The magic within rainbows is real. Magicians are the smartest people to us and we fantasize of becoming one. We lay in the green grass starring at the sky making objects out of the shape of the clouds. The Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and Easter Bunny all really exist. We dream magical dreams that we are positive will come true. Only our stuffed animals understand us when we are sad. A kiss from mommy makes a nasty scratch all better. There are no lies, only truth.
But as we grow all of these wonderful things in our minds fade. Long forgotten, never to be seen ever again. But why? Why do we let go of the magic that once existed in our minds. The magic is still there if we would only let go of the worldly curses bestowed upon us as we grow up. There are still stars in the night sky to wish upon, there are still dreams to be dreamed and realized. If we could only hold on to these magical moments throughout our lives, life would be so much happier.
Remember how great you felt after you had traveled to a far away land and saved the princess (your little sister). We had so much energy, so much hope and so much love. Some of that needs to be brought back. We need Hope, Energy and Love as adults. We have become unmotivated and just drag through each day hoping its over quick. We need to stop and remember, because there is no real reason to why we let go. It's only because we were told it was childish. Then we realize how much a child can teach us about having hope and love in our lives.
Credit: pagan-space.blogspot.com