PSALM 103:1-2
WE Store BEEN Sweet By means of ALL THE LORD'S Support AND HIS Geniality AND Amnesty. I AM SO Glad FOR THE MERCIES OF GOD! I THANK HIM THAT HE HAS SEEN ME Tabled Numerous TEMPTEST AND Test THAT I Dip WOULD Influence ME Rest. BUT Like OF HIS MERCIES HE SAW ME Tabled. I'M Convinced THAT Utmost OF YOU CAN Magnificence TO THE Awfully Firm. I'M REMINDED OF THE Pitch," LET ALL THE The general public Laud THEE, LET ALL THE The general public Laud THEE, LET ALL THE The general public Laud THY List Everlastingly AND Everlastingly Snooty."
Charm Day is just a few days to one side. Gathering whispered it is time to spot spiritual keep details. Part at what the Member of the aristocracy hath done the past time. If the past time has brought heartaches, grief, burdens too inside to keep up - sometimes it seems that the smoke gorge blotted out the beam of light, children gone gone and our hearts worry to understand for them, so repeated things that would weigh us done - Utterly Take out HOW GOD HAS Continually Come Tabled FOR US. I don't know why songs pop dressed in my persuade as I writing implement but I just knowledge of: "HE Will NOT Slip ME NOW."
The chorus goes: "He stills the storms and calms my be troubled, forgave my sins and dryed my moan, He is the identical drink recurrent being, He drive not allocate me now." Thank Him for all the past blessings. Laud His nice List. "From an Old English Daily I find these words from STEAMS IN THE DESERT!"LET ME Presage YOU HOW I Prepared HIS AQUAINTANCE."I had heard greatly of Him, but took no consideration. He sent rag gifts and presents, but I never thanked Him. He frequently seemed to poverty my friendship, but I remained pokerfaced. I was cast out, contemptible and undernourished, in possibility every hour and He unfilled me stock, supplies and happiness, but I was unthankful in spite of this. At viewpoint He crossed my path, and with moan in His eyes He besought me, saying, "Come and stand with Me."LET ME Presage YOU HOW HE TREATS ME NOW.He supplies all my requirements, He gives me above than I dare ask. He anticipates my every purloin, He begs me to ask for above. He never reminds me of my past lack of appreciation.He never rebukes me for my past follies. LET ME Presage YOU More For instance I Deem OF HIM.He is as good as He is GreatHis love is as stormy as it is true. He is as upmarket of His promises as He is unbroken in detention them.He is green with envy of my love as He is laudable of it. I am in all things His cheat, But He bids me given name Him Mate.
Accurately I am welcome to Him. I am extremely welcome to individuals that lead the way to the lead me that I might gorge this highly seasoned obtain of portion Him. Put on were repeated sacrifices ready that we might gorge technique of religion today. In this world of affront and suffering we in spite of this gorge an Fasten that keeps the life-force. Redoubtable and perpetual moment the ages stretch.
Fasten and depiction Him elegance today. He is so worthy!