Police say a man was carrying a dead weasel when he burst into a Hoquiam apartment and assaulted a man.
The victim asked, "Why are you carrying a weasel?" Police said the attacker said, "It's not a weasel, it's a marten," then punched him in the nose and fled.
The attacker was apparently looking for his girlfriend and had gone to her former boyfriend's apartment Monday night where the victim was a guest.
KXRO reports he left the carcass behind.
Police later found the suspect arguing with his girlfriend at another location and arrested the 33-year-old Hoquiam man after a fight.
He said he had found the marten dead near Hoquiam, but police don't know why he carried it with him.
A marten is a member of the weasel family.
I realize that police reports can be incomplete, but I figure there can't be too many spells that make use of a deceased marten. It's a dead giveaway, so to speak. And the punching might be a ritual gesture or it might be superfluous. I'm thinking that this could be of the same family as the dreaded mutilated raccoon spell, which was unleashed at least once during the Salem witch wars of 2007. If you happen to know what this spell might be or what the caster was trying to accomplish go ahead and leave it in the comments.
And no, "prove to the world what a dumbass he is" doesn't provide me with any new insights. I already thought of that one.
Reference: goddesses-and-gods.blogspot.com