March 21 (Spring equinox) to April 20Your imagination can make you go off on a tangent and cause you to neglect your work duties. Don't react emotionally to any reprimand you receive today. Handle money carefully and count your change. Love matters are lukewarm now.
Your fortunate astrological number for today is 425
Your financial outlook for today is very good
Your compatible sign for today is Cancer
April 21 to May 21
Worries may take over today and you may end up blaming yourself for something that's not your fault at all. Don't let self-examination distract you from your work. Your travel aspects are good, and you could start a vacation trip auspiciously today.
Your fortunate astrological number for today is 725
Your financial outlook for today is very good
Your compatible sign for today is Pisces
May 22 to June 21
You are happy, active, and brimming with ideas today. You face life with a romantic outlook, and everything seems pleasant now. Take it easy at work; rushing is counterproductive. Delay making a decision now about a big purchase. Love and marital affairs go well.
Your fortunate astrological number for today is 928
Your financial outlook for today is strong
Your compatible sign for today is Virgo
June 22 (Summer solstice) to July 23
This is a good day for discussing neighborhood affairs. You may have trouble with children who don't heed your words. Try to keep your temper and be understanding and affectionate rather than severe. You can find contentment in love now.
Your fortunate astrological number for today is 746
Your financial outlook for today is very good
Your compatible sign for today is Gemini
July 24 to August 23
Be cautious not to enter into quarrels with a loved one or a family member today. Traveling isn't favored this afternoon, but if you drive be extra-cautious about obeying the law. You may have some good new ideas about improving your financial situation.
Your fortunate astrological number for today is 379
Your financial outlook for today is strong
Your compatible sign for today is Sagittarius
August 24 to September 23
Your schedule is crowded, but be willing to take on an extra task if you're asked to. The mail can bring you a financial surprise. Take very good care of all important documents today, and guard your health by eating and drinking moderately and not letting yourself be rushed.
Your fortunate astrological number for today is 649
Your financial outlook for today is very good
Your compatible sign for today is Cancer
September 24 (Autumn equinox) to October 23
A new neighbor who will become a friend can brighten your day. Yield a bit to dreaming and thinking wishfully today. Do something to improve your appearance, such as taking elaborate care with your hair, this evening. A social event can turn out to be very memorable.
Your fortunate astrological number for today is 936
Your financial outlook for today is poor
Your compatible sign for today is Taurus
October 24 to November 22
Keep all business matters confined to the morning, and then pursue your personal needs during the afternoon. Don't let an older relative interfere or persuade you from your plans. Driving is not favored today. Be very cautious and avoid giving the impression of flightiness.
Your fortunate astrological number for today is 374
Your financial outlook for today is very good
Your compatible sign for today is Gemini
November 23 to December 21
Exhilaration may fill the day, the expectations of a care-free romance can make it all even more pleasant. Be careful with whom you associate today, for you could pick up some detrimental habits. Your business life is favored, but avoid traveling if possible.
Your fortunate astrological number for today is 780
Your financial outlook for today is excellent
Your compatible sign for today is Virgo
December 22 (Winter solstice) to January 20
You may overcome some work troubles today and arrive at a better understanding with an executive. Travel is favored and your health is on a steady plane. This is a good day for romance or marriage. If you wish to set a wedding or other important date, do so before the 19th.
Your fortunate astrological number for today is 535
Your financial outlook for today is fair
Your compatible sign for today is Leo
January 21 to February 19
Change, variety, travel, inventiveness, and creative spirit are all yours today. You want to have a finger in every pie. If you're traveling a long distance, be sure your finances are adequate. All neighborhood matters go smoothly and are satisfying.
Your fortunate astrological number for today is 770
Your financial outlook for today is poor
Your compatible sign for today is Scorpio
February 20 to March 20
There is a big emphasis on spiritual aspects in your chart, but you aren't in the mood to discuss such things today. Quiet and meditative, you enjoy walking alone and pondering a possible change in your work circumstances. Have fun this evening with gentle love.
Your fortunate astrological number for today is 734
Your financial outlook for today is poor
Your compatible sign for today is Aries
Source: goddesses-and-gods.blogspot.com