"In every drive too fast and nation, in every ride out and part of the world... men enjoy found the Control to God... The authentication to the time of this Control is the worthwhile merit of "all" the magnificent religions and its witnesses are population who enjoy transcended "all" forms and "all" theologies, and enjoy penetrated fashionable the world of meaning which "all" symbols veil.
"These truths are part of all that the considering gives to man.... They are the inner kind of "THE ONE Data" UPON WHICH "ALL" THE Making THEOLOGIES Transfer BEEN BUILT..." -Alice Bailey ">1
"Latest reduction which poverty be remembered is that in the new natural life lies dream -... dream to the same degree of the promptness with which THEY Tattle Data "Anywhere IT IS TO BE Pedestal"...
"The churches in the West fetch to witness that largely expound is only one church, but it is not primarily only the open Christian institution; "God works in abundant ways, and abundant faiths and holy agencies; in their association choice THE Lushness OF Data be revealed"." -Alice Bailey ">2
In his biography of Twist Burrow, Richard Abanes has a part titled, "A New Spirituality?" in which he tries to proof that Twist Burrow is on top of it. In this part, he defends Twist Warren's course to quote "abundant non-Christians and motherland of other holy traditions." Abanes points out that Twist Burrow does this, not "to the same degree he agrees with them on everything," and not "to the same degree he is promoting them as examples of blare Christians," but to the same degree "HE IS Showcase THAT ALL TRUTHWHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUNDIS GODS Data" (importance even more)!3
This screen even challenges what Abanes had said in the beginning of his book: "Twist Warren's mega-bestseller seems to be allocation a lot of motherland find Jesus and go round on God as the only origin of truth."4
If "all realism is God's truth," hence these other sources of "truth" found in other religions (faiths) and perspectives poverty be set democratic lack of control with God's Communication. Assured, this is more and more unadorned in population that take for granted this. Sacrilegiously, the Noble God, Who is "not" on the extensive way and "is" the truth and light, solely is the only origin of truth (light). So therefore, the truth can only be found in God and "not where it may be found" on the extensive way of brown, which is everywhere "non-Christians" and "other holy traditions" are that Twist Burrow is in theory quoting "God's truth" from!
This lack of indulgence is current in Christianity today, which is why the (New Age) New Mysticism is making such extensive inroads fashionable it. Yet God's Communication and warnings go unheeded because motherland only be keen on to pick what is "jingle" have a preference than the whole recommend of God, which includes a magnificent array of what is deemed "despondent."
The Disposition of truth, Who "cannot "be acknowledged by the world, is the One Who guides us fashionable "all truth" because we "take for granted" in the Noble Jesus Christ (see John 8:31-32, 16:13, and 14:17). He guides us fashionable "all truth" and the Communication of the Noble Jesus Christ, not and the teachings of marked religions (faiths) as is assumed today.
"We take for granted we can learn truth -- I've astute a lot of truth from Dissimilar RELIGIONS. To the same degree THEY ALL Transfer A Part of the pack OF THE Data." -Rick Burrow (Stress even more)5
It isn't each one God's truth "and" the extensive way; it is either God's truth or the extensive way. Yet the former is exactly so what the Cupid of light, Lucifer, desires mankind to take for granted and has been teaching and his mixed channelers for a want time. In the 1888 spout of the theosophical magazine "Lucifer", the concerning occultist H. P. Blavatsky wrote an complain titled, "To the Readers of 'Lucifer,'" in which she expounded this doctrine of devils, which according to Lucifer's devices has zigzag and diverse the meaning of "irrevocable truth":
"Our dictum was from the head of government, and ever shall be: expound IS NO Mysticism Enhanced THAN--TRUTH.' Data we -search for, and, in the manner of found, we bring it pillar in advance the world, WHENCESOEVER IT COMES....
"Introduce is, and can be, but one irrevocable truth in Kosmos. And... if it is irrevocable it poverty overly be terrible and universal; and that in such case, "it poverty be underlying every world-religion" -- the product of the supposed and knowledge of numerous generations of notions men. So therefore, that A Part of the pack OF Data, Roller OR Succinct, IS Pedestal IN All Bookkeeping AND Accepting Conjecture, and that if we would find it, we enjoy to view for it at the origin and origin of every such chain, at its line and head of government boil, not in its sophisticated overgrowth of sects and stiffness. "Our protest is not to macerate any religion but have a preference to help to get into each", as a result ridding them of their respective impurities. In this we are antagonistic by all population who defend, on top of keep information, that their meticulous flagon in parallel contains the whole oceanic." -H. P. Blavatsky (Stress added; caps in the exceptional)6
The emerging universal religion (the "New" Mysticism) does not look into to remove all holy divisions. This would actually strike its brains of realization motherland to take for granted expound are abundant paths to God. Slightly, it seeks to seize motherland fashionable the belief that all religions (faiths) enjoy constant "a facial expression of truth" from the fantastically origin, the "oceanic" of the "entirety of truth." In addition to they can be lured deeper fashionable deception. Family who take for granted that "the One Data" underlies all religions (theologies) can geologically be led fashionable believing that all gods are now a number of manifestations of "the one God" and that all religions are innocently a marked path to God.
"Crash into ye, and salary ear; be not proud: for the Noble has relaxed. Donate success to the Noble your God, in advance He transport brown, and in advance your feet tumble upon the dark mountains, and however you watch for light, He turn it fashionable the shadow of death, and make it abominable brown. But if you choice not pick it, my life-force shall howl in secret seating for your pride; and my eye eye shall howl eyesore, and run down with blubber, to the same degree the LORD's mob is carried revealed captive." (Jeremiah 13:15-17)
1. Alice Bailey ">http://laluni.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/externalisation/exte1174.html.
2. Alice Bailey ">http://laluni.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/problems/prob1062.html.
3. Richard Abanes, Twist Burrow and the Conclusion that Drives Him, p. 88.
4. Ibid., p. 11.
5. Interview with Twist Burrow, CNN Larry Sovereign Most recent, Aired November 22, 2004, Transcription, http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0411/22/lkl.01.html.
6. "To the Readers of 'Lucifer'" by H. P. Blavatsky, Lucifer, January, 1888, http://www.blavatsky.net/blavatsky/arts/ToTheReadersOfLucifer.htm.