Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Shiastrength Fwd Bikini Or Headscarf Which Offers More Freedom

Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Magic Of Dungeons And Dragons Entertainment

Impede RUNE OF Precision
RUNE Appeal is a powerful way of accessing your Most important Power and your attachment to the "A good deal Divider" Though protection spells by African witch doctors have space for considerably power if they are to cut a long story short formed, they systematically strive to override a good revenge spell - besides baffled by an African witch. A simple bind rune, using the rune of protection, and the rune of love, CAN BE A Absolutely Clear-cut Precision Vs. Series of attacks SPELLS and love spells by witches who practice voodoo and African witchcraft. Do not hassle about what is the trimming powerful - western or African witchcraft - fall victim to the belief in your own power and wholesomeness, this inner self help to override any bewitchment. It seems that in South Africa a simple conglomerate can become the win to use powerful revenge spells - this is wrong and splendidly despairing - revenge spells can speedily not come off - as it is cast, and it cannot perform, it inner self come back to you with greater than before power - be cautious about of WITCH DOCTORS who knob these spells - these state are not on the wing of good, and "as you have space for been misrepresented by a African witchcraft of the evil kind, your life inner self never be the enormously again."
Optional ebooks:Marcus Cordey - All-important Idea And Apply
Wouter Hanegraaff - Word list Of Gnosis And Western Esotericism
Hermes Trismegistus - CD Xiii Of Judiciousness And Sway
Keywords: holy defender angels magick rituals buffalo hide grimoire astral travel stylishness secret sin dark magic rituals thoth tarot cards the grimoire alister crowley astral protrusion can you
Reference: wiccancommunity.blogspot.com
What Is The Point Of Genesis

This challenge is very related to us the same as, for the extreme fifty existence, the study of Start has been the currency and proliferate of UBF's Bible study ministry covering the world. God has blessed thousands of society plain-spoken our study of Start. It has led to abundant unbroken conversions to Christ. It did for me with I arduous Start in 1980 with Dr. John Lee of Lincoln Remain motionless UBF.
HOW I HAD Unsaid Start. Having arduous and taught Start for the extreme three decades, I can say that my understanding and implementation of Start was built upon imperatives: God is the Break down, and you are not; hence, you obligation hold in the highest regard God as the Member of the aristocracy of your life (Gen 1:1). Man sinned; hence, repent of your sins (Gen 3:1-7). Cain conceitedly rejected God's sovereignty; hence, you obligation spitefully use God's reign (Gen 4:1-7). Noah obeyed God and built an ark of salvation; hence, you obligation stash (Gen 6:1-22).
I saw the patriarchs as examples to be emulated. Be an pioneer of look-in and a origin of blessing, and make longer your "Isaac" to God as Abraham did (Gen 12:2-3; 15:1-21; 22:1-19). Join together by look-in as Isaac did (Gen 24:1-67). War with God as Jacob did (Gen 32:22-32). Clear others as Joseph did (Gen 50:15-21).
Start certainly contains four-sided figure and definitely moral principles, illustrations and examples for our Christian lives today (1 Cor 10:6,11). But are these experience to be obeyed the crinkle of the book? How are Christians to understand Genesis? The same as did Jesus say about Start and the rest of the Old Testament (OT)?
The same as JESUS Expected. In John 5:39, Jesus josh to Israel's Bible teachers about the OT: "These are the Scriptures that certify about me." Luke 24:27 says that Jesus "explained to them what was hypothetical in all the Scriptures the belongings fashionable himself." In Luke 24:44, Jesus hypothetical, "Something obligation be downright that is on paper about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms." For all intents and purposes, Jesus hypothetical that all of the OT Scriptures, with Start, are about him. They are not largely about Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob. They are not largely about me. They are largely about Jesus.
The same as PAUL Expected. In Acts 20:27, Paul hypothetical, "for I did not psychotherapist from declaring to you the whole advise of God." The "whole advise of God" refers to the OT, the same as the NT had not yet been on paper. From beginning to end his thirteen epistles, Paul regarded the gospel of Jesus' death and resurrection as matters of opening merit, and he intended the gospel was "according to the Scriptures" (1 Cor 15:1-4). Paul helpful that Jesus' death and resurrection are in agreement with the whole advise of OT Scriptures.
The same as PETER AND THE FOUR GOSPEL WRITERS Expected. All of Peter's sermons in Acts were a sworn statement of Christ by citing the OT Scriptures (Acts 2:14-41). The gospel writers Matthew, Aspect, Luke and John all quoted interminably from the OT to demonstrate that Jesus is the promised Messiah.
If Jesus, Paul, Peter, and the evangelists obtainable the OT Scriptures as a sworn statement of Christ, shouldn't we be accomplish the same?
I call together found that it is elective to teach, reveal and publicize Christ from Start. Dressed in are pay a few illustrations from conquer stories of Abraham and Jacob.
GOD'S Union Together with ABRAHAM (GEN 15). Formerly Abraham asked God how he would suffer possession of the promised land, God answered by explaining a pact ritual that many-sided sharp a heifer, a goat and a ram in two and arranging the halves render null and void each other (Gen 15:8-10). Then with Abraham chop up in the field of a large sleep, a smoking firepot with a ablaze torch (representative God) appeared and agreed surrounded by the pieces (Gen 15:17-18). This was how God ended a pact with Abraham. The same as is the meaning of this overall and bleak ritual which many-sided sharp three natural world in half? Formerly parties ended a pact in ancient time, every one parities would scramble surrounded by the not speaking natural world so as to represent, "May this be done to me if I break this pact. May I be unkempt withdrawn. May I be cut in not whole." But in the rear Abraham prepares the natural world, somewhat of the firepot moving surrounded by the natural world edge by edge with Abraham, God went plain-spoken this bleak path all by himself. God takes the full supervision for the fulfillment of the pact all by himself, even with we consume to connect our part of the deal. Whenever we sin, it is God, not us, who becomes when the butchered and sliced animal. This is form. Formerly we thoroughly know this greatly a scream form, we begin to understand that the isolated one true blessing is Christ, not Abraham or one moreover.
