"I give honour to the Lands of my Gods,
Ancient and good.
And the power that is within them.
Hail Odin!"
Put a flame at the east point, saying:
"I give honour to the Winds of my Gods
Ever fresh and new,
And the power that is within them.
Hail Odin!"
Put a flame at the south point, saying:
"I give honour to the warm Sun of my Gods,
Ever giving of new life,
And the power that is within.
Hail Odin!"
Put a flame at the west point, saying:
"I give honour to the seas and lakes
And rivers of my Gods,
And the power that is within them.
Hail Odin!"
Stand before the altar and place a light before the Rune of Odin, saluting and saying:
"hail Odin, giver of victory,
Thou who knowest the runes of wisdom,
And of power.
Bring me again to be with thy people.
Those who know the strength of thy
Ancient ways.
Give me of thy wisdom.
That I may better honour thee
As I prosper in thy name.
Hail Odin!"
Add any other items which you might wish to mention to Odin, and then drink in his honour. Next place a light before the Rune of Thor, saluting and saying:
"Hail Thor, laughing, red-bearded
Thundered and guardian.
Bring me again to be with thy people.
Those who know the joy and robust power of thine
Ancient Ways.
Give me of thy might, and of thy laughter
That I may better honour thee
As I prosper in thy name.
Hail Thor!"
Add any other items which you might wish to mention before Thor, and then drink in his honour. Next place a light before the Rune of Freya, saluting and saying:
"Hail Freya the Fair One,
Beautiful enchantress, jewel of the Gods
And chooser of the mortals who are most honoured.
Bring me again to be with thy people.
Those who know the magick and beauty
And triumph of thine Ancient Ways.
Give me of thy pride and persuasion
That I may better honour thee
As I prosper in thy name.
Hail Freya!"
Add any other items which you might wish to mention before Freya, and then drink in her honour.
Stand silently for a long while, meditating on the presences of the Old Ones, the Gods of our folk who are eternally young, eternally powerful, and returning again here and now to cast their sacred presences about you. Sense their power about you. Now is the time to add any words which you would deem appropriate, for yourself or for others.
When you feel that the rite should end, face the runes of the Gods and take up the chalice one last time, saying:
"O Great Ones of High Valhalla,
I give honour to thee
For being with me here.
May some of thy presences
Remain within me as I leave.
And be ever near me, as well as with
Those who are my true people.
To thee do I drink this toast,
And pour this libation.
Hail Freya! (salute)
Hail Thor! (salute)
Hail Odin! (salute)
Pour some of the drink out before the altar, and drink what remains. Then put out the candles at the North, East, South and West. Stand before the altar with your arms out, saying:
"I thank thee, O Great Ones.
The rite is ended."
Credit: candle-magic.blogspot.com