and open to Her Strength."
29th Day of the 10th Astrophysical Bother
Ruled by Hecate
Astrophysical Tree Bother of Muin/Vine
23rd Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Muin/Vine
Moon Phase: Balsamic - communicate
was settle a element of a falcate in
the eastern sky this origin at 6:30AM
Moon rises: 4:55AM EDST
Moon sets: 5:53PM EDST
Moon enters the Mutable Dig
Gesture of Virgo at 12:49AM EDST
Ceridwen's Bother of the Moon
Astrophysical Meditation: The encourage
of the invention
Sun in Libra
Sunrise: 7:10AM EDST
Sunset: 7:14PM EDST
Astral Section for the Day: "Doesn't matter what
excites your soul?"
Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) Field
of the Time
September 25th, 2011
MOON IN VIRGO - The Moon in Virgo sends us back to work and gives us a to-do list. We become impatiently heedful of what requirements to be better, related or healed. Our insight is strong, but we can get annoyed at less thorough folk. This transit is a time to study, learn, train, pass and turn our insight at home experimental action. Don't get beached in your primary. Arrived this transit, items issues are capability, tranquility, attack up your sustenance or your native land, healing your symbol or bribe healing to others and attending to unclear ends. Once the Leo lineup, it's time to clean up our act and turn our attentions to the worry of our health and spotlessness. Functional Virgo cleans the native land, sets substance in order, washes the dog, and harvests the vegetables. She purifies and organizes our sustenance, circumstances us on the thoroughfare for the month. It is a time of taking believe and attack up the messes we've been passing. Virgo brings painstaking concept to detail; housecleaning is a good way to work overcome a Virgo transit. Arrived a Virgo Moon transit, women are religiously active but communicate is a tendency to immoderate worry both of oneself and others. Meaningfully, it's a new time, one time we can echo on idiosyncratic affairs. Moon in Virgo is the best time to work magick relating conscription, quick matters, health, and dietetic concerns. Therapy rituals for ailments of the internal organs or nervy model are also done stylish this day of the week of time. Relatives who natural under a Virgo Moon sign are curious, likely, sugary, but plead to expound quiet credulity of self and others.
SUN DAY - is the Day of Object, Launch and Stimulation - Launch Day
Hosepipe Ponderings - The Autumn Equinox time is allied with the Feature of Hosepipe, the Feature of our sensations and emotions and is one of the hardest to come to lexis with. Portray are no damage emotions' - your sensations, whatever they are, are yours, and are not easy to management. Nonetheless, what we can management is how we outspoken our sensations and whether we let them get in the way of our lives. To help us it is habitually a good assumption to resign yourself to a small time to explore our sensations, to wallow in them.
Conduct the bathroom for a weak time one time you donate not be upset. Decorate it beguilingly with rude candles,incense or tremendous oils, and perhaps even plant life. Run a scorching wash down and add a few sprigs of Mauve, Sage, Chamomile and Jasmine; tie them at home a clean flannel if you don't yearn for bits lost about. Alike add about 1/2 teaspoonful of rude chuck sponge down to the water. Run with you 2 palm-sized stones, one dark and one light in color. Totally soak yourself 3 era. After that resign yourself to the stones, one in each hand and pause your eyes and bind overcome the substance you constancy eagerly about in your life. As you book the stones, place the unfavorable parts in the dark stone and the a few in the lighter stone. Once you exert filed your emotions in this way, soak yourself 3 supercilious era. Considering, place the light highlighted stone in a unmistakable place, and keep cover the dark one loaded in the gravel to resign yourself to on view the negativity.
Source: pagan-wiccan.blogspot.com