Lunar planting, or gardening by the "MOON CALENDAR", does not involve gardening at night by the light of the Moon! It is all about timing your gardening activities to coincide with certain phases of the moon using Lunar Calendar.Planting a garden based on the "lunar calendar" has been practiced as long as humans have been planting food. Just as the gravitational pull of the moon affects the tides, it also has an effect on moisture in the soil. If you prefer to garden organically, gardening be the "Moon Calendar" is the perfect companion because it works better in soil not treated with chemicals.
There are two primary factors influencing "GARDENING BY THE MOON" - the phases of the moon and signs of the zodiac. The first of these factors, the phases of the moon, has an effect on soil moisture, causing it to rise to the surface. This helps SEEDS to germinate more readily and stimulates the growth of roots and leaves. Each phase of the moon lasts approximately 6-8 days.
The second factor influencing moon gardening are the signs of the zodiac. Each sign of the zodiac is assigned to the elements of earth, fire, water or air. As the moon moves through the different signs of the zodiac every few days, the astrological signs come into play because plants exhibit individual preferences relative to the elemental sign their planted in.
The duration of the lunar month is about 29 and half days.
During this time, Moon, making full turn around the Earth, sequentially goes through four phases: new moon, first quarter (waxing moon), full moon and last quarter (waning moon).
In "YOUNG (GROWING) MOON" (from new moon to full moon) the most intensive growth of plants takes place: juices rushing up the stem and branches to fruit. As we approach the full moon the most active phase of the plant`s life comes.
On "WAXING (INCREASING) MOON" is recommended: sow and plant the plants that provide fruits and other edible parts above the soil, the so-called "Tops": eggplant, beans, peas, greens, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, strawberries, pumpkins, maize, sunflower, etc., flowers and grasses, herbs.During the "FULL MOON," any interference in the life of plants requires caution: do not perform pruning and transplanting. However, the nutritional value of fruits and berries, collected at this time, will be the highest.Closer towards the Full Moon it is a good time to do weeding beds and exterminate pests.
In the "WANING (DECREASING) MOON ("second half of the lunar cycle: from full moon to new moon), the plants are resting. Life is slowing; juices rush down to the roots. At this time, is recommended to carry out pruning and transplanting, grafting, picking fruit.In the "WANING (DECREASING) MOON" is recommended: sow and plant the plants that provide fruits and other edible parts below the soil surface, so-called "roots": potatoes, carrots, rhubarb, turnip, radish, radishes, beets, Jerusalem artichokes, onions and garlic to the "onion" as well as most fruit trees and bushes.
In the days of the" NEW MOON "is not recommended to carry out any of the planting work. Furthermore, should take increased caution when working with cutting and traumatic gardening tools.
During the "MOON ECLIPSES" is better to abstain of any manipulation with the plants.
"DAYS OF ARIES -" are days of Fruits with a rising force. VERY GOOD IN THE DAYS OF ARIES: o sowing and planting all that should grow rapidly and is intended for quick use; o curl a little fruit trees (with a young moon); o harvest grain and pile the grain in storage. WELL IN THE DAYS OF ARIES: o plant fruit plants; o plant crops (with the young moon); o fertilize crops, fruits and vegetables (Required if waning moon or the full moon, from April to September); o Cut fruit trees and shrubs (in the waning moon).
"DAYS OF TAURUS" - days of Roots with a rising force. WELL IN THE DAYS OF TAURUS: o plant trees, shrubs, hedges, as well as roots (If you do not have time to do so in the days of Fruits - Aries, Leo or Sagittarius), everything is growing slowly, but the crop can be stored for a very long; o heap manure or compost (at decreasing moon from May to October); o combat pests living in the land; o fertilize the flowers of humus from the roots; o make home-made jar foods from the roots. BAD IN THE DAYS OF TAURUS: Strictly speaking, these works simply do not exist; however, everything is growing slower than usual.
"DAYS OF GEMINI" - days of Flowers, a turning point between the ascending and descending force. VERY USEFUL IN THE DAYS OF GEMINI: o sow, plant and plant out all climbers (with a young moon). USEFUL IN THE DAYS OF GEMINI: o sowing and planting flowers; o combat pests.
"DAYS OF CANCER" - days of Leaves with descending force. VERY GOOD IN THE DAYS OF CANCER: o sow or plant leafy vegetables (from lettuce planted by the waning moon, very good cabbage!) o combat pests that live in the soil (during the waning moon); o pruning plants and hedges, if you want that they were growing in breadth. WELL IN THE DAYS OF CANCER: o mow, clean lawns (even better with the young moon); o watering house and balcony plants. BAD IN THE DAYS OF CANCER: o planting or sowing the plant, which should be high; o Cut fruit trees and shrubs (with a young moon, especially in the spring!) o make home-made pickles.
