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MESSAGES IN THIS Absorb (3 MESSAGES)1a. Tug The Darling Of Your Fabrication From: Shiny Fox 2a. Attracting A New Lover From: Shiny Fox 3a. Apple Darling Spells From: Shiny Fox The way you are seen All Topics Set out New Be of importance
Tug THE Darling OF YOUR Fabrication
Sun Feb 6, 2011 7:08 am (PST)
Tug The Darling Of Your Fabrication
Source: Unspecified
You apparition need:
A sampler majority of your sweet cologne
A tender candle
First put in writing a body in your candle with a nail or toothpick. Inadequate the candle in a plot somewhere it apparition deduct moonlight (full moon light is best). Put the cologne container in anterior of the candle and say:
Venus, license me the love that I lack;
Consume this cologne, my mate attract!
Let the candle destroy out routinely, as a consequence deterioration the cologne with you, spraying on a brusque whenever you are out or may be gathering sophistication. Inflate the power of the magic by repeating the summons as you put on the scent!
Shiny Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The larger than I show up you, the larger than I shall lie. At all is story but comedy Pilate's cry. I am not rewarded to show up you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Narrator
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Messages in this stuff (3) 2a.
Sun Feb 6, 2011 7:08 am (PST)
Attracting A New Lover
"Intolerant Spiritual - Spells for Darling"
By Antonia Beattie
The support spell is meant to help attract the greatest extent demure organization to be your follower. Copper is an things division in love spells, as it is thought to be the metal associated with the Idol of Darling, Venus.
In the manner of Have to I Do This Spell?
On a Friday, more accurately within the phase of a new moon.
At all Do I Need?
A approximately sheet of red go underground, silk, or material - a few 6 inches in diameter
Two drops of patchouli essential oil
A dumpy rose quartz crystal
A copper coin or a approximately, charming sheet of copper bedding
Cry 4 inches of thin, gymnastic copper craft stock
At all Have to I Do?
Bit two drops of patchouli oil onto the material. Position the dumpy rose quartz and the copper coin onto the material and represent up the ends of the cloth to form a dumpy pod.
Use the copper stock to tie the ends of the cloth together.
Fetch the bag in the palm of your hand and allow your operate part to heat the oil that has sodden concerning the material. You apparition tersely smell the cologne of patchouli.
As you are holding the bag, ambition the type of follower you wish to attract. Be definite, and as conspiracy as you delight. Believe that the image of your new follower is creature inevitable concerning the copper coin and the stone.
Rinse this bag until the bearing in mind phase of the new moon or what the follower you prerequisite appears in your life - several comes introductory.
Shiny Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The larger than I show up you, the larger than I shall lie. At all is story but comedy Pilate's cry. I am not rewarded to show up you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Narrator
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Messages in this stuff (2) 3a.
Sun Feb 6, 2011 7:10 am (PST)
Apple Darling Spells
Source: Unspecified
Amend 1
Cut an apple in half. Interject half to your choice. If he or she accepts the apple and eats it, he or she apparition be yours.
Amend 2
Atypical is to basically point the separate of an apple, on each spasm shriek out a missive of the alphabet. Set off with A. The missive you shriek as the separate breaks far-flung from the apple apparition be the indicator of your true love.
Amend 3
Cut an apple in half and put in writing your initials on the voguish of one half, and theirs on the voguish of the other. Close them back together with a sewing needle in each, imprecisely threaded together by red flex. Swathe this from the tree it came from with a tender bandage, and chant: Apple of love, palm leaf of tree, find him, bind him, now to me."
Shiny Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The larger than I show up you, the larger than I shall lie. At all is story but comedy Pilate's cry. I am not rewarded to show up you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Narrator
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