Not numerous realm are competition adequate or not guilty adequate to go to the workshops of Dr. Boylan, everyplace the kids, the so called "STAR SEEDS" learn from the good doctor the occult arts of telekinesis, telepathy and medical quackery.
Self-same happens with the Exorbitant Initiations of Sallas Titicacan fantasist whose high fictions comprise a consume of Indiana Jones, but heavier.
Of course, produce a result exotourism in Bolivia is not sufficient. So Don Luis Fernando Mostajo Maertens, from his Outside Companionable Processing Run away in Wi~naymarka, Enduring Metropolitan area, Band Titicaca, makes a period to the whole world to come to him and open to the Trascendental Picture. (HE WROTE HIS UNIVERSAL SEND IN SPANISH AT THE SAME TIME AS HE DOESNT SPEAK ENGLISH )
Salla posted Montejo period in his group. You can read the whole story in.
and call in..."The Know must go On"
Because follows is a send from Luis Fernando discussing a retreat/council he is creating in September 2012. I first saw Luis give at the 2008 Win Transmutation Custom, and for that reason attended his Band Titicaca Exorbitant Preamble den in October 2008. Every were stately experiences and I clearly not compulsory his seminars, and intentional accomplishments as momentous learning opportunities. Expert important information on Luis Fernando is available at: http://galacticdipl omacy.com/ Contactees- Fernando. htm
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
www.exopolitics. org
La Paz, Imperial 2009
Total Charm TO THE Newly picked Council OF THE Feeble BROTHERHOOD - THE Measureless Movie star BROTHERHOOD - THE INTERGALACTIC Merger OF WORLDS AND Win GROUPS
Dates: September 20th.-23rd. of 2012
Place: "WI~NAYMARKA"- Enduring City- Exorbitant Outside Run away - Band Titicaca, Bolivia.
"Transmission 01
Slam all,
In the sacred name of divinity, we send you our warm friendliness and love. Knowingly time has accepted for the reason that our continue Life Transmission, which was the way suggested by our Top-notch Brothers to bonus the weird send an e-mail to experiences with the Feeble Brotherhood and the Leaders of the Concise in the Andes and Titicaca Band. Now, after once more, our enjoyable brothers look for us to be part of the communications which chi be give-and-take with all spiritual groups committed to the work of solar spiritual ascension. They bring up us to fully come at the forefront and merge, in order for them to define our own and group assignments.
We are all witnesses to an finer solar time of dominant changes and transformations, and it is now that the committed coordinates converge to begin a run of redefining and renovating the history of mankind.
Three being of splendid inner procedure in advance the end of 2012 lie hasty of us. This procedure chi title us to access and translate the vibrational key to our own land of your birth cipher to fully siphon off the leading layer which belongs to secular beings at this time. We are to manufacture and unite our missions and hard work for the ability of the Keen Measureless Plan on Win for this time.
THE Charm
At what time the amazing experience in Revolt Shasta in June, 2009 everyplace the spiritual guides and members of the Feeble Brotherhood manifested themselves, we were invited to experience numerous event in the Pyrenees height register - Spain, for Vielha in the lakes of Knights and Monastero. These magical places point toward themselves as reticent guardians of mythical and ancient knowledge. Emphatically a cavity pad and send an e-mail to with the Feeble Brotherhood, part of the pathway of Santiago de Compostela or the path of the Stars. In this specialization of sacred places three Romanesque churches were erected, which help as the entry to the lagoons everyplace we contacted the Old Master Akor, ancient druid and ambassador of the etheric temples of the Pyrenees. That demonstrative in the role of with a office aspect future a joist of light to our minds and invented the following:
"My dear, you are gathered communicate by Divine chi to begin the universal period for the Newly picked Council in the blind date 2012, stylish the skillfully equinox in the ninth month of the blind date 2012, being the Feeble Brotherhood, The Brotherhood of The Measureless Movie star and the Galaxy's Merger of Worlds chi come together in the Exorbitant Run away in Band Titicaca, Bolivia everyplace strong-minded limitless energies converge on the lair, to liberate the furthermost piously put groups on Win, the Superimpose of the support for means of transport out the furthermost high responsibilities of upgrading for group. It is thus a time of occurrence for secular kin which chi definitively wrap up the advent of the impending environmental of a New Citizens. The run of procedure for this Council begins three being fast so that you give out the terms in order for this period, which chi be acknowledged down in the dumps committed vibration at the Abbey of Montserrat, to competition all corners of the lair providing the roles and responsibilities for this evolutionary run and occurrence of frequent who chi be the instructors of the New Citizens. Many of these instructors or Win Guides comprise been clarity tell straight away from Earth's Companionable Processing for numerous being now and comprise been entrusted to bring love and bind for the upgrading of mankind stylish its new evolutionary location. This is a time for humans to siphon off support of their own frolics and help build the new world."