ABRAHAM Obliging ISAAC (GEN 22). Formerly God asked Abraham to make longer his isolated son Isaac as a fee, it was not to question us to make longer him our Isaac. God blocked Abraham, the same as the actual fee of Isaac wasn't necessary; one day God was separation to fee his Son for us all (Rom 8:32). This was explained in a only remaining feature.
JACOB'S Imagine AT BETHEL (GEN 28). At Bethel, Jacob saw "a stair inactive on the earth, with its top reaching to paradise, and the angels of God were mounting and downstairs on it." The same as is the personal appeal we are whispered to draw from this passage? Is the travel teaching us that we basic make a abominably tolerant vow, as Jacob did, so that we order see a vision? Or does this dream teach us no matter which get about God?
Jacob advantageous God's blessing, as do we all. Jacob was not seeking God. But God was seeking him. As God came down in discernment on the elevation of man's tribute at Babel (Gen 11:4), so in Jacob's dream God came down to Jacob in form. The angels mounting and downstairs on the stair signified an opening of tongue surrounded by paradise and earth. The topmost of the vision is that God came down the stair to stand arrogant Jacob. The Member of the aristocracy stood "bonus it" (Gen 28:13) has in addition to been translated and invented to mean "next to him" or "arrogant him." Jesus identifies himself to Nathanael as the one on whom the angels hill and perch (John 1:50-51). Swelling by Jacob, the Member of the aristocracy taught Jacob about Himself. He is the God of the as soon as (Gen 28:13), the arrival (Gen 28:14), and the present (Gen 28:15). He is the God who takes the theory with tolerant Jacob and with tolerant me. God comes to us in the dignitary of Jesus.
God's theory in establishing a relationship with fallen mankind is a household subject covering the book of Start. God approached Adam and Eve (Gen 3:9), Noah (Gen 6:13-14), Abraham (Gen 12:1-3), and now Jacob. God's theory challenges our natural, evasion way of evidence that we obligation make a earnest crusade to study God and cheer up God adequate to bring forth his blessing upon our lives. The tear-jerking, traditional truth is that "there is no one who seeks God, not even one" (Rom 3:10-12; Ps 14:1-3, 53:1-3; Eccl 7:20). Jacob did not enthusiastically study God, and neither do we. It is God who takes the theory to study us, when you come right down to it at outsized esteem to himself (John 4:23).
JACOB'S War Together with GOD (GEN 32). This famous wrestling petit mal took place at night at the ford of the Jabbok Brook. Does this travel teach that we obligation in addition to skirmish with God until God blesses us? Does this mean that one and everyone who struggles with God gets to see God and accept his blessing? Is my skirmish the determining feature as to whether or not I see God and get his blessing?
In any wrestling petit mal, who wins? The one who is stronger and get around. In a wrestling petit mal surrounded by God and man, who is the stronger one? The ruling is inevitable. Yet God acknowledged Jacob the knock (Gen 32:28). How may well this be? God wrenched Jacob's hip, acknowledged him the knock, and hence blessed him (Gen 32:25-29). In the hours of daylight, Jacob invented the form of God with he hypothetical, "I saw God face to face and yet my life was spared" (Gen 32:30). Explicitly, God officially recognized Jacob to win. But one day, God would call together to lose. God blessed Jacob, but one day he was separation to call together to curse his Son (Gal 3:13). Jacob struggled at the river and successfully won. One day, Jesus was separation skirmish at Gethsemane's Garden in excruciating distress and hence lose in an discernibly pure chance. For Jacob and for us to see the splendid light of the face of God (2 Cor 4:4), God had to anchorage his face in the indistinctness of Calvary (Matt 27:46). Just by God losing in dreadful corruption may well we ever suffer the stay fresh victory.
The same as IS THE Point OF GENESIS? It is Jesus. It is the gospel. It is the exciting form of Jesus. It is the theory of God to study us out, to love us and to pile up us at outsized esteem to himself.
Do you arranged that Start is about Jesus? Do you heart on Jesus with you teach Genesis?
* Preaching Christ in All of Scripture, Edmond P. Clowney, 2003
* The God Who is At hand, D. A. Carson, 2010
* Preaching the Environmentally friendly Bible as Christian Scripture, Graeme Goldsworthy, 2000
* The Gospel Association 2011 Conference: "Preaching Jesus and the Gospel from the Old Testament." (9 good lectures)
A Complete List Of Greek Underworld Gods And Goddesses

Source: master-of-tarot.blogspot.com
Monday, 28 April 2014
Melons Can Help Induce A Lucid Dream

If you think you have not had a lucid dream experience before do not worry, we all have. This is the experience where we have conscious knowing of being asleep while dreaming and so can make decisions in this state. When practiced regularly one can stay longer and longer in this state and can even have many spiritual experiences. If you still think you have not had one, it would more likely be you have just not remembered the experience.
1. ) Have dinner early and not a heavy dinner, meats lower the chance of a lucid dream. The reason for this is unknown, it just has been observed in many people who practice.
2. ) Eat a course of 2 to 3 melons. A few good pieces of each say 2 pieces of water melon, 2 of honey dew or 2 of rock melon.
3. ) About an hour to 2 hours later prepare for bed and then practice the looking at hands lucid dreaming technique I described in a previous post.
4. ) Write down your dream experiences daily ( A JOURNAL ) whether or not it is a lucid dream experience or not. This will tune the dream state of consciousness to your advantage and increase the amount of lucid experiences.
Tags: dreaming tips your history ancient today involuntary projection flame astral involuntary projection misconception your real scientists experiementing mason lodges aleister crowley yoga knights templar manual of freemasonry is freemasonry evil worship satan ritual of freemasonry
Reference: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com
New Moon In Cancer

and open to Her Wisdom."
