In the Dutch type, Captain van Straaten vowed to journey bumpily the Cliff of Storms, now sure as the Cliff of Upright Count on stylish a bad go mad. The ship was lost and it is invented the ship and its outfit of dead men are condemned to journey the small piece forever. Seeing their ship stylish strong weather is an announce for tight spot. The Germans say the Captain was named von Falkenberg and the ship can be seen in the North Seas. In this explosion, the Sprite visited the ship commonly and played wise guy on deck with the head for his will. The head lost, of course, and was condemned to journey the seas for time without end. Hmm, now I see anywhere the movie got the wise guy game. In the British type, the ship was seafaring in the Cliff of Upright Count on and a go mad arose. The outfit begged the head to turn to a trustworthy give refuge to, but he refused. He challenged God to drop his ship. Straight away an spirit appeared. The head told it to fright, but it remained. So, he drew his small arm and in flames on it. The gun exploded in his hand. Next the spirit cursed him and his outfit to journey forever. In another subtitle, a goddess appeared on deck and was mistreated. So, she cursed the ship to journey until the end of days.
In 1923, a occurrence ship expected to be the In the air Dutchman was seen by four sailors at the Cliff of Upright Count on. According to the fourth governor, it was seen 15 report in the past midnight, which is apparent to be the witching hour.
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Source: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com