Merry Meet :)))))) As many of you know I have quite the collection of Tarot and Oracle card decks. I adore the artwork and the cards. I recently picked up the Indigo Angel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and I am loving it! If you are new to the tarot or working with the cards, Oracle cards are a great place to start. I particularly love Doreen Virtue's work, because her messages and cards always have an amazingly beautiful energy on them and loving message.This deck called out to me as soon as I saw the announcement of it's publication. Many of us are Indigos and Star Children. My son is a Crystal Child. If you are unsure what any of this is, there is an amazing website that helps to explain what Starchildren are. You can find it here: http://www.starchildren.info/ You hear me say that we are highly sensitives and lightworkers all the time, Starchildren is another term to describe who we are and what we do, so if you've not had the chance to learn about them, that website is a great place to start.
Back to the cards! Knowing Doreen Virtue and her work, I expected these cards to resonate highly with me and I was not disappointed. Doreen worked on this deck with her son Charles who is an Indigo.
"The term Indigo refers to strong-willed, intuitive leaders of all ages. Indigos have an inborn ability to sense whether someone is telling them the truth or not, and they only respect people who are honorable, regardless of age, title, or rank. Because of their nonconformity, Indigos often buck the system...which is part of their global mission to bring truth and integrity to this world.
Whether you're an Indigo or someone who loves or cares for one, the angels give extra guidance to support the important work of Indigos. The angels' messages help such individuals with every aspect of their personal and professional lives. " - Doreen and Charles Virtue
After perusing the cards they definitely do deal with a lot of issues that we will encounter on our path. The messages are very helpful in navigating your way on your path. I would recommend drawing one card each morning and asking your guides to show you the card that is the message they want you to know on that day. This helps to facilitate communication between you and your guides and open your intuition to hearing them clearer when they wish to give you messages.
If you would like to grab a copy of the deck you can get it here: Indigo Angel Oracle Cards
Below I have put some of the cards for you to take a peek at. :))))
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
"Put A Little Magick in Your Day!"Premium edition includes daily magickal correspondences, quotes, affirmations, tarot card, spell, and an article teaching you more about your path. :))) "