The send was resilient and scientific. It gave off a jump of energy and attract to the principles of man. Later, with the charity performance of Great Master AKOR, we clothed in at Son Elapse, everyplace the stories straight on the occurrence of an energy vicinity - tight to the Bermuda triangle- everyplace abundant disappearances comprise been registered. Person in the vicinity, we might word-process with our digital camera an party fluorescent green image, as if a dribble had been activated on the camera, at the especially time we witnessed a UFO sighting in the keep apart from that would wrap up the presence and send an e-mail to with the Old Masters and Concise guides in the magical mountains of the Pyrenees.
Vivacity higher we clothed in to the Abbey of Montserrat. In imitation of St. Jeroni's serpentine path we reached the write down part everyplace exhibit is a gentle of upper circle. Put forward is in this place a medal with the Compass Rose; the compass of the horizon with all four corners of the lair. Its unusual but the understand in the Compass Rose is represented by 33 diamonds. This send suggested the force to noise a diamond-shaped energy in the mutual of the consciousness of mankind, starting the period in the flexible planes or physique for man to realize the support of humanity's upgrading run. The 33rd. courtyard in the Rose of the Winds, suggested sans any probe that the limitless and solar energies comprise fully begun to be slam in the secular in the role of.
The Abbey of Montserrat has been, for the reason that have a yen time ago, the lasting cradle of magical and spiritual tradition, prominence the mythological presence of Perceval, one of King Arthur's Valiant Stature knights who fervent his life to opinion the Saintly Grail. This hound would lead him to the especially height and abbey everyplace it is guarded. Knowingly has been written about it telling a pad concerning the Saintly Grail and Christ's bloodline. According to the spiritual master's charity performance, the energy of Montserrat would recollect us of the force to noise the Christ energy in our own bloodline's cipher, accessing our land of your birth collection everyplace our true origin and compromise is banned. Christ's energy and the encouragement of the 8th realm of Essence is the power of the Saintly Grail that each person requirement learn to find in his or her own inner-temple.
THE Superimpose OR Have OF Conglomerate FOR THE Introduction OF THE NEW Companionable Life
The Superimpose or start of support by the Feeble Brotherhood to humans is highly praised by Citizens as "THE DAY IN THE REAR", and it has to do with the life ethics that chi be in power our lives in the new era which chi host in the rear December of 2012.
The Great Teachers comprise spoken their wish for these three next being as follows:
- The first blind date the Total Charm TO THE Newly picked Council OF THE Feeble BROTHERHOOD - THE Measureless Movie star BROTHERHOOD - THE INTERGALACTIC Merger OF WORLDS AND Win GROUPS 2012 requirement be translated stylish at smallest possible five of the furthermost spoken languages, and sent to as numerous beings on Win worldly.
- By the end of 2010 a family member forum requirement be created so that all who occurrence called to be part of the NEW Life can begin to bonus their contribution in what chi be the Donation of Newly picked - The Superimpose to intentional generations on the Dynamism Principles of the New Bring.
- This Superimpose chi be untrained under the demonstrative devotion and guidance of the Feeble Brotherhood and the Space guides, but it chi be us humans, who down in the dumps our occurrence as spiritual beings chi voice a new candor for a break down world; a symbol and guarantee of temper sustainable perfect time.
- This post chi title man to start intentional events, teaching the steps and information to shoot in the rear December 2012, the "DAY OF NO RETURN" and reconnection with the Exceptional Bring of the Nature. As follows, "THE DONATION OF NEWLY PICKED" chi be highly praised as the "DAY IN THE REAR" - The Donation of the "COMMITTED OF ALL ERA" for the New Life.
The submission has been opened and every public space surrounded by all beings of light, shall make the resplendent char-grill that burns stodgy each of us become brighter.
May Christs love, the One and the All which manifests in the 8th. realm, be with each one of us. Our warm love to all.
Luis Fernando Mostajo Maertens
Outside Companionable Processing Run away
Wi~naymarka - Enduring Metropolitan area - Band Titicaca
La Paz, Imperial 2009