"DAYS OF LEO "- days of Fruits of the descending force. Leo is the most fiery, dried sign of the Zodiac. VERY GOOD IN THE DAYS OF LEO: o collect herbs strengthens the heart; o trim fruit trees and shrubs (in the waning moon, for the winter cropping find suitable days!) o sow seeds on the wet fields (when young Moon) WELL IN THE DAYS OF LEO: o sow grass on lawns (with a young moon); o sowing and planting vegetables and fruits but not water-loving ones(tomatoes, potatoes); o plant perishable vegetables; o curl a little fruit trees(with a young moon in the spring). BAD IN THE DAYS OF LEO: o use artificial fertilizers, as well as natural in a dry soil; o weed control; o pickle cabbage (it dries).
"DAYS OF VIRGO" - days of Roots with descending force. This sign has a special role in horticulture and agriculture. If in such day you plant or transplant plants in the garden, indoors and even in the woods, then your success is assured. VERY GOOD IN THE DAYS OF THE VIRGO: o conduct planting - soil at this time becomes such that everything is perfectly rises; o planting single trees, if you want them to be high; o planting shrubs and hedges, if you want them to grow rapidly; o replant old trees (spring or fall); o transplant and plant balcony and indoor plants; o sow grass on lawns (with a young moon); o plant cuttings. WELL IN THE DAYS OF THE VIRGO: o heap manure or compost (with the waning moon); o fertilize the soil (in the waning moon); o combat pests living in the soil (in the autumn, waning moon). BAD IN THE DAYS OF VIRGO: o planting lettuce (it all goes into the arrow); o make home-made pickles - they immediately will be covered with mould.
"DAYS OF LIBRA" - days of Flowers with descending force. This is a neutral sign; probably, it does not affect either positively or negatively any work in the garden. Perhaps in these days is good to plant flowers and herbs.
"DAYS OF SCORPIO "- days of Leaves with descending force. VERY GOOD IN THE DAYS OF THE SCORPION: o sow, plant, gather and dry herbs; o fight snails (with a young moon). WELL IN THE DAYS OF THE SCORPION: o plant and sow leafy vegetables; o mow, clean lawns; o watering indoors and balcony flowers;o fertilize the flowers (not very well to fertilize vegetables). BAD IN THE DAYS OF SCORPIO: o trim fruit trees and shrubs (especially in spring when young Moon); o cut down trees.
"DAYS OF SAGITTARIUS "- days of Fruit, a turning point between ascending and descending force. VERY USEFUL IN THE DAYS OF SAGITTARIUS: o sowing and planting vegetables and high growing vegetables (barley, beans), as well as single trees, that should grow rapidly. WELL IN THE DAYS OF SAGITTARIUS: o trim fruit trees and shrubs (in the waning moon in the spring); o plant crops; o fertilize crops, vegetables and fruit (in the waning moon or full moon in the spring); o combat pests living in the soil. BAD IN THE DAYS OF SAGITTARIUS: o loosen the soil and weed (weeds will appear again); o planting lettuce (arrows will appear).
"DAYS OF CAPRICORN" - days of Roots with a rising force. VERY GOOD IN THE DAYS OF CAPRICORN: o weed weeds (with the waning moon); o pave garden walks and put fences (in the waning moon). WELL IN THE DAYS OF CAPRICORN: o plant or sow roots and winter vegetables, if you could not do it in the days of Fruits (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius); o stump area and clear the edge and hedgerows (in the waning moon); o heap manure or compost (with the waning moon); o combat pests living in the soil; o fertilize the flowers with humus from the roots; o preserve roots (in the waning moon can pickle cabbage; in the young moon fermentation process takes place very quickly).
"DAYS OF AQUARIUS" - days of Flowers with a rising force.They are not very suitable for work in the garden, so try this time to do only the most necessary. Aquarius - a sign of heart and is not fertile for the forests and fields, and for the garden. It is useful in these days only loosen the soil for weed control (weeds should be left to rot through). Planting in the days of Aquarius is not recommended, because the transplanted plants do not take roots.
"DAYS OF PISCES "- days of Leaves with the rising force. Harvest, which have been collected in the days of Pisces should be immediately used. WELL IN THE DAYS OF PISCES: o sowing and planting leafy vegetables; o watering indoors and balcony flowers; o mow, clean lawns; o fertilize the flowers; o plant potatoes in the waning moon. BAD IN THE DAYS OF PISCES: o trim fruit trees and shrubs (with a young moon, especially in spring); o make home-made pickles.