We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life, but spells are to reach a goal. To start you have to do ritual purification, which means first cleanse and consecrate everything being used (even yourself). This is where you physically clean and then clean the energy off an object, saying "I cleanse and consecrate this item in the name of the lord and lady, so mote it be and blessed be with harm to none." Then cast a circle and call the quarters (at the end of the spell you shall undo these). At the end you will record the spell (and later record the results).In a basic ritual you: Do the altar devotion, create the sacred space, cast a magical circle, call the quarters, invoke deities, close quarters, release the circle, and ground and center. If a spell is written badly you won't get proper results, and since most people write their own spells they have to record what they did so as to improve upon it later if they wish. To invoke the gods (invoke means to invite the all into your circle) you have to ring a bell and call out their names or have a picture. You have to build energy as well. To think a thing is to create a thing. The different types of spells let you do different ways of raising energy. There is candles, meditation, dancing, chanting, singing, weaving or cord magic and much more (magick is a different spelling so we know that we are not talking about stage magic). Everything needs visualization and concentration. You can use Planetary hours (a system of hourly division associated with planetary energies) and moon phases to time your spell. Magical correspondences such as colors, herbs, and stones can be used to focus the intent of the spell.
To cast a circle start with yarn, star walking clockwise laying the yarn down as you go and say, " I conjure thee, o great circle of power so that you will be a boundary between the world of men and mighty spirits, a meeting place of perfect love, trust, peace and joy containing the power I/we will raise within thee. I call upon the guardians of the North, East, South, and West to aid me in this concentration. In the name of the lord and lady thus I do conjure the, o great circle of power." When completed, at point where the string connects say, "As above, so below, this circle is sealed!" and he pounds on the ground with your fist 3 times. Then you or the officers of the elements call the quarters by saying, "I call to the (animal) and the (element) and Ye Guardians of the watchtowers of the (direction), I summon thee to watch over this ritual."(Example: South-fire-snake*north-earth-wolf*east-wind-blue~jay*west-water-dolphin).
Rituals are the same as spells, just more elaborate and you are doing it to honor the gods just as much as asking for something. Rituals are usually done on holidays and only ask for general health and happiness. Spells are done any time and ask for something specific, like a job promotion. Rituals are usually group while spells are solitary, and rituals usually include food while spells do not. There is an outline for a ritual on the next page.
Daily Devotions
The things a Wiccan should be doing every day are called daily devotions. Here is a typical example:
Morning - Write down any dreams you can remember. Then do stretching or take a bath and focus on your body. How does it feel when you do that stretch or how does the water feel on your back? This should last ten minutes. This is to center yourself in your body and to take care of yourself.
Afternoon - Meditation is encouraged any time of day, but at least once a day for twenty to fifty minutes. Prayers before each meal are also encouraged but not always practiced.
Night - This is the most important one. Go to the altar and light a candle. Give an offering, like incense or a flower, to the lord and lady. Say whatever prayers you have. Use this time to talk to the Lord and lady about whatever you feel like talking about. At the end thank them. When you are done with that write in your journal about your day, or whatever thoughts/pictures are in your head. Some people draw instead of write in their journals. When you get into bed say a prayer. This is the one I use "Day is done, time for bed. Goddess bless my sleepy head. Air Water Earth and Fire, bring sweet dreams as I desire. As the morning sun does rise, may the lord bless my sleepy eyes."
Basic Outline of a Ritual for a Solitary
A. Ritual Preparation
Gather tools and cleanse and consecrate them
Prepare area
Prepare body
B. Open circle
1. Cast a circle
2. Call the watch towers/elemental quarters
C. Invocation of deities
1. Align self with deity
2. Invoke deities
D. Statement of Purpose
E. Actual working of Act of Honor
1. Working
a) Complete preliminary/visual task
b) Raise power/energy
c) Focus power/energy
d) Ground power/energy
2. Honoring
a) Complete preliminary manual/visual tasks
b) Dedicate cakes and wine
c) Partake of cakes and wine
F. Meditation
G. Thanking the Deities
H. Closing the circle
1. Mentally and verbally closing the circle
2. Physically close the circle
I. Cleanup and Record
Origin: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com