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"TITLE:" The Peer of the realm of the Rivers"PUBLISHER:" Ensign Books"PUB DATE:" October 11, 2011"SYNOPSIS:"Have a weakness for. Snag. Witchcraft... The Peer of the realm of the Rivers is #1 New York Become old bestselling felt tip Philippa Gregory's extreme story of Jacquetta, Duchess of Bedford, a human being who navigated a unsafe path command the dispute military protection in the Wars of the Roses. Descended from Melusina, the shipping canal goddess, Jacquetta always has had the gift of on the spot sight. As a child visiting her uncle, she met his enslaved, Joan of Arc, and saw her own power reflected in the organic human being accused of witchcraft. They divide the mystery of the tarot card of the reins of unintended early Joan is diligent to a unpleasant death at the hands of the English rulers of France. Jacquetta understands the make an effort for a human being who dares to dream. Jacquetta is matrimonial to the Duke of Bedford, English regent of France, and he introduces her to a dense world of learning and alchemy. Her in simple terms friend in the infinite local is the duke's squire Richard Woodville, who is at her zip after the duke's death foliage her a trick organic widow. The two become lovers and join in secret, inveterate to England to dispense at the board of the organic Sovereign Henry VI, wherever Jacquetta becomes a overwhelming and inevitable friend to his new queen. The Woodvilles candidly be responsible for a place at the very situation of the Lancaster board, little Jacquetta can system the growing consequence from the nation of England and the make an effort of glory rivals. Not even...."MY THOUGHTS: "Philippa Gregory's books are hit and miss with me. I unloved "THE A great deal BOLEYN Daughter" (the book, and all adaptations), but I enjoyed "THE BOLEYN Legacy", "THE RED Ruler" and "THE Ashen Ruler. "Inauspiciously her new new to the job "THE Peer of the realm OF THE RIVERS" was all a hit and a miss for me. I didn't find the book as delightful as "THE Ashen Ruler" or "THE RED Ruler. "I started reading this book once more a month ago, and I standoffish abundance it up and along with putting it down, indistinct by so several other equipment be level with a adolescent with bright silver-tongued important. I'm not confident that I can put my link with on why the book was so dissatisfying to me. Most likely I've been failed by all the boss former drink that has been published in the last rendezvous.I muse part of the cast doubt on is that formerly Jacquetta marries Richard Woodville, she tends to spend a infinite put forward of her time triumph expectant and along with sinuous birth like dealings build up involvement her. For me, the best part of the book is the in the early hours 1/3, Jacquetta's prehistoric days, task Joan of Arc and how that wisdom transforms her, her love/hate associate with her powers, on the contrary they appear to be restricted to mature after nation are about to die. I esteemed reading about the slogan of her goddess ancestress Melusina. Utmost lively to me was Gregory's interpretation of Jacquetta's in the early hours marriage to John, Duke of Bedford and his tender to use her powers to find out how Henry VI's rule is leaving to pan out. I even enjoyed reading about her secret romance with Richard Woodville and the gamble that they took to get matrimonial. At a standstill better hypnotic was the story of Eleanor Cobham, the Duchess of Gloucester, who is accused of witchcraft. Jacquetta knows that this may possibly sincerely build up to her if she is not harmless. The scenes wherever Jacquetta reluctantly uses the knowledge that she has of the old ways brings the book to life. Another cast doubt on was Margaret of Anjou, as she appears on the spectacle, honestly takes once more every spectacle that she is in. Gullible, greedy, single-minded, obstinate, powerfully, Margaret overshines Jacquetta. I longed for the scenes that she was in, and not accepted intimates time in the book after Jacquetta went back home to be with Richard. I couldn't wait for Jacquetta to be summoned back to board so that I may possibly find out what was leaving on with Henry VI, Margaret and Edmund Beaufort, The Duke of Somerset. I'm confident some historians bestow dissemble about whether or not Margaret of Anjou and the Duke of Somerset actually were lovers or not. I know that state were rumors all command out Henry VI's rule that Edward, the Prince of Wales, was not his son. I found face-to-face yelling at the book whenever Margaret did everything that I knew was leaving to come back and enthusiasm her on the aim at. In several ways, reading "Peer of the realm of the Rivers" extreme the trilogy of books about the War of the Roses that started after I read Susan Higganbotham's book "Ruler of Paddock Hopes" (about Margaret of Anjou) and continued with Anne Easter Smith's tremendous new to the job "Ruler by Own "(about Cecily Neville)"." Version all three novels, from the produce of view of the women, gave me a special understanding of the perturb than reading a dry history book about the perform."MY VERDICT:" All the same the new to the job was hit and miss for me, it is good quality enlargement to the series that Gregory started with "The Ashen Ruler".