Nephew Happy Birthday Wishes
* Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to nephew and I love you too. I can't imagine my life without you; you're such a good and kind young man I wish you many more birthdays. Enjoy your day nephew!
* Happy Birthday to my amazing nephew, you should be so happy with all the good things coming your way! A beautiful birthday gift for you and of course a lot of prays! Wishing you joy, great health and happiness always!
* I would like to wish my baby boy a very happy 13th birthday. Even though we have gone through a terrible week, I hope and pray that this day will brighten it. I love you and hope and pray for many more years to come and share.
* To my nephew (name) I want to wish you a wonderful birthday, I want you to know what a wonderful phone call that was in 1998 was for me when you made me an Auntie for the very first time. I really enjoyed watching you grow and remembering your first steps and all the fun I had with you. God bless your day. Love you very much.
* Sending the happiest of birthday wishes out to my awesome and cool nephew, you are always in my heart and forever on my mind. I will always love and miss you.
* I would like to wish my gorgeous nephew a very happy 1st birthday. I can't believe the day is here. Where the year has gone I will never know but you have made it an amazing one for us when you came into the world. I love you so much.
* Happy 4th birthday to my only nephew, I can't believe you are 4 now, it's gone too quickly!, we wouldn't know what to do without you, you put the smiles back on faces and make our day special to have you around us, hope you like your gifts what we got you, love you loads.
* Happy birthday to the most wonderful awesome Handsome and great nephew! You make us happy, you make us proud so here's a message clear and loud have the best Happy Birthday ever. You are a star, charming and clever! Love you nephew. It's a remarkable day in your life.
* Happy birthday to my amazing little nephew, can't believe you are 2 already! You really have made our family complete, and I love you so much, have a brilliant day with your lovely parents. Wish I could see you soon.
* Happy 8th birthday to my handsome nephew! You are such a smart funny and sweet boy. I can't believe you are 8 though! I can still remember the exact night when your mommy told us she was pregnant and I couldn't be any happier that my older sister is your mom. Love you honey, I'll see you soon buddy.
* I would like to say a very special happy 5th birthday to my little prince (nephew name) today hope you have a fabulous day and enjoy all your presents you deserve them. I love you more than all the stars in the world.
* It's my first born Nephew's birthday today! He is now a teenager! Omg! I can't believe it...he's my best friend that young man I love him so much! He's always been with me since he was born! He's an auntie favorite nephew & best friend! Happy 13th Birthday! I love you so much and I can't wait to see you in a few days.
* I remember like it was yesterday... I was rushing home after working all night to be with my brother and his wife for the arrival of my nephew. Happy 4th birthday! Just wish I could be there for it.
* Today is my nephew's 2nd birthday! Oh Man I can't believe it! I remember being outside of the operating room and just being so anxious to see his face & seeing him for the first time exceeded my expectations! I love you baby, and thanks to my older brother for bringing in my one and only nephew I have! Give him kisses for me! I love you guys.
* To the youngest of my nephews (name) happy birthday! I want you to know that even though we might not always see eye to eye but I Love you and I will always have your back. You also should know how proud I am of the decent guy you have become.
* Happy Birthday to my nephew and now like a son, I cannot believe you are 22 years old, your dad would be so proud to see how well you are doing and what a great job you do about taking care of your auntie.
* Happy, happy birthday to (name)! What a blessing to have you here after all that you went through....and to have you looking so good, handsome, healthy and strong. Thank you our Creator and have a wonderful birthday nephew. Love you!
* To my nephew (name) as it is your fifteenth birthday today and it is probably the time I told you some things about life that before you may have been too young to hear. I'm proud of the man you are becoming. Your Uncle!
* Seven years ago my wonderful nephew was born on this very day. 2 pounds and 3 ounces, he was so small. He is growing up so fast I can't believe it! Happy 7th birthday! Auntie loves you so very much, have a good day baby.
* Happy Birthday to my handsome little nephew! He is loved by so many people and one of the most important people I know that cherish, adores and misses him is his grandmother. I know he can feel her love and hugs in his heart. Love you.
* Happy birthday to the world's best little one year old man...my adorable handsome nephew... I love you so much little man....I wish I could be there to spoil you and give sweet hugs.
* On this day our family was blessed with a beautiful boy, my only nephew. I am so very proud of the man & father you have become. Happy Birthday young man! May God continue to watch over & bless you!
* Goodness, my nephew is 19 today. I'm starting to get that ancient feeling. Happy birthday wackiness! I'm proud of the man you're becoming!
More fun: Birthday SMS Wishes
* Happy Birthday to my favorite nephew! God Bless You! May today be as special as you are? We love and miss you!
* Happy birthday to my nephew! He is 11 years old today which means he is getting a cell phone from his parents today on whom he will make a Facebook account and have more friends than me by the end of the day.
* 22 years ago today, the prettiest baby in the world was born. Now that pretty baby is all grown up and has 2 pretty babies of his own! Happy birthday to my nephew! I love you and am so proud of the man you have grown to be. Enjoy!
* Today is a special day. It's my oldest nephew (name) birthday! My little baby has grown up on me & now he is 15 years old. I remember driving all the way to the hospital to see you when you were born! Love you nephew.
* Happy Birthday to my very special nephew in my life! Who is exhibiting more strength and courage than I have ever seen this year. I love and miss you dearly.
* Happy Birthday to my favorite smart guy in the whole world! It seems like only yesterday you were 1 week old and peed in my face! 14 yrs later and I am so proud to be able to say that I Love you.
* He came into my life 8 years ago today, never thought I would raise such a respectful, loving, caring, and smart, thoughtful little man! From day one he has made me want to be a better person guess time does fly by when you're having fun.
* I want to say send out a very Special Birthday Shout Out to my Great Nephew, enjoy your day nephew I pray that you get all you asked for :) I still remember the day you came into this world so small now look at you. You will always be the first great nephew.
* I'd like to wish my nephew happy 5th birthday today! Kids do grow up fast! He's such a little blessing and I love that little stinker to the moon and back!
* Happy 30th birthday to my nephew! So hard to believe it's been 30 years since you were born, remember that day so clearly. You have grown to be a wonderful young man, a good husband, father and son. I love you very much and have from the first moment I met you! I'm very proud of you! Enjoy your day!
* 7 years of grace & blessings! Sometimes I've put myself down for not being able to do more but my son's smile and joy are proof to me that God's got it! He would want to be with me if all I had was a cardboard box to sleep in! I love my nephew and I'm so thankful for him being in my life! Thankful that at age 7 he's smart, healthy, strong and oh so witty...sometimes too witty! Lol
* I would like to wish my first born nephew a very happy 16th birthday! I remember the day your mom had you for me. You wouldn't leave my side when you were small now you are a young man! He is only eleven years younger than me, so he's really more like a brother than a nephew and we've always been very close.
Related: My Birthday Wishes
Credit: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com