Mornings are tough. They are a struggle. I am not typically a morning person. It is hard to wake up. But that isn't the only issue, when I do eventually wake up I then find it hard not to get drawn in the busyness and complications of my day. When I wake up I feel the smack across my face of all the things reminding me that they need to be done. The day screams - Urgent! Hurry! Get busy! My heart gets so easily burdened and distracted in the morning. That is why I appreciate these comments from C.J. Mahaney and Jeff Purswell which address those struggles and give us a prescription to help us overcome them:
I NEVER CEASE TO BE AMAZED AT HOW COLD MY HEART IS IN THE MORNING. AND I USED TO THINK, "NO, IF I AM REALLY SAVED THEN I WOULDN'T FEEL THIS WAY IN THE MORNING." IT ENCOURAGED ME ONE TIME TO HEAR DR. PIPER SAY, "I FEEL LIKE I HAVE TO GET SAVED EVERY MORNING. I WAKE UP AND THE DEVIL IS SITTING ON MY FACE." (TWEET THIS) I can relate to that....The coldness that I feel just reminds me how badly I need God. Because apart from him I can do nothing. And apart from getting food for my soul this morning, I will be starving....
...getting (my) soul happy before God. That is what I am after in my devotions. I am not there to learn more data about God (although hopefully I am constantly learning as I read and meditate upon Scripture). I am not there studying (I will study at other times). But I am desperate in those moments not merely to complete a regimen, I am there to, as James put it, to "draw near to God." I am banking on his promise, "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you" (4:8 ESV)(ht: Sovereign Grace Blog on Early Morning Spiritual Battles)
Reference: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com