Let's face it, there are so many tarot card decks out there. With so much to choose from, it can be difficult for a beginning tarot card reader to select a deck that is right for them. After all, you want to learn how to read the tarot cards accurately. But how do you figure it all out when each tarot card deck seems to have vastly different artwork and symbolism? Some tarot card decks look like nothing more than some paint swirls and geometric designs on card paper. How do you read those tarot cards? Some tarot card decks can be stunningly beautiful. It is these beautiful, artistic decks that you want to hold and touch and look at more frequently. Unfortunately, some of these beautiful decks do nothing to unlock your psyche and open up the channels to your intuition, and you flounder and fail in your attempts to do a reading with one of these tarot decks.
I believe it is important to select a tarot card deck that feels right to you, with the emphasis on the word feels. It is important to have a tarot deck that you are comfortable with, and that the symbols resonate with you personally. Ideally, you want a tarot deck that speaks to you, a deck that speaks directly to your intuition. Having said that, I believe all newbies to the tarot should learn the symbolism of the Rider-Waite deck. This deck and its symbolism will take you far into the future of your path with the tarot, and it will serve you well. The traditional symbols on the Rider-Waite deck easily and immediately offer the tarot card reader a visual explanation of what the card represents.
Aesthetically speaking, I personally dislike the Rider-Waite deck. However, I've use the Rider-Waite deck often. Other decks may be beautiful, but some decks are just too darn difficult to fathom. The artists of some of these tarot card decks seem to have veered too far into their own personal symbolism rather than offering some of the more traditional symbols, which means that you have to rely on the accompanying book in order to read these tarot cards. In any case, choose a deck that speaks to you, a deck that you love to hold in your hands and look at, but do take the time to learn the symbolism on the Rider-Waite tarot deck.
Here are some things to look for in a deck. Do the tarot cards comfortably fit your hand? Do the colors on the tarot cards make you feel good? (If you don't like the deck, you won't want to handle it as often as you need to.) Do you like the artwork on the cards? Look at each tarot card individually and try to determine if the symbols speak to your intuition. Do the symbols have meaning for you? Are the symbols easy for you to understand and divine? And don^aEURTMt forget the most obvious: can you comfortably shuffle the deck?
Some of the more popular choices are the Rider-Waite, the Universal Waite, and the Gilded Tarot. Of these three, the most beautiful deck is the Gilded Tarot. But I must say, my personal recommendation is The Pictorial Key Tarot deck by Lo Scarabeo. This is by far the best deck currently available. If you become a tarot card collector, there are many more decks you will want to examine before you make your ultimate decision. Eventually, you will find your deck. Enjoy the path.
Copyright 2008 Cassy's Tarot
Cassy L. is a professional tarot card reader for Cassy's Tarot. She offers personalized tarot card readings that are delivered via email. Cassy takes time in meditation before throwing each spread and may use multiple spreads with different decks to help answer questions as accurately as possible. Her goal is to help you be all that you can be by inviting you to unlock your psyche through the timeless symbols of the tarot. http://www.cassystarot.com