Opening, to remonstrate that paganism as a whole is about mercy and greeting is a Substantial hypothesis, as paganism applies to an many constitute of paths. Paganism is an umbrella title record across the world described as any path that is non-Abrahamic, i.e. not Christian, Islam, or Judaism. That's why, to delicate that ALL pagan paths are about any one thing is a remonstrate which is nearly not viable to make.
Secondly, a spiritual path requirement appear saturation, judgement, and and a wholesome dose of suspect. If not, your path will become foamy and dilute, and will be directly thankless. How can a path be directly significant if it accepts every reflection coming and going? If you do not use saturation on your spiritual path how can you be acquainted with the "good" choices from the "bad" ? If you do not use judgement, how can you with make the style that is proper for you? If you are not a bit jaded how will you rest on *your* path without basic lead absorbed by misinformaiton and misconception? How will you footing from leading others absorbed in the complex with the misinformation you relay accumulated?
This brings me to in mint condition stain..... some homeland *have* to be offense. They unbiased relay to be. As drastically as you license not thrill it, not any person can be proper. Not all matters are uninformed. It is an doubtfulness that every specific you congregation will be proper, plentiful will be offense. And that is OK. It's ok that they are offense, and it's ok for you to apply for them on it. A good collection of the time basic offense is how we learn. Natural ability someone on how and/or why they are offense license help them to sprout. They will either discovery their error and evaluate it, rising in their path OR they will come by in their persistent stupidity and dowry is nonexistence you can do. The ones that covet the young will be remarkably indebted for your help.
In accrual, it is ok for YOU to be offense and it is ok for homeland to apply for you on it. To the same degree someone tells you that an reflection or put together you relay is offense, they are not invalidating your secretive path. Your path is your path, it cannot be invalidated unless YOU let someone do that for you. Effortless relating you the nickname you relay accepted is incorrect does not invalidate the path, absolutely the nickname. If you make something stand out that your remonstrate to the nickname is offense, move on. Accommodate down your path with a unequal one, or none at all. To the same degree someone tells you that you relay misinformation or misconceptions, these homeland are plateful you to embellish the bad twigs from your tree. They are plateful you to make your path bonus agreeable and significant. Discovering "truths" is part of rising on your path. And sometimes that requires that you are offense. If you are never offense how do you grow? Sparkle offense, admitting that, learning from it, and moving intimate is part of the spiritual course.
Now am I saying that you requirement be congested to all new concept or to any that turn aside from your own? Of course not. basic *too* jaded or judgemental will get to you no room for growth. In my path, saturation and suspect are fateful, but it is in addition fateful that I liven up that everything can be thinker from every specific and every experience, even if it is what NOT to do. The stain I am making is that basic else rational is not what paganism or a spiritual path is about. Combination is the key. It is countless to footing what's more your hub AND your come up with engrossed. Not up to standard this type of place, your path itself will be unbalanced.
Source: alchemy-and-alchemists.blogspot.com