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AHMADINEJAD Associates CHARGED Among SORCERY, INVOKING DJINNSClose allies of Iran's beginning, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, detain been accused of using illusion powers to more to the point his policies in the middle of an perpetually sharp power struggle in the midst of him and the country's total commander, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.Unique those supposed to be charge to the beginning and his control of staff, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, detain been arrested in fresh days and charged with body "magicians" and invoking djinns (spirits).Ayandeh, an Iranian hearsay website, described one of the arrested men, Abbas Ghaffari, as "a man with special skills in metaphysics and links with the astonishing worlds".The arrests come in the middle of a budding crack in the midst of Ahmadinejad and Khamenei which has provoked loads of MPs to stay on the line for the beginning to be impeached.On Sunday, Ahmadinejad returned to his fork at the back of an 11-day run into in an provable blockade over Khamenei's renovation of the purpose minister, who the beginning had initiallyasked to refrain from.Ahmadinejad's unprecedented waywardness provoked burdensome hostility from conservatives who warned that he entitlement side the proportion of Abdulhassan Banisadr, Iran's most basic post-revolution beginning who was impeached and exiled for supposedly attempting to undermine managerial power.Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, a hardline vicar charge to Khamenei, warned that disobeying the total commander - who has the becoming extinct power in Iran - is equal to "apostasy from God".Ahmadinejad has so far declined to lawfully back Khamenei's rule over Heydar Moslehi, the minister at the centre of the row. In the most basic cabinet date having the status of the beginning returned, Moslehi was omitted.Khamenei's electorate character that the top-level condemn stems from the growing right to be heard of Mashaei, an arch-rival of enhanced agreement of clerics in politics, who is body groomed by Ahmadinejad as a likely inheritor.But the feud has engaged a metaphysical turn biased the plea of an Iranian documentary alleging the entrance return of the Secret Imam Mahdi - the complete saviour of Shia Islam, whose resurgence is right and proper by believers in a kind alike to that with which Christian fundamentalists dream the tiny coming of Jesus.Parsimonious clerics, who say that the Mahdi's return cannot be predicted, detain accused a "unusual put forward" within the president's inner circle, including Mashaei, of body responsible for the direct.Ahmadinejad's phobia with the impalpable imam is well recurring. He recurrently refers to him in his speeches and in 2009 supposed that he had documentary attestation that the US was unappreciated to repulse Mahdi's return.As Ahmadinejad's return this week, at least 25 those, who are invented to be charge to Mashaei, detain been arrested. With them is Abbas Amirifar, head of the government's cultural committee and some journalists of Mashaei's these days launched news summary, Haft-e-Sobh.On Saturday, Mojtaba Zolnour, Khamenei's envoy representative in the powerful Defy Lookout tower, said: "In this day and age Mashaei is the actual beginning. Mr Ahmadinejad has held on to a disobedient muddle by relying on Mashaei." - guard ABUSED, BURNED AND On the sea bed ALIVE: THE Faulty Care OF NIGERIA'S Schoolboy 'WITCHES'Adolescent as early on as two are body burned, unclean and unspoken luminous in Nigeria for body witches, it has been claimed.Hundreds of adolescents are body subjected to bloodstained strength or chained up for weeks at the back of body accused of withcraft, according to a tally up by a novice job bounteousness.In one cover up, an 11-year-old boy was killed at the back of shrill was poured over him; in recent, a girl who had a nail provoked popular her head was used up once and for all disabled.A problem of adolescents detain been abused in the circumstances over allegations of witchcraftBe in charge September a man tried to withhold six-year-old equivalent boys he held responsible for the death of his partner.Lancaster-based bounteousness Stepping Shingle Nigeria has compiled news flash of concluded than 250 luggage of strength v children accused of witchcraft in Akwa Ibom orate.Despite the fact that belief in witchcraft is well hard in Nigeria and other African countries, until the slow Nineties it was largely women and the childhood who were accused.Now some families admonish their children for every problem that hits them - from death to illness and drunkenness.Common accusations are complete by pastors who subsequently charge the accused child's family a fee for 'exorcisms'.Overdue the child has been accused the minister carries out thick exorcism rituals. Sometimes children are chained up in churches and inevitable to fast for weeks, or are overwhelmed and sorrowful until they give to.Upper subsequently four out of five children accused of body witches are forlorn by their families and inevitable to sleep variable.In one nerve-racking cover up, legalize discovered an eight-year-old boy assured in a room not in favor of the majority of his mother.The boy's uncle had accused him of using witchcraft to burst her and tried to press-gang his head popular her be incorporated to come abandoning him.Gary Foxcroft, founder of Stepping Shingle Nigeria, told the Mature that the children were recurrently from out of order homes, or were uncharacteristic in ways that set them faraway.'They entitlement be very well-defined or podium from learning difficulties. Definite of them phantom detain physical complaints such as epilepsy, bed-wetting and sleepwalking,' he supposed. The bounteousness is set to proposal its product to the Assembly of Enquiry popular Schoolboy Witchcraft at the Nigerian Grand Assembly in London today. - dailymail Communicable POLIO Pandemic STOLEN Appearing in CAR HIJACKINGThe potentially deadly microscopic organism is careful a biohazard, supposed South Africa's To your place Gain for Communicable Diseases (NICD), though the way research centre downplayed the chance of a polio contagion."The risk is decently minute, but we'd be fond of to smack of that if the container was found for the ordinary not to tamper with it. Just return it to the NICD or to the legalize," supposed Adrian Puren, envoy excellent of NICD.He supposed submit was no risk the container may perhaps be second hand in a terrorist attack and that the carjackers who wrap the diplomat store carrying it it would seem did not realise what the box contained - stool specimens from the Congo body sent to the NICD for polio apologetic.The NICD supposed the store was stolen on Tuesday and in the manner of beat, but that the specimen shipment was stumped.Carjacking is a common take pains in South Africa, which has some of the most offense impose in the world. - telegraph E.T. PHONES THAILAND AND PICKS UP THE TAB FOR THE Cell phoneSomeone from stool pigeon managers to jet-setting diplomats is words about the world's focal point of temperance jerky to Asia. Now, extraterrestrials go to regularly to be embezzle locate, too.Trackers in Colorado at the Two-sided UFO Association, one of the oldest unidentified-flying-object research organizations in this world, say that having the status of the lounge of the Western banking conspire in 2008, UFO sightings including Asia's fast-growing economies detain accelerated. Irregular UFOs detain finish down airports in China, buzzed resorts in Borneo and lit up the night sky in Myanmar.All of that is corporation a pleasant breeze to the repute of the U.S., which, as the DreamWorks bouncy movie "Monsters vs. Aliens" observed, "is the in simple terms circumstances aliens ever resound to grasp.""It's not foreign, really," says Debhanom Muangman, a 75-year-old Harvard-educated general practitioner and one of Thailand's leading UFO investigators. "Aliens detain been coming to Asia for decades, but now they goal a encourage. This is somewhere the tolerant countries are, so they are coming nearby radically concluded recurrently now."[AHED-UFO]Extraterrestrials most basic hit the ordinary originality in a big way in Thailand in 2006, so villagers in the rural northeast found become emaciated fever-cooling gel packs and mistook them for concert party from past space. One organism told home-grown pressure she ripe a gel chock and served it to her children in the flight of the imagination that it would make them concluded well-defined. Tender Flat AT E.T. PHONES THAILAND AND PICKS UP THE TAB FOR THE Cell phone