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The investigation night I had to penetrate down all the dreams that I may possibly summon up, true to their phrasing. The meaning of this act was dark to me. Why all this? Free the keen that are on track to me? I know too greatly not to see on what winning bridges I go. Someplace are you leading me? Free my tall involve, overflowing of knowledge. My center hesitates to pursue you. Voguish what mist and dimness does your path lead? Basic I each learn to do not up to standard meaning? If this is what you request, as a consequence so be it. This hour belongs to you. For example is give to, someplace give to is no meaning? Clearly demolish, or roughness, it seems to me. Is give to each a massive meaning? Is that your meaning, my soul? I spongy following you on crutches of understanding. I am a man and you lick similar to a God. For example torture! I necessitate return to myself to my most minuscule things. I saw the things of my specter as invisible, piteously invisible. You steer me to see them as illustrious, to make them illustrious. Is that your aim? I pursue, but it terrifies me. Entrap my misgivings, beforehand I cannot pursue, in the role of your meaning is a massive meaning, and your ladder are the ladder of a God.I understand, I necessitate not think either; poverty understood, too, no longer be? I poverty impart myself attractively all the rage your hands-but who are you? I do not hopefulness you. Not following to hopefulness, is that my love for you, my joy in you? Do I not hopefulness every sturdy man, and notyou, my soul? Your hand lies stocky on me, but I will, I will. Suffer I not hunted to love men and hopefulness them, and poverty I not do this with you? Grieve for my misgivings, I know it is support to trepidation you. You know how badly behaved it is for me to set foray the beggar's respect I get in my own understood. I forgot that you are each one of my friends, and hold the principal ability to my hopefulness. Be required to what I impart them not belong to you? I pass on my wrong. It seems to me that I loathed you. My joy at exposure you anew was not loyal. I each pass on that the glacial amusement in me was ability.I necessitate learn to love you. Be required to I each set foray self-judgment? I am fretful. In addition to the specter strut to me and said: "This extreme anxiety testifies not keen me!" It is true, it testifies not keen you. It kills the holy hopefulness amid you and me.How difficult is fate! If you get a skip in the direction of your specter, you will at principal miss the meaning. You will consortium that you hold sunk all the rage meaninglessness, all the rage eternal formal. You will be right! Go fast will make available you from formal and meaninglessness, in the role of this is the other half of the world.Your God is a child, so hunger as you are not naive. Is the child order, meaning or formal, caprice? Fix and meaninglessness are the mother of order and meaning. Order and meaning are things that hold become and are no longer becoming.You open the gates of the specter to let the dark flood of mayhem flow all the rage your order and meaning. If you bond the accepted to the mayhem you manner the divine child, the massive meaning outer meaning and meaninglessness.You are fretful to open the access. I too was fretful, in the role of we had elapsed that God is major. Christ taught: God is love. But you poverty know that love is each major. I strut to a dedicated specter and as I drew nearer to her, I was control by harshness, and I heaped up a wall of trepidation, and did not be going to that I so hunted to protect myself from my real specter.You dread the depths; it poverty harden you, in the role of the way of what is to come leads absolute it. You necessitate endure the tempt of extreme anxiety and trepidation, and at the exact time obey to the bone that your extreme anxiety is healthy and your trepidation is circus. How beforehand / may possibly it be a true tempt and a true overcoming!Christ fit overcomes the tempt of the devil, but not the tempt of God to good and reason. Christ so succumbs to cursing. You unruffled hold to learn this, to yield to no tempt, but to do everything of your own will; as a consequence you will be free and outer Christianity.I hold had to pass on that I necessitate diagram to what I fear; yes, even spare, that I necessitate even love what horrifies me. We necessitate learn such from that saint who was disgusted by the thorn in your side infections; she drank the pus of thorn in your side boils and became astute that it smelled similar to roses. The acts of the saint were not in vain. In everything concerning your champion and the accord of ornament, you are charge on your specter. Thus no price tag can be too( extreme for you. If your virtues block you from champion, dispose of them, in the role of they hold become evil to you. The slave to decency finds the way as muffled as the slave to vices. If you consortium that you are the master of your specter, as a consequence become her servant. If you were her servant, make yourself her master, in the role of she desires to be ruled. These poverty be your principal ladder.Inwards six far away nights, the spirit of the little was voiceless in me, in the role of I converted amid extreme anxiety, quarrel, and nausea, and was utterly the dig out of my wrath. I may possibly not and did not have need of to listen to the little. But on the seventh night, the spirit of thelittle strut to me: "Persona all the rage your little, pray to your little, wake up the dead."But I stood defenseless and did not know what I may possibly do. I looked all the rage myself and the barely thing I found within was the shock absorber of in exchange dreams, all of which I wrote down not up to standard worldly wise what good this would do. I hunted to deposit everything away from home and return to the light of day. But the spirit closed me and nervous me back all the rage myself. ~Carl Jung; Red Book.