Tim Burton is a Goth with Daddy issues - it's not controversial to say that anymore, right?
It's been pretty well established that Burtons unique visual style and method of story telling has been heavily influenced by the Goth scene of the 80's, which took a skewed look at the western world and decided it didn't want to follow in the footsteps of its parents.
So those of you out there who quite like Burton's style whilst also being fans of comics...where do you start? This article hopes to help you with that. From homicidal killers to poetry in motion, here's a recommendation of where to look.
"Let's start with the the most obvious choice. Neil Gaiman's celebrated story of a group of living concepts, headed by Morpheus, a being who is so 80's he manages to wear just a black dressing gown and still" pull it off, has been talked up so much its not even worth mentioning too much. Many more than I have phrased it's appeal better than I ever will, but suffice to say, it mixes baroque concepts with prose that drips the kind of humour Burton is famous for. Mind you, there's a far better story out there...
"People say that Sandman is a great story and to an extend it's true. But where Sandman is a comic that and a great story to boot". Spinning out of the events of Sandman, Lucifer stars the Morningstar himself, who having grown weary of the role God assigned him abandons hell and strikes out for himself to try and make a better world than his father even could.
proves the medium can be literary, Lucifer is both that
Lucifer himself is cold, calculating and aloof with a million plans all in motion at once, John Constantine but a bigger bastard, which is why his supporting cast are so essential, helping craft a tale that deserves to be acknowledged for the greatness it possesses. Though it's always lived in the shadow of Gaiman, its one that in merits, eclipses it. Worth a read for all those Burton fans who like the religious elements of his work alongside the macabre.
Though I've remarked in the past that she's more an icon than an actual relatable human being, Emily has still inspired millions around the world with her DIY spirit and determination that girls can do it better than boys. She's starred in a few comic series, most recently Emily and the Strangers, but really her effect has been teaching a generation of girls that its ok to shy away from what is considered 'normal' and just be themselves. Which is the Goth spirit personified really.
Jhonen Vasquez's first breakout hit, the comic series tells the story of a young man named Johnny C., as he explores the psychological and possibly supernatural forces which compel him to commit a string of murders. Heavy on blood whilst giving everything a slightly humorous twist, JTHM is dark, twisted and distinctly counter-culture, despising everything that modern day life is.
It's also a very funny comic from start to finish which actually challenges the apathy that counter culture thinking can bring. All whilst involving a villainous stuffed bear.
A must see for those who like the spikier, more biting Burton.
Channelling the whimsy of everyday life/death, Lenore stars a character who is dead, who spends most of her days mucking around with her friends and scaring the living. Whereas the prior entries all are extremes to one end or another, Lenore imagines a slightly softer and irrelevant side to the goth lifestyle without sacrificing any of what makes it appealing to those attracted to the subculture.
Lenore has attracted a dedicated following during her exitance in part due to her creator Roman Dirge's desire to keep the project creator owned and underground. Worth checking out if the you know someone who needs a gentle introduction to Burton's work.
"Article images courtesy of Roman Dirge, Jhonen Vasquez, DC Comics and Rob Reger."