At hand is what a person must know about using color in candle magick:
Red: thing, firmness, health, momentum, daring, energy
Blue: poise, health, union, wisdom, imagination, stamina
Green: go backward, prosperity, abundance, luck, bump, physical healing
Yellow/Gold: attraction, persuasion, foresight, common sense
Pink: friendship, memorial, love, wholesomeness, command, agriculture
Orange: implementation, attraction, legality, ram
Purple: spiritual power, psychic job, ram, third eye, severe physical healing, power
Black: protection, repelling, binding, lure
White: saintliness, honesty, protection
Silver: foresight, astral protection, Idol
Cosmological Look at OF COLORS:
Aquarius (JAN 20-FEB 18) Down
Pisces (FEB 19-MAR 20) Ashy
Aries (MAR 21-APR 19) Ashy
Taurus (APR 20-MAY 20) RED
Gemini (MAY 21-JUN 21) RED
Plague (JUN 22-JUL 22) Untried
Leo (JUL 23-AUG 22) RED
Virgo (AUG 23-SEP 22) Gold bars
Libra (SEP 23-OCT 22) BLACK
Scorpio (OCT 23-NOV 21) RED
Sagittarius (NOV 22-DEC 21) Gold bars
Capricorn(dec 22-jan19) RED
If you seek to high-quality everything (Peace, Cash, JOB, Substance) do your magick voguish the WAXING MOON (When on earth THE MOON IS Being paid Widespread)
If you seek to lose everything (BAD Behavior, Negative Computer graphics) do your magick voguish the Deterioration MOON (When on earth THE MOON IS Being paid Diminutive)
The Widespread MOON is a good time for magick of all kinds, for the full moon brings summit power to all magick.
Keywords: simple candle scorching candle magick astral candle wicca magick class tools magick candle magick astral simple magick candle colors meanings healing question workbook magick witchcraft history witch school fright ache
Origin: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com