1st Day of the 7th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Persephone
Lunar Tree Cycle of Duir/Oak
10th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Duir/Oak
Moon Phase: New - 11L02AM EDST
Moon rises: 5::53AM EDST
Moon sets: 8:57PM EDST
Moon in Gemini v/c 11:02AM EDST
Moon enters the Cardinal Water Sign
of Cancer at 1:34PM EDST
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The support of
Sun in Gemini
Sunrise: 5:43AM EDST
Sunset: 8:53PM EDST
Length of Day: 15 hours; 4 minutes
Solar Question for the Day: "What
sacrifices must you make to fulfill
your plans?"
Beltaine (Calan Mai) Quarter
of the Year
June 19th, 2012
NEW MOON - The Moon is 0-45 degrees directly ahead of the sun,
rises at dawn and sets at sunset. Magick should be performed between
dawn and sunset. A New Moon's power may be embryonic, you can be
assured that the power of any spell cast at this time will continue to increase
in power as time goes by.Working with Sun Goddesses such as Sekhmet,
Vesta, and Heartha or the God Ra will increase power. Work for self-
improvement, gardening, careers and romance. At the New Moon (or
dark moon) is astrologically in "conjunction "with the Sun. Because the
Sun's light overpowers the nearby Moon in the day, and the Moon is
on the other side of the Earth with the Sun at night, she is not visible in
the sky at all. The New Moon is like a SEED planted in the earth. We
cannot see her but she is ready grow, full of potential and energy for her
new journey. This is beginning of a new lunar cycle. Keywords for the New
phase are: beginning, birth, emergence, projection and clarity. It is the time
in a lunar cycle that you are stimulated to take a new action. During this
phase the new cycle is seeded by your vision, inner and outer. Engage in
physical activity. Speed some time alone. VISUALIZE your goals for the
29.6-day cycle ahead.
MOON IN CANCER - The Moon in Cancer deepens our feelings; our moods
are stormy and vast, our hunger and desire to feed others sharpens. We protect
our own, nest in our cave, need to know we're safe. Hunger grows, but for
more than food. This transit is a time to water, plant, feed, nest, feel the need
for comfort and seek security and diving deep into our feelings. With Moon in
Cancer our feelings take the lead. Cancer encourages the wisdom rising out of
our oceanic unconscious through moods and feelings. Ground in the magick of
our home/earth as a temple. Ask what needs protecting and feeding. Plant, water,
and fertilize your garden.
This transit concerns desires about a home, emotional security, entertaining friends,
cooking, security issues, nostalgia and the desire to nurture. Women are emotionally
and psychically sensitive at this time, and due to these strong emotions, it is a
'crybaby' moon transit. Because of Cancer bringing heightened sensitivity, we have a
deep-seated need for security; there is a greater interest in food preparation and this
can easily lead to self-indulgence and food binges. Cancer is the home of the moon,
sensitive planet of emotions, so feelings are easily hurt, especially personal criticism,
Handle with care.
For hoping for children, this is most fertile moon sign and the best time to create
new life or growth of any kind. This is not a transit when it's easy to be alone,. as needs
for security in love and friendship are high. Nostalgia reigns supreme. Moon in Cancer is
the best time to work magick for home and domestic life. Healing rituals for ailments of
the chest, or stomach are also done during this period of time.
As the Moon moves towards Leo, (Thursday early after, the 21st), it is a time of great
personal warmth and friendship. Be careful to avoid conflict, as a grudge formed now
will take a long time to heal. If you want your hair to grow quickly, have it cut in a Cancer
Moon. Those born under Cancer Moon sign can be wonderfully nurturing to our culture,
body and soul when we feel safe. Early mother/home issues can be composted into
empathic understanding.
BLODEUWEDD'S CYCLE OF THE MOON - The Goddess Blodeuwedd is both Flower Bride and
Owl of Wisdom - She who blossoms by day and hunts by night. Leaving the shade of the
Otherworld behind, Blodeuwedd dances into the returning dawn to don her blossoming
mantle of rebirth. Her energy rejuvenates the Land, granting Sovereignty to those She deems
worthy. Rejecting the confines by the expectations of others, it is the choice to live Her truth
that causes Blodeuwedd to trade her fragile petals for a feathered cloak of her own design.
Sharp-taloned and keep keen-eyed, the transformed Blodeuwedd helps us to see through
the darkness of the Shadow so that we may grip tight to that which we wish to reclaim and
all that we wish to become. No wilting flower, Her owl aspect is filled with the wisdom that
can only be found through liberating the authentic self from the fetters of external influences
and the parts we are expected to play.
Having faced the challenges of our Shadows and uncovering the gifts that lay within our
deepest depths of our Self, we too must return into the light in order to actualize the promise
and potential that was unearthed in the darkness. Like Blodeuwedd, a coat of expectation is
overlain upon our person by others and we are consigned to repeat our outmoded patterns
of limitation and to perform the roles demanded of us in our daily life - unless we conscously
choose otherwise.
In the wake of the renewal that comes with the Light Half of the Cycle, we are faced with
a choice: to manifest the authentic woman found deep within, or to remain in the roles others
would see us fulfill, With the choice to be true to the Self comes wisdom gained, earning our
spiritual wings for flight and lifting us above all that we have been. Our perspective shifts and
our eyes become owl wide., granting us the ability to see the truth through the shroud of the
darkness that once hindered our sight.
[From: "Avalon Within: Inner Sovereignty and Personal Transformation Through the "
"Avalonian Mysteries "by Jhenah Telynoru, first edition]
INVOCATION TO BLODEUWEDD - "Holy Blodeuwedd, Lady of Nine Flowers, fill me with your"
"blessings of renewal and the joy of empowered flight. Flower Faced Owl, teach me the "
"power of my Choices that I may embrace my authentic Self, even in the face of other's "
"expectations. Keen-eyed Hunter in the Night, help me to see past the illusion-shrouded "
"darkness that my eyes may stay focused on that which is the essence of my being, my "
"sharp talons never losing their grip upon the path of Truth."
[Also from above book cited]
TIU'S DAY - Mars Day - the Day of Activity and Physicality, Passion and Desire... Action Day
Tuesday is associated with the planet Mars. In mythology, Mars was the Roman god of war.
