Jolly Rest :))) Greatest of us know that we can use white scholar to celebrate with. Dragon's Blood is choice incense commonly recommended to help with cleansing houses, tools and yourself, as well as to aid with research. Ehm? What's dragon's blood? :)))) Markedly they aren't roving about the part favorably so what in the world is dragon's blood prepared of? That was what I reflection having the status of I uncongenially began studying Wicca. The name colleague had me curious! :))) Comical adequate I never actually looked up what it really was until just this minute. I adjust love the taste of it and work with it very regularly.So what is it? It's actually the resin from the fruit that grows on the Dragon's Blood Tree. The grass are specifically adult in a group of islands in the Indian Ocean typical as the Galapagos Islands. It is equally found in Yemen. The grass "leak" a red sap that is called resin. Give to are tons complementary varieties of Dragon's Blood grass and the resins of each can be second hand for complementary restorative purposes.
The grass contain a desire history of use. The resin from the grass was second hand in the upper century A.D. as a dye and a treatment. As witches, we use it in our spells to draw out with research, cleansing, mounting magick, and protection. Dragon's Blood is confident by Mars and is take undue credit with the element Fire.
Emotion and Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Credit: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com