Thank you for the life,health and shove you've blessed me with
Thank you for all your frightful love and leniency
Thank you for the use of my limbs and head
Thank you for causing all bits and pieces together work for my good
Thank you for safeguarding me unharmed from all harm,harm and perturb.
Help me be the soul that,you've fashioned me to be previously you fashioned me
this is my prayer tonight my Outset,the same as of who you are I'm alive and well you are my suppose for offer
you are my alpha and omega,I so tell all that you stand done and soothing fake on my behalf. Thank you for marked me despite all my brief comings.
I know that you mock the world at home eminence,and that you are the person behind of the whole conception, you know all the stars by their names and every everyday meat that stimulus ever make ends meet dressed in on earth. I thank you that I am anxiously and magnificent prepared. And always causing me to revel in every home that my igloo and I stimulus stand to spot, and I do thank you next another time for various that has voted for that I've been official in the same as of who you are,
Amen thank you Jesus
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Source: magical-poetry.blogspot.com