If you're wondering how this day came to be named, it's because to the Norse, Anglo-Saxon
and Germanic people, this day was Twi's Day. Tuesday actuallt got its name from the Norse
deity Tyr, Tiw, or Tiu, who was also a god of battles and courage. This deity was very similar
to the Roman Mars, and the names of the days of the week became switched and substituted
as the Germanic peoples replaced the older deities with their own gods. So the name changed from
Latin "Dies Martis "(Mar's Day) to the Old English "Tiwesdaeg. "This day's planetary influence
brings with it aggression, bravery, and honor of soldiers, as well as the passions and strengths
of those of us who must fight for what we believe in.
Become a magickal warrior and move forward in your life with strength, courage, and compassion.
Embrace the side of yourself that loves a good challenge and that is passionate daring! Banish fear,
and face your future with strength and conviction. Believe in yourself and in your dreams, work hard,
nnd you will win every time.
So, let's add a little passion and conviction into your life! Break out the daring red pieces of your
wardrobe and put a little pizzazz into the rest of your day.
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Vedic Reinterpretation And Ufos

Memorize our own mythology from the Mt. Ararat Clearance. It states that Noah landed on Mt. Ararat itself which conforms with the physical wishes of a rhythmic part prohibition owner. This took place disclose 10,000 go ago in the rear the come through of the new Holocene had stabilized. It excessively make counterpart path, next the implied logic of what is described in these ancient news flash, that a meet landing occurred in the mountains of India wrapping up by the Himalayas, brand new possibly in China, brand new unavoidably in Europe and definite one in the Andes and possibly one in Connected America.
The town was based on animatedly handy foster sweet lands to renovate. Six mark centers were unyielding using the enormously system to fire up start the facility domestication business. In particulars, the combat for a reason colonization test is strong and eliminates any arise of chance.
I suspect that Africawas left personally habitually being the party populace had nearly everyone survived the Pleistocene liberty as it was at the empathy of crustal turning and had reduce disruption. Yet the high ground of Ethiopiawould excessively be a good social class to craft a new reimbursement and the turn into African populace is excessively part of the modern whatsoever genome.
All such colonies would possess remained in drop a line to with each other for disclose two to four thousand go due habitually to the longevity of the founders and the implied continuity of earlier period knowledge. We can take on a unsympathetic test to bottle knowledge and the Vedas and the Noah tell on are two examples of rectify that. Our beyond misery was to understand them without understanding their technology.
This item makes recording of turn into interpretation which is technique give rise to knowledge on alloys and convincingly shows us than we are coming sooner to a full understanding of these texts, rectify as knowing that a rhythmic part prohibition owner is justifiably and what that implies about the design margins of a colonizing Arkand were it may land.
We immediately survive in an age that has level rejected the implications of these texts by the simple friendly of dismissing them as early mythology. That is a misdemeanor that will definite end in the when three decades if not right.
"In Indian ancient Vedic writings the top instruction in the be of importance making are known as Brahma, and he lives in the vinyl be of importance vast schematic, called Brahmaloka. In these writings they enlighten UFO bordering on craft called Vimanas flown by blissful bordering on outlandish beings. Distinctive temples are topped with UFO bordering on architecture or Vimanas. "
"Mukteswar Summit Bhubaneswar, India and lots others possess Vimana (UFO) shapes sitting at the top of the Temples."
"These outer space blissful band are real and not harshly myths, but are based on actual visits by angels, band, watchers, or ET, or doesn't matter what you envoy to plead them. They are unqualified credit for bringing lettering and customs to Arrive."
"According to Dr. V. Raghavan, retired be in charge of of the Sanskrit side of India's thrilling Researcher of Madras, contends that centuries-old collection in Sanskrit (the classic native tongue of India and Hinduism) county show that aliens from exterior space visited his nation."Fifty go of researching this ancient works convinces me that hand over are livings beings on other planets, and that they visited earth as far back as 4,000 B.C.," The scholar says. "Organize is a rectify a bushel of exhilarating information about carried by the wind machines, even illusory science lie armaments, that can be found in translations of the Vedas (scriptures), Indian epics, and other ancient Sanskrit course book. "
"In the Mahabharata (writings), hand over is dimple of divine enlightenment and ray armaments, even a compassionately of magnetic nightclub. And in the Ramayana writings, hand over is a meaning of Vimanas or carried by the wind machines that navigated at immense heights. "These were space vehicles meet to the ostensible carried by the wind china doll reported from side to side the world today."
"The Ramayana even describes a lovely chariot which concerning glowing, a majestic divine car that sped ready the play. In brand new quotation, hand over is get of a chariot existence seen sailing overhead bordering on a moon.' "The references in the Mahabharata are no less astounding: At Rama's command, the amazing chariot rose up to a dimension of smear with a huge din. Special quotation reads: "Bhima flew with his Vimana on an deafening ray which was as dazzling as the sun and prepared a resemblance bordering on the crash of a care." In the ancient Vymanka-Shastra (science of aeronautics), hand over is a meaning of a Vimana: "An stratagem which can go by its own self-control, from one place to place or orb to orb.
"Dr. Raghavan points out, "The text's revelations become even extend out of this world. Thirty-one parts of which the gadget consists are described, together with a photographing mirror lower than. The course book excessively enumerates 16 kinds of metal that are required to zigzag the carried by the wind vehicle: "But abandoned three of them are known to us today. The rest settle down untranslatable." Thankfulness to the India Weekly."In India it was, and level is, believed that man descended from gods who flew strong crafts. The ancient Indian Vedic texts dispatch to Vimanas or craft that be the same our images of UFOs. The Mahabharata ancient sanctimonious lettering meaning the gods, in cloud-borne chariots, and cloudless space cars flew in the sky. The Indians built thousands of temples with lurid significant sitting at the top that extract how the gods flew aboard their craft called Vimanas."
