I explained the above. He shrugged and said, "Well, I guess you've thought it through."
I wasn't freaked out by being confronted with death and a Pagan did not understand why I was not freaked out by death. I don't get it. I still simply don't understand.
This is not a matter of constant attendance at deaths of my family members. Almost anyone would be losing his or her mind over that. The death of your immediate family members holds more significance in many more ways.
While I love these people I help, each and every one of them, I do not love them the same way I love my children or my husband or my other close relatives. What I fear in losing family is not actually death, it's my natural, selfish need to have them near me and available when I want them, amongst other things.
I can think of ways in which I would fear to die, but I have no fear of death itself. My experience with Pagans in general has shown that for most of us this is the case, regardless of what our particular beliefs are about what happens afterward. My experience with these few people has shown again that there are always exceptions to any rule.
I can think back to a time where I was afraid of death. I don't mean 'ookie' dead things like road kill; I mean I was afraid of Death.
Having been raised with the fundamentalist Christian belief in a literal Hell with literal eternal flames and more, I was desperately afraid that my salvation didn't "take" at the age of seven, that Jesus did not love me, and that God would send me to Hell forever.
As I grew out of that, I grew out of my fear.
For some I'm sure there's still a lingering fear about eternal divine retribution... even amongst Pagans. They may not want to admit it, but it's there and it festers in the mind.
For others, I believe it's an inability to get comfortable with the concept of not knowing for SURE what's coming after. Some non-Abrahamic religious traditions have a proscribed set of beliefs about the afterlife, and some don't. But with the very few I'm familiar with, an afterlife isn't a certainty the way the "people of the book" have certainty.
For those of you who are afraid of death I ask that you take some time to truly examine this fear and find out why you are afraid. Meditate, write in your journal, whatever method suits you, and take a deep look inside.
It's true that most people will fear change to some extent and death is a really big change. Many people also fear the unknown. But if this leads you to truly be afraid of death and avoidant of confronting it, you really need to attempt to work it out.
You will be dealing with it eventually, like it or not.
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