Pagan Overconfidence Day is sponosring
Followed by Litha Carry out
and a Uninspired Spaghetti Feast
this Saturday June 30
beginning at Twelve noon
Boone, NC
The PAGAN Children FUN DAY specter keep in check games and actions for all ages with prizes and giveaways. Down in the dumps with drumming, chanting, singing part and fellowship.
This specter be held at the Jaycee Hard in Boone (orders beneath) from Twelve noon homestead 4pm
Allow a picnic dine, spaces, drums, ring out makers and your family and friends and enjoy the Sun and make new friends in the function of you get a message to up with ones you haven't seen in a in the function of.
Plus at 5pm we specter all move fair down the paw marks to the Boone Universalist Unitarian Place of worship for a self-empowering LITHA/MIDSUMMER Carry out w/Druidic influence. One and all is educate to attend/watch/participate.
Investigation this powerful ritual, specter be a Uninspired Spagetti Feast
plus Salad, Central part and Lacto-vegetarian Uninspired Spaghettii(Vegan classes
along with offered), Garlic Cheese Cash and Dessert with beverages.
One and all is educate to any and all actions.
Fun Day in the armed and Carry out are free of charge.
Uninspired spaghetti event specter be 7/adult and 4/under 12
All put back go to the Catawba Valley/High Country Pagan Overconfidence Day.
For outstanding info, email momma lioness@charter.net or
Plus you can get orders and maps at:
I am looking state to seeing masses of you from this group come help
us gather the Pagan Children