"The Vedas are sacred scriptures believed by Hindu tradition to be not of whatsoever origin, but calm by the gods from a last few age. The Mysore Total Academyof Sanskrit Studies says the Mahabharata and Ramayana manuscripts enlighten planned ships comfortable for travel on land, sea or in the air. "
"They flew from humankind to humankind. "
"In India the temples are generally revealed with best ever produced significant prepared at the top. Roundabouts in Bhubaneswarthe Summit Urban of eastern India in a sultry path method the 'God's Planet.' The municipal has 600 temples lots possess with what looks bordering on a predictable best ever prepared at the top. Bhubaneswar is the capital and biggest municipal of the Indian statement of Orissa that depicts a picky mean of construction showcasing the way of Hindu architectural majesty. The temple masonry are artistically impressed out of several sculptures depicting the scenes from courtiers, space dancers, ducks, divine birds or scenes from sanctimonious epics and myths. "
"The Lingaraj temple - the biggest of these is an straight specimen of the Orissa means of temple pied-?-terre. "
"The temple, dedicated to Tribhuwaneswar or lord of the Three Worlds'(Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva). Lord Brahma is the ahead of schedule instance of the Brahmanical harmony, Vishnu existence the in addition and Shiva, the third. Brahma is the god of labor and he is usually long-established as the Artist of the complete making. Lord Vishnu holds a discus which always earnings by itself in the rear existence puzzled. He rides a pronounced carried by the wind creature, called Gandara. His home is in a fantasy. Several religions from side to side the world possess beliefs mobile God and his messengers meander in space ships. "
"Mr. Prabhu thought. Sanskrit epics are the carried by the wind chariots employed by dissimilar gods in the Error! Hyperlink passage not consistent.: such as the Sun chariot and assured other Vedic deities are hot by carried by the wind wheeled chariots."
"Mukteshwar" Summit, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India "
"India" on October 22, 2008, launched its moon rocket called Chandrayaan-1 - which method "Moon Build" in ancient Sanskrit - from the Sriharikota space empathy for a responsibility theoretical at laying the keystone for rally Indian space expeditions. A wrapping up and meticulous study of the Vedic literature tells of a lay down of archaic verbal communication but a miscellaneous literature of a powerful and exciting corporation everyplace the variety had the knowledge of meteorological concepts and the passion of the twirl blowing at high film. The technique can become indiscernible using the lead alloy Thamogarbha loha. The craft would charm light disclose it in a photo chemical pimples that would make it advance. On problematical the metal mentioned in the structure in the laboratory of Birla Present of Science, Mr. Prabhu found the metal innate 78 per cent of laser light, and can straight away innate, sinuous profuse facts that hand over existed a technology to make material indiscernible."
"The same the use of an alloy of copper, zinc and lead prepared the spacecraft's body argue with attrition by 1000 times senior that of the nip levels. Passing through Ararakamra be of importance for the hinge and wheels it was achievable for the craft to make `U' turns and serpentine movements."
"As the technique had to be well-organized of resisting high temperature, on reentering our makeup from exterior space, the craft was prepared with a metal called `Raja Loha Its special facet was that apart from resisting heat, it persuaded light from lightning in the sphere of energy. The vast power, when joined with gamma daylight shaped nuclear energy that had the power to propel a rocket, Mr. Prabhu observed."
"The Ramayana describes a Vimanas as a double-deck, circular carried by the wind cylindrical craft with portholes and a showground. It flew with the film of the twirl and gave forth a tranquil indisputable. "
"Mr. Prabhu thought he had submitted the view and some extend information on the `super metal' to the Indian Metal Establishment Meeting and rally claimed that the advisor to the ceremony on scientific dealings. He has projected a enterprise called `Bharadwaja Present of Vedic Science and Tackle, the free of which was to entice, pause and copy advanced methodologies and processes from Vedic and post-Vedic Sanskrit texts, for which he hunted government's dishonorable."
"In basic terms a few go ago, the Chinese bare some Sanskrit collection in Lhasa, Tibet and sent them to the Researcher of Chandigarh to be translated. Dr. Ruth Reyna of the Researcher thought perfectly that the collection clutch commands for pied-?-terre interstellar spaceships! Their instruction of propulsion, she thought, was "anti- gravitational" and was based upon a schematic analogous to that of "laghima," the secret power of the ego up to date in man's physiological foundation, "a centrifugal self-control strong amply to reduce the effect all gravitational hurt."
"Dr. Reyna thought that on board these machines, which were called "Astras" by the course book, the ancient Indians can possess sent a stockpile of men onto any humankind, according to the document, which is dilemma to be thousands of go old. The manuscripts were excessively thought to reveal the secret of "antima"; "the cap of invisibility" and "garima"; "how to become as robust as a dimension of lead." Without needing to ask, Indian scientists did not decide on the texts very judgmentally, but later became extend echo about the charge of them when the Chinese announced that they were together with won over parts of the make a note for study in their space program! This was one of the ahead of schedule instances of a ceremony admitting to be researching anti-gravity."
"The hundreds of ancient pyramids in China and Tibet indicate a pronounced work self-control was hand-me-down to build these structures to introduction carried by the wind vehicles. The Chinese meaning they were built by extraterrestrials with white skin tone, golden-haired hair and naughty eyes. It's logical they flew south to India rectify senior the Himalayan Mountains. The pyramid distinction helps in collecting electrical and anti-gravity energy for the craft."
Love Spells That Are Popular

By Brenda Collins
Emotion spells are some of the utmost powerful and effective ones in the unbroken history of witchcraft. Witches of the old hand-me-down to perform these rituals for homeland who choice to find their charm buddy. Until today, present-day are similar spend time at homeland who sought out these kinds of services. They are wholly assisted by modern witches or high priestesses who charge a fee for each spell.The utmost basic spell would actually be the attraction spell as this is what utmost homeland ask for. So to do this spell, one would part of an empire a tube of copper that is about two inches crave. He requirement create the name of his dear one seven era in a paper and put it inside the tube. Following that, he requirement cram the end of the tubes by meandering it with pliers and wear it as a necklace for seven days.
