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JESUS HEALS ManyMatthew 8:14-34Key Verse: 8:16 "The same as sunset came, countless who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he collect out the spirits with a word and healed all the green about the gills."1. Clarify verses 14-17. What did Jesus do? Weighing machine this with Isaiah 53:4,5. What does Jesus' healing ministry reveal about him? What does his healing of Peter's mother-in-law show about Jesus?2. Clarify verses 18-22. What did Jesus teach two men who sought after to be his disciples? What can we learn taking part in about the payment of discipleship?3. Clarify verses 23-27. Where did Jesus and his disciples go? What was Jesus take steps because the tear raged? Why did he reprimand the disciples? What was he teaching them about faith? What did they learn about Jesus show the way this event?4. Who met Jesus on one occasion they reached the other side? How are these men described? How did they behave? (see likewise Ro 8:6)5. What did they know about Jesus? Why did they fear him? How did Jesus help them? At what cost? Why did he accept to last word the region? What does this explain reveal about Jesus?