I have no problems picking favorites. In fact, I find the task so easy that it can become a hindrance. For instance, I love my two blogs, but I tend to favor Pagan Culture over my fiction writing blog. I wonder if I do it because I've had Pagan Culture longer...
Something similar is happening when it comes to my dogs-I'm way closer to Attila than to Janani. I love them both to pieces, but Attila has been my baby for a long, long, long time. I feel bad because puppies are very perceptive, and Janani notices every now and then. I give her extra kisses and have been trying to do better by her.
I'm doing the same with the blogs. I told myself that I will post at my fiction writing blog at least twice a week, instead of my usual one day a week: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for Pagan Culture, and Tuesday and Thursdays for Magaly Guerrero. Baby steps, right?
My need to favor one thing over another was sated when Carmi Levi asked everyone to share their favorite photos from 2012. I didn't have to think about it twice. I mean, have you ever delighted in the scent of burning pomegranate? What about pomegranate sizzling in an orange peel? Well, I have, and they are both glorious. The sight is delicious, too. So it was easy to pick this picture of my Winter Solstice fire as my favorite image for 2012:I was also enchanted by A Luscious Goddess on My Wood And by this mighty tree growing through rockMy silver hammer for Deconstructing the Darkness is awesome, too Oh, and there is this bee... I remember talking to it as I took the pictures, saying, "You are such a great model. My goodness you should do this professionally. What a bee you are. Great pose!" Then I got a little closer... poked the bee with a stick. It didn't move. Yep, I was talking to a dead bee *sigh*
Stop by Thematic Photographic 228 and share your favorite photos from 2012-living and dead.Now I'm off to spend some time reassuring Janani. She's acting extra needy, today. Attila has been sleeping... He does that a lot. Because he's a baby... And he's growing ;-)
Source: practicing-wicca.blogspot.com