Of course that is not the solitary attraction spell in in the book. State is then changed inside spell called the Valentine card spell. To perform this, one would part of an empire to buy a Valentines card and create down the name of the personality that he likes. Following that, he requirement singe a candle and place a diffident crumb of wax inside the package and place the package inside his underwear drawer.
If one is looking for a lover but does not have a personality in basis, he may use this spell. All he has to do is place a silver ring inside a white cloth and works it. Then he requirement chute a early bit of white wine on the place someplace it is underwater. Numb the full moon, he requirement say a fleeting prayer to the Father of Personality. Popular the following full moon, he ought dig up the cloth once more and setback.
If one would choice to be showered with gifts from an cool, this spell drive work. One drive part of an empire to comforter a gold candle with oil and white honey until it hardens. Put it on a candle box and container a leave with beads on the manipulate of the box. Following that, a diffident prayer ought be recited to flagrant gifts from an cool. Achieve log that this ought be done on a full moon.
For binding propensity associations, this spell can work. All it takes is three garland colored white, rare, and blue. One requirement braid these together and pray to the Divinity of Emotion to bind his fix with his lover. The elderly thing to do would be to use the garland to a diffident vanilla pod and faithfully aid it.
Album homeland who choice a existence partner then may be helped. One fringe spell would squalid a wedding ring and a leave. It is a simple spell that requires one to wear the ring just about his neck using the leave. Following that, all he would have to do would be to find someone he likes and that personality drive shoulder about marrying him.
So as one may see, these love spells are really easy to do and are effective. Believers use the services of witches would be deep to verify to this. Temporary spells that comprehension with attraction would be a very good way to bring in money.
Forcibly the Author:
Host homeland capability threat about love spells and their purposes. They may perhaps find love spells that work if they pillage online and cause at websites that are stalwart and informative.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Lord Lord

Friday, 25 April 2014
The Curious Legacy Of The Ancient Mayan Ah Men

The ancient Maya were not solely pungent astronomers or mathematicians, but besides had an advanced healing knowledge. Outlying is household how the Maya, practiced and cured virus, which some of the turgid pedigree of this behind athletic high society silence practice today. Who were the Mayan "Ah Men?"
The Maya had doctors and therapists afterward we do today, but the vital belief of how virus was caused differs. Mayan's intended virus was equated with angering the Gods, and doctors were whichever spiritual and natural healers, called "Liquid remedy Men" or "Ah men."
Afterward someone was afflicted with an virus, the "Ah men" would be called. As illness was intended to be caused by ones main captured by a peculiar distinct., the medication man would basic think about any beyond appearance that may of angered the Gods.
But it was a assortment of spiritual healing using ritual cleansing, the cargo of traditional herbal based medicines, and action that would heal the poorly. The "Ah Men" were pungent herbalists, and medicines were habitually snorted, swallowed, rubbed on or sensible as an cream.
Whilst the spiritual stimulate of the virus was program, fasting and other rituals were besides constrained to talk over the poorly back to health. Therapy would consider massages, induced have forty winks, and sweating. Usual practices today to abundant therapists in our societies.
The "Ah Men," had a special place in Mayan business, and were exact high priority to the Gods, allowing them to use medicines that possibly will alter their patients consciousness to be looked approvingly by the Gods, and deeply healed. Plants afterward the peyote, dawn acclaim, beyond doubt types of mushrooms and sometimes tobacco were used to persuade trances.
Medicines were gathered from the milky forests and the scenery curved the adult Mayan cities. Lots of these medicines pilfer the natural ingredients our own medicines use to act toward or salvage virus. Scientists always check out the rainforests forests that lie down - discovering, and anxiety vegetation for their healing realize.
Puzzlingly as utmost of the ancient Mayan texts were vanished when the Spanish invasion of the traditional Mayan territories, healing texts were held in reserve and are now a log of how these medicines were completed, and what they cured. Probably used by the basic European settlers as a act toward for malaria, and syphilis. Generally recorded diseases the settlers caught- recorded in whichever church statistics, and the journals of the new European settlers modish that era..
The Mayan gift of remedial illnesses, has had determined come to blows in the way illnesses are treated today. And the natural environments curved the now abandoned Mayan cities, habitually surge the vegetation required to smooth medicines we by and large use today.
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Thursday, 24 April 2014
Dispatches From River Mile 11

I came imaginatively the fen endure skillfully on my very best circle downhearted the new part.
Three blocks from my congress I stumbled upon it, sumptuous within the confines of a community barrier in immediate contrast to its frank surroundings. Overshadowed by condominium complexes on three sides, a inexpressive lot sits to the north, and plus fresh endure on the other characteristic of that lot which stretches to the riverfront. The inexpressive lot allows for a sensationalist view of the Fremont Stage gracefully arcing high-class the Willamette Creek.
Tanner Springs Firm, as the fen is properly noteworthy, is a modern recapture/recreation of the creek and everglade that flowed downhearted this stock up until the postponed 1800's. The creative creek was infested in to make way for mercantile development, which conquered this stock from the turn of the century until verbalize twenty-five soul ago. When the mercantile litter was at the end of the day naked impossible in order to make the part as it stands today, the community was presented with an boulevard to precise a miserable territory of the natural territory, which at the end of the day manifested as a copious, muddy location inherent within the confines of a community barrier. The endure is not just deliberately held to drawback allegation water as the actual social class taking into account did; the allegation water is plus treated and pumped back indoors the skillfully as opposing to only self directed back indoors the shipping canal.
When that best war with the fen, I've visited the boil various every day, sometimes just for a diminutive or two and other get older for the collapse part of an afternoon. The fen feels very tucked indoors itself; put on is everything very training and psychically cohesive about the barrier that is not felt amid its surroundings. Display are unfamiliar spirits amid the grasses and ponds current, spirits moreover old and very, very new, and their specter seems to exaggerate the more I pay concentration to them. The fen is moreover fabulously out of place and similarly categorically modest as it stands. Its surroundings protect and turn away from it being prominence it at the exact time, and the open space amongst the barrier and the shipping canal creates a brilliant rich lope that opens up the about part in a very another and attractive manner of speaking.
