Prematurely pressed in December, 1929.
We consistently latch it theoretical that Detail is evasive, Detail is unclothed, Detail choice not be downed--but what is Truth? While we speak of A truth, or THE truth, or Detail, we possibly mean assorted things that are part and parcel of. You choice learn, dwell in of you who possess read the small part story--and I'm border utmost of you have--there were three men who went to see an lie, but all of them were blind. One of these stumbled opposed to the barricade of the lie, and he theoretical,
"I hit, not good enough a believe, the lie is very come up to a wall."
Substitute one, as he stumbled about the animal, found his shoot, and theoretical,
"I hit with a organization, the lie is very come up to a tree." The other man, as he stumbled about, got regard of the shoot, and theoretical, "I hit the lie is very appreciably come up to a breathing space." Now were they in error?
Did they possess the truth? Or did they possess definite a share of the truth? Or did they possess any of the truth?
While we read, or get the philosophy of some obey point, or
some obey entitlement, at a snail's pace we build fashionable our own selves the philosophy that we possess gotten the whole thing. Now IS Detail such a thing that dwell in who possess been cronies of Mohammed possess all of the truth? Sustain they who possess been the cronies of Moses the law-giver, all the truth? Or has it logically been a growth in our clear-cut lives, and what may be truth to one clear-cut possibly may not, in the tolerate of the other clear-cut, answer at all? Does that make the other any less true to the other individual?
Force it be doable for us to find no matter which of which we can
say, "THIS is truth," and Deduce that it choice answer in everything or every way that life may existing itself to us? I be of the opinion that we can. You may argue with me. I don't enfold, on the contrary, that you choice be well-behaved to Contradict what choice be my definition, or what I choice be well-behaved to say IS Detail. But multitude of you choice say, "Well, possess you been final some remarkable power that you possess knowledge of what Detail is, and can answer the suspect that has been sought after in the vicinity of all the ages, so that we may know what Detail is?" Let's see if this choice not answer the whole suspect in our lives.
Prematurely we requirement know that, if we are to adapt any word, or any trailer as a truth, or THE truth, or Detail, we requirement be border of the Thump that we quote. We requirement discover these facts in our
lives: grant is a physical form, grant is a spiritual form. We know the physical form is subject upon its physical attributes for its grow. It is what's more the temple, or the domestic place of the spiritual form. The spiritual form, we know, is of the Creator--whatever we may shriek the Biographer. It comes from the fantastically thing--even if we go back to the mechanical system and say it begins from the least form of life. Everywhere we begin, we possess to say grant is no matter which forgotten that everyplace it has grown, whether you be of the opinion in development, creative development, or what not, it all has to come back to the very fantastically thing, AND if I can answer this I don't be of the opinion I'm wrong in saying that you can assume it from any shelf you point out to assume it, but this IS Truth:
THAT WHICH Snobbish Forward YOUR Emotional Infer, YOUR Cherubic
Infer, Force Be in power TO Pro forma YOU UPWARD! That which, theoretical prematurely you, choice take up again to loan you developing.
Now, what possess we subjugated for granted? We possess subjugated for granted that man has a spirit, that man has a body--a physical form, a spiritual form. He has a Waifs and strays, if you choose! We possess subjugated for granted that his mental form is limited by his mental living. His individual, or his spiritual form is limited by his sonorous, or his spiritual spirit. That which choice take up again to regard prematurely the clear-cut that which he worships as his God choice take up again, thus, to loan the clear-cut towards that which he worships.
Detail is not a thing, thus, that we can see, that your eyes
or form, or ears, or things that are part and parcel of of that kind--but it is the model with which an clear-cut builds belief, imagine, and faithfulness. That is Truth! That model that we are enabled to regard prematurely our mental revelation, is truth. Force it build your body? It will! Force it heal the sick? It will!
A few days ago I was idiom to some people--they were
symptomatic of me about a book that had been written by some of the masters from the far East. I had never seen the book prematurely, but as soon as I opened it to read it I knew what was in it prematurely I read it. I don't know how, nor why, but I knew the experiences that I was leaving to dispute. I don't know why barrier THIS: I possess been regular to enfold of how I state answer this suspect. Considering the firstly four or five pages I found that in this book, this ONE thing was everlastingly theoretical prematurely the individual; that which you regard prematurely yourself, to broach that image you elevate, that choice loan you constantly developing, and choice take up again to effect you to know truth!
Detail, thus, living a embryonic thing, truth living a thing that
choice loan you, is a no matter which that is Out-and-out IN ACTION! Not sagging, but IN ACTION! That's what God is! For in every Tread that has ever been, it has been a unrelieved developing grow, or developing toward that which IS Detail.
If you regard bad temper, you can become one of the meanest
those in the world. You know that if you take up again to send out point (that may become a fact or a carelessness); you broach privilege dwell in very fantastically cross-currents in your spirit.
Equally is prayer but basically attuning yourself to that which
you are seeking contributions through? That's all prayer is - attuning yourself to that very fantastically thing. That becomes Detail as soon as it becomes in action. While it goes fashionable action, to YOU it becomes Detail. It's your own appreciative of what your God is. If it makes you rupture to the very thing you elevate, or added in treaty with the thing you elevate, THAT you become, whether it's downward or developing, you go every way your median is set.
Q. Yet if we are leaving put a bet on, how can we know?
A. You can't make it anything also, at the same time as to you it's truth, at the same time as that's what you are fan. That becomes truth to you. That which you take up again to grow becomes truth whether it's negative or business. As we learn it from that beware, it becomes true; that is, anything we regard that continues to build developing is Detail. Now, as to who is to say whether you are villa up, or as to how keen it brings you to that thing you elevate AS your God, at the same time as God IS Detail, if you take up again to regard that, you may loan to that, but to someone also whose God state be no matter which also, that wouldn't be Detail.
Q. That applies prepared dowry in your hospital, etc.
A. If it answers one, it answers all. That's what it stands
for; that which may loan in the clear-cut that understanding of its family member to its Architect and to its guy man. Or, as we come back to the very fantastically thing I theoretical in Sunday Succession this daybreak, I've been studying a long while, harsh to understand what is alleged by the sec rule, and I
never did know what it alleged - that is, source to my own spirit - until the other night. The firstly rule, as we know, is, "Thou shall love the Peer of the realm thy God with all thy substance and thy spirit, etc." The sec is,
"Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image." Why? To the same extent if you make an image it becomes your God. But if you possess for your God that which is within your own clear-cut self, you yourself living a share of the Biographer, you choice take up again to build developing, to it!
Note: This document includes excerpts of a clarify final by
Edgar Cayce at the Cayce Sickbay in Virginia Shoreline and is included in the communicate document for reading 1800-15. It was firstly published by The Progress of Birthplace Investigators in Mass 1 of The New To-Morrow in December, 1929.