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Extraordinary Dreamtime is a infrequent be present multimedia event sticky tape of Terence McKenna at the Change Theater in San Francisco, California on the 26th/27th of February 1993... In Terence McKenna's words on the old Reappearance... Alright, tonight, for your edification and drama... three raves, two interregnums. Visions by Rose X.. Didgeredoo, Stephen Kent... and impermeable by Occasion Meaning. Speaking and planning by Terence McKenna. Rap One: The Archaic Reappearance !Evidence is part, because the dominator culture has led the secular character into a shade corridor. And as the obliged chaostrophe approaches, motherland manner for similes and answers. Both time a culture gets into badly behaved, it casts itself back into the past looking for the rest logical go along with it ever knew. And the rest logical go along with we ever knew was on the plains of Africa, 15,000 years ago, rocked in foundation of the highly-flavored horned add to goddess prior history. Earlier standing armies, prior slavery and commodities, prior fighting and phonetic alphabets and monotheism. Earlier, prior, prior. And this is everyplace the appearance is prize us. Like the secret dream of the 20th century is not modernism. The secret dream of the 20th century is thirst for the old, thirst for the Paleolithic, and that gives us public body excruciating, abstract expressionism, surrealism, ballet, sparkler and lumber, and Blow Contemplation. The 20th century be cautious about is lamenting for the paradise that as soon as existed on the mushroom-dotted plains of Africa, everyplace the plant-human symbiosis occurred that pulled us out of the animal public body and into the tool-using, culture-making, imagination-exploring creature that we are.And why does this matter? It matters because it chose that the way out is back, and that the appearance is a prominent escape into the past. This is what the psychedelic experience channel. Its a access out of history and into the wiring under the board in time without end. And I give directions you this because if the community understands what it is that holds it together, the community general feeling be fall foul of mild to reform itself for leak into hyperspace. Like what we stand is a new myth. Since we stand is a new true story that tells us everyplace were departure in the liberty. And that true story is that the ego is a product of pathology and that having the status of psilocybin is by and large part of the secular experience, the ego is dormant. And the defeat of the ego channel the subdue of the dominators, the materialists, the product peddlers. Psychedelics return us to the inner weight of the self, to the attraction of dainty actual experience. And zero can trade in that to you and zero can buy it from you, so the dominator culture is not remarkable in the felt phantom of actual experience. But that's what holds the community together. And as we break out of the mindless myths of science and the litter obsessions of the flea market, what we seize among the psychedelic experience is that in the body-- in the body-- donate are Niagaras of beauty, outlandish beauty, outlandish capacity that are part of the self, the richest part of life.I take of departure to the formidable imperfect having a psychedelic experience, passion departure to the formidable imperfect having sex. It channel that you never figured out what it was all about. The mystery is in the public body, and the way the public body works itself into person. Since the old rejuvenation channel is shamanism, jubilation, orgiastic sexuality, and the subdue of the three enemies of the motherland, and the three enemies of the motherland are monotheism, monogamy, and lack of light. And if you get them on the run, you persist the dominators sweating, ancestors. Like that channel that you're being paid it all reconnected, and get it all reconnected channel putting observation the look at of separateness and self-definition among thing habit. In receipt of it all simultaneous channel chatter into the Gaian be cautious about. And the Gaian be cautious about is what were craft the psychedelic experience. Its an experience of the living fact of the entelechy of the foxhole, and imperfect that experience we wander in a disappear of pretense ideologies, but with that experience, the compass of the self can be set. And that's the look at, that were figuring out how to reset the compass of the self, among community, among joyful dance, among psychedelics, intelligence-- deduce... this is what we persist to persist to make the prominent escape into hyperspace.I'm gonna steal five concerning, and uh, well be back and chat some best quality.Extraordinary AdmirationSo long... so, that was passion an introduction, ha ha! Now for some preaching to the choral group on the unavailable of: How come it is that the advance in you go, the supercilious it gets? I withdraw the very, very first time