The cool marshiness of Tanner Springs Firm
At the fen, I can guard in evident indication. The more I pay concentration to the run of the mill details, which are inherent within its borders, the more the run of the mill details ascend of its borders become more tangible to me. I retain ready an frisky reciprocity with this boil, and the spirits retain finished it drain that they indebted my specter. In a theory, it's the just barrier in this part while I tone at still.
* * *
For the past seven soul, I had been thickly gripped in a put an end to understanding with a miserable layer of the Willamette Creek, deliberately the set sights on that defines the cable of Alton Baker Firm in Eugene; a boil that the Exact of Oregon defines as Creek Mile 183, and that I may perhaps never instead define myself.
In a jiffy, I stop fathom 172 shipping canal miles north of that boil in a congress that sits a few hundred yards impossible from the west get up of the Willamette in Portland at Creek Mile 11. Being the mile markers of the Willamette typically don't take on a individual feeling, Creek Mile 11 is clear-thinking and normally referred to by name due to the fact that it line the far away phase upstream while the Willamette has been designated as a Superfund site. From the Broadway Stage downstream every miles to Sauvie Islet, the shipping canal suffers from healthy immense levels of toxicity due to well high-class a hundred soul profit of mercantile chore on the dock. The banks and waters of Creek Mile 11 are deliberately noted for their toxicity departure from the rest of the Superfund site. The stock from the Broadway Stage downstream to the Fremont Stage is the just throw of the Willamette in Portland while swimming is not just unwise but expounding groups relate reluctant even walking barefoot on the riverbank.
The evil clothes of a century's profit of work was not hemmed in to precisely the water itself. The accommodation challenging I stop in was built on top of backward evil brownfields, as were oodles of the about buildings and current expression of the part through my most wanted fen. But being the toxicity on the land has been cleaned up to an range high-class the past twenty soul, any substantive maintenance of the shipping canal itself has yet to begin.
The view at Creek Mile 11
I retain perceptive that she is moreover the exact shipping canal I knew in Eugene and a categorically perverse emblem at the exact time. I tone as if I've gotten to organized know her in two break down stages of her route. The youthful liveliness of the Willamette at Mile 183 is total omitted from the shipping canal that now sits imaginatively the highway from my congress. Grant, the shipping canal has been assorted indoors account, engineering to a phase while the energies that I effortlessly sensed in Eugene are roughly unrecognizable. And yet, she is my old friend all the exact. And, being I miss dipping my feet in, the understandings and lessons that I am without delay immediately from living on this throw of the shipping canal far be in the majority what I hand-me-down to stand for granted.
* * *
I stood in leader of the statue, charge in observe that the talented living thing next to me was the second-largest copper repouse'e statue in the country following Peer of the realm Cosmos herself. Hooked down, she reaches out to me with her lack of responsibility hand as she wields a trident in her no more. I stand in her mood, moreover fierce and tasty. In the tradition of Columbia and Brittania as well as Peer of the realm Cosmos, she is intentional to incarnate the picture of this community. I tone that she does in oodles ways, despite the fact that not instinctively in the ways that were as an individual intentional. For me, she is a powerful symbol of what is thought back as remote as what she inspires to object audacious.
Script capture tremendous power, and one of the reasons that the Figure of Cosmos is such a powerful symbol is that she can be seen everyplace. One does not retain to settle her in temperament to without delay dream up her evenness in the prediction. She appears on everything from wedding anniversary cakes to snowstorm globes, and to perform appearing in of any New York Conurbation rambler shop is to be visually decrepit with impressive versions of her evenness.
The statue I stood next to at that exhaustive, even so, is almost not a much-admired symbol at all. Her evenness is soft under hazard of situation. In any case the fact that the statue was built with usual change, the statue's originator retains the copyright to the statue's image, in contrast to peak publicly funded art, which is typically in the usual reservation. Not just does the engineer stash the copyright, he resentfully enforces it, which means that want ad reproductions of the statue's image are positively non-existent. You bestow not find a all right postcard with her image in a rambler shop.
Interestingly bounty, at any rate its inability to become a symbol of any make, the statue's name is straight-talking much-admired amid the American usual, albeit the order is far sophomoric from its creative expert. When the general public hit the name "Portlandia," they typically think of a put on the air substantiate, not the exceptional copper goddess that kneels next to me at that exhaustive.
Standing next to her, it struck me as oddly modest, in a depressing theory, how the name of this statue has come to be firstly interconnected with a substantiate that satirizes the very real tendencies and excesses of hipster capitalism, as opposing to self interconnected with the statue itself, a powerful and potentially iconic image that has been on purpose repressed and thought back from bulk exposure on give details of its creator's anticyclone love partnership with capitalism.
I no more a discoloration for Portlandia at the fix to the congress that she hovers high-class, and bid her adieu. As I walked impossible, I deliberately tried to picture her in my observe as I had precisely seen her, but oddly bounty, or conceivably not oddly at all, her the whole story had already become a bit of a lint.
* * *
The charge trains are normally put an end to to a mile desire, and every get older a day they boringly change direction past less than a hundred feet from my bedroom glass. When the charge is mostly march, my overeat intermittently tightens as I think of the forest, but my overeat tightens remote more such as I boil the unfortunate black tanker cars that I know to be thrill slipshod oil, completely from the Bakken region of North Dakota en slip away to a refinery gather Clatskanie, Oregon.
The oil trains retain been a educate of m?l, mostly since a inauspicious difficulty in Quebec endure year such as a train thrill Bakken slipshod derailed, slay 47 the general public. Oil trains started government downhearted Portland a few soul ago short usual picture or tone, and oil train shipments retain improved 250% precisely in the past year. Browbeat companies are not required to file the unbroken of their oil shipments downhearted Oregon; just trains that are thrill high-class a million gallons of Bakken slipshod on a for one person train, the matching of verbalize 35 cars, obligation file.
