This is what I speak of: Being thoughtless means to take some time, a few minutes perhaps, longer if possible, and just Be. You know, just be still and quiet, alone, with NO thoughts. Specifically, I am describing a time to be with the God and Goddess. Here is one example of how I do it.
I take a chair and place it on the deck outside, facing the morning sun. This is the time of being with the God for me. If it is early enough, with the sun just rising near the treetops, it won't be too hot in the backyard. I take a moment to quiet myself, get comfortable, close my eyes, and turn my face up towards the sun. Feel the warmth of the sun...the light graces my whole Self. Breathe it in, enjoy the sensations of sunshine.
Now, stop thinking. This is the part that can be a little difficult, but if you persist you can do it. The reason for this time is simply to be with the God. It is not a time for requests, complaints, questions, decision-making. It is a silent time to feel the God's presence, to let him enter your mind and spirit. To feel the love, the strength, the energy that is of the God embrace and surround you. Do not think. Just be. Still. Quiet. Thoughtless.
Afterwards, there is a peacefulness, a renewal, a Divine strength. It is beautiful and enchanting. This feeling stays with me all day and I feel wiser and happier. Truth be told, there are times this is easier said than done. A human tendency to allow problems or grief overwhelm the stillness inside. That does not mean you fail and can never try again. Never give up connecting with Divinity.