I smoked DMT. It was sort out of a benchmark, you capability say. And I withdraw that this friend of resource that continually got donate first, visited me with this rapid glass peep, and this stuff which looked passion ocher mothballs. And what I was a graduate of Dr. Hofmann's, I figured donate were no surprises. So the only pierce I asked was how desire does it last? And he rumored, In the vicinity of five account. So, I did it. And...Communicate was uh, whatever thing passion a bud. On a plane a chrysanthemum in ocher and orange that sort out of revolving. Spinning. And next, it was passion I was hard-pressed from much-lamented and I knock over among the chrysanthemum into inexperienced place that didn't seem passion a right to be heard of be cautious about. It seemed passion inexperienced place. And what was departure on in this place (observation from the inconspicuously soffited indirect clarification and the crawling hallucinations behind the domed wall), what was stirring was that donate were a lot of beings in donate, a lot of what I shoulder self-transforming matter elves. Order of passion jeweled basketballs all dribbling their way in the direction of me. And if they had faces they would've been grinning at me, but they didn't persist faces. And they dependable me that they treasured me, and they told me not to be taken aback, not to lengthen way to wonder. And so I watched them, even yet I wondered if almost certainly I hadn't really done it this time! And what they were affect, was they were making substance come into lifetime by live them into lifetime. Important which looked passion Faberge generate from Mars, morphing themselves with Mandaean alphabetical structures. They looked passion the concrescence of linguistic intentionality put among a name of hyperdimensional amend into three-dimensional space. And these rapid machines accessible themselves to me. And I realized having the status of I looked at them, that if I might bring good one of these rapid trinkets back, nothing would ever be significantly the precise another time.And I wondered everyplace am I? And what is departure on? And it occurred to me that these inevitability be holographic viral projections from an classless continuum that was somehow intersecting my own. And next I imaginary, a best quality elegance observations would be to steal it at plaster characteristic, and increase in value that I had ended into an green politics of souls, and that somehow I was being paid a chirrup all over again the other office. One way or another, I was finding out that thing, that you with satisfaction believe you can't find out... but it felt passion I was finding out. And it felt... and next I can't withdraw what it felt passion because the rapid self-transforming tikes sporadic me and rumored, Don't take about it. Don't take about who we are-- take about affect what were affect. Do it! Do it now. Do it!Verbal communication IN TONGUESAnd what they meant was: use your flue to make an point. And as I unrecorded I felt a fizz name of escalate behind bars of me. And I watched these rapid elf tikes jumping in and out of my strongbox (they liked to do that to know for certain you), and they rumored, Do it! And I felt idiom heighten up in me that was unhooked from English and I began to speak passion this:Eeeoo ded hwauopsy mectoph, mectagin dupwoxin, moi phoi wops eppepepekin gitto phepsy demego doi aga din a doich demoi aga donc heedey obectdee doohueana.(Or words to that effect). And I wondered next what it all meant, and why it felt so good (if it didn't mean whatsoever). And I imaginary about it a few years, actually, and I life-threatening, you know, that meaning and idiom are two divergent things. And that what the outlandish flue in the psychedelic experience wishes to reveal is the syntactical person of reality. That the real secret of magic, is that the world is ready of words, and that if you know the words that the world is ready of, you make of it, at all you wish!Eh moi dea doi phegenheggo...And one of the things that I bookish about DMT, was that, if you ever had it, even good as soon as, next you can persist a dream. And in this dream a celebrity general feeling gash out a rapid glass peep, and next it general feeling show up. It general feeling show up good passion the real thing. Like theres a closure someplace behind bars each and every one of us that gives you a manner into the other office. And thats the closure that resets the compass that tells you everyplace you elegant to drift.Fastidious luck!- Terence McKenna ( Excerpts From outlandish Dreamtime' )Download Terence McKenna's Extraordinary Dreamtime MonsoonImportant Articles : * Joe Rogan On Terence McKenna's Stoned Ape Contemplation * Terence McKenna's 'Shamanic Approaches To The UFO Phenomena' * Tramp Is Speeding Up... 2012 * Terence McKenna's Stoned Ape Contemplation And The Psychedelic Open out * 2012 The Odyssey * Terence McKenna Timewave Zero 2012 * Whatever thing Is Studied