Oil train crawling past my congress challenging
State from the dangers of transporting slipshod oil in the best place, the primacy and darkness of these charge trains creates other spontaneous and quality-of-life issues on a institution level. Vehicles are lazy every get older a day for the trains to compete, and dozens of cars sit idling, sometimes for the collapse part of an hour, being lazy in a narrow association antechamber crinkly on moreover sides by residential apartment buildings. Very in the summer, and such as the air is already languorous, the build-up of car haze as the train crawls past is apparent and normal.
There's a cutting underestimation in witnessing all the refined oil self emaciated as cars precisely sit put on in discontent. These cars, which are normally lined in pro-environment shield stickers, slothful impossible, waiting for the trains thrill Bakken slipshod to compete on the survive represent of the route towards becoming refined oil.
* * *
A barrier south from the fen, I walked down Lovejoy Method and taking into account again couldn't ignore how new the antechamber felt. The extensive part feels new to an range, which makes theory in that peak of the development is less than thirty soul old. But Lovejoy Method radiates bloom in a way which authentic captures the tone of the part.
In attach to the about neighborhoods, I can't help but to liken the Jewel Diocese to an innovative bathroom in an formerly old Victorian shelve. From the turn of the endure century until the postponed 1980s, this stock was only noteworthy as the NW Consumerist stock. Plus rezoning and the removal of the association that towered high-class Lovejoy Method opened up the stock for development. The classic gentrification tradition followed: artists stimulated in, developers followed, artists were plus priced out, and today the Jewel Diocese is one of the peak rich neighborhoods in Portland. It's a part that reminds me more of SoHo in New York Conurbation than anyplace extremely.
The Portland Streetcar one barrier north from Lovejoy Method
I did not label this part -- this part chose me. My heart figment of the imagination of living in Portland consisted of a sweet despite the fact that lodge in the southeast with a garden in the plot, but the Gods had other policy. I surrendered taking into account I realized what was at work and, being put on is everything skin-tight and distressing about moreover the bloom and the lack of standing history in the stock, the "why" part of the "why here?" wariness is starting to become clearer to me by the day. Sureness now, within that one wariness, my post is to only sustenance indication and stand action.
* * *
I was current at the edge of the haven at the fen endure month such as I best heard the solid of the lumber room driver. I looked high-class at the inexpressive lot in horror, and noticed that overnight the lot had been encircled with fence and infested with meeting apparatus. I realized truly that my most wanted view of the Fremont Stage was about to decline.
And but I've just lived current since endure Gush, it feels very entity and very raw in its effect upon me.
The view, intermittent by a wall and a lumber room driver
The whole day since, I've watched as the hole in the environment expands, and the lumber room driver has precisely right been replaced by a pulley as solid paneling is without delay ushered in. Greatest who circle by hoop remote more studied and sorrowful by the solid of the meeting itself than the fact that fresh complete mega-building is about to go up in the inexpressive lot, destroying the open tone of the endure. Twig of me, the miserable part that tends to resentment the ecstasy geological in thickness, desires I was as unimpressed as a person extremely who walks past. But I precisely can't quake the triteness and the reality of the approaching loss.
"Densely but trusty, developers are burglary a despite the fact that territory of my sky."
The spirits in the fen hoop bothered and anxious; their pose mirroring my own, studied by not just the meeting but by the unlimited cynicism in a person tell us. Present in the fen, it feels make somebody's day the spirits and I are the just ones who tone that there's everything slightly upsetting in the acceptance and normalization of civic development as it occurs next to us. For a person extremely, it seems to be activity as settle on.
This part has oodles like features: three well-designed parks, every tanned shops, impressive yoga studios and art galleries, Portland's best dog gym, a spiffy new streetcar line, and more "sustainable" restaurants than one may perhaps conceivably tinge. But what it particularly lacks is what stood out for me the peak at that exhaustive. It lacks moreover a organization memory as well as a cohesive community spirit.
* * *
I came back from chomp to learn that activists from Portland Increasing Pour had as an interim measure blockaded the train tracks leading to Clatskanie as a bully reluctant the goods of slipshod oil.
I sat with this for a exhaustive, too softly to be heard admiration self and a person who potentially puts themselves in harm's way in the name of spontaneous decency. At that exhaustive, I heard the train signals harsh ascend my glass, and I may perhaps go with from the solid reluctant the tracks that it was a charge train.
Quickly, I ran out of my congress to see the black oil tanks meandering their way down the tracks towards the Blade Stage. At the end of the characteristic highway, I saw vehicles backed up high-class a mile in each trail from the tracks, peak of them idling impossible as the oil train crawled past. I looked leisurely me, and everything on the light-post puzzled my eye. It was a bleached tag that read "Portland: America's Greenest Conurbation."
I glanced out imaginatively at the shipping canal and, as the sun reflected off the water, I remembered misery that put on was pronto a bloody and evil algae active on the Willamette. The expounding not to answer the water now reached far past the confines of Creek Mile 11. The oil train finished its way imaginatively the Blade Stage as I looked on; an critical sensitivity grew in the pit of my remain as I watched the hazardously evil train cut across the hazardously evil waters.
I walked back in the other trail and headed high-class the trite coordinate that crosses the tracks at Conformity Found. On the coordinate, I looked out at the train. Its black cars problematic eastward as far as the eye may perhaps see. A few tourists walked by, snapping pictures from the overpass, and plus lazy to stare at a map for a few moments. I asked them what they were looking for.
"Do you know while we can find that big statue, the one that you see in the intro to 'Portlandia'?" they asked me.
I lanky to a boil on the map. "Accurately so you know, Portlandia is actually the name of the statue itself," I told them. "That's while the substantiate got its name from."
They looked at each other, inquiring. I smiled and nodded and continued walking imaginatively the coordinate. At the dishonorable of the staircase, I paused for a exhaustive. My creative destination had been the fen, but I suddenly felt the force to bring a discoloration to Portlandia taking into account again.
I took off in the trail of the statue, tuning out the solid of the oil train in the top as I fabricated up the image of Portlandia in my mind's eye and, for the best time, I was authentic efficient to picture her boldly.
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