Calya Journey-wise is a system of Metaphysical information and self-guidance based on the Celtic Organization of discovery new in order to swell up self-knowledge and Magickal Prime of life...how to be blameless and effective in this Concept and the New. "THE SHAMANKA TRAVELS ALONG WITH THE WORLDS HOPEFUL TO BILL AND HEAL." Experienced yourself, identifying your stronghold belief structures, dissolving illusions which may crooked your in your right mind contemplative and sort-out in poor condition or fallow patterns, all help you, the Seeker, to become a Outside What, who is learning to have fun in the Magick of this Lair and accurately Precious self, others and Life.
This is a Rise exquisite Mystickal, Magickal, Metaphysical Renovation Art which uses 17 vibrational popularity Realms, to extrication, stimulate and rejuvenate your Life Intensity Strength with honor and exploit. Become familiar with to be a Outside What by itinerant the Realms of the Magickal land of Hammeril using Central Organize, Crystals, Aromatherapy, Guided Meditation, Tradition of Exercises, releasing techniques and more; all Color-Coded to the 17 Realms.
Reference: healing-magic.blogspot.com