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Monday 23 July 2012

So Much To Work On So Little Time

So Much To Work On So Little Time
First of all, WOW, I now have TWO followers ! Welcome Shinobi, I hope to learn loads from you,and possibly you might find me a little bit entertaining in a good way!

Ok, so I went to Llewellyn and saw this spell, yeh, Autumn is all about new projects, fresh starts... id=4552

I've so much stuff going on it's unreal, but on a shallow level....

change hair colour to pumpkin orange when the leaves change

lose a little bit of weight (not too much,Goddesses always are voluptous. :)

Eat better, more veg from my own garden

outside goals -

plant up the garden for Winter (HUGE project)

get my pantry stocked up for when the shit hits the fan ( you guys never knew I was a SURVIVALIST Witch, did you?)


work on my preserves

get the bathroom redone before Samhain (no reason for S date, just need a time goal)

work on my money magic goal, obv it's not going to happen overnight

What are YOUR goals, fellow Witches ?