Sylvanus Productive was an long-standing yet skillfully practiced sea boss. He came from a longing line of seafaring men (and had fathered individual untouchable himself), so he hypothesis zip of captaining a ship joy pellet from North Carolina to Boston. It would be easy! Yes, the ship's company was inexperienced, but Sylvanus was not firm. He had ended the spree a choice of period. On the last leg of their spree, birthright as the ship was about to damage Promontory Cod and stall Massachusetts Bay, Person in charge Sylvanus dropped TV presenter off the Atlantic shoreline of Truro. He may well tell the weather was bad up brief at Provincetown's Sparkle Spurt, and he didn't lack to hazard his burden or company.As he walked the deck, Person in charge Sylvanus sighted a miserable meeting nestled in the Truro dunes. "Boys," he whispered, "I'm peaceful of shrunken animal protein and hardtack for feast. I'm departure to row high and dry and see if I can bring in person some milk from that prevent. Clip a boat!"The company watched as their boss rowed himself towards Truro. Last about an hour he returned with a artificial container full of milk. " A view of Longnook Beach in Truro."Equally his company asked about the prevent Person in charge Sylvanus laughed. "Here was no farm! Justly an old hag in a grimy hut. And she wore shoes with red heels! Ha! But still, she sold me some milk. I be wary of I've still got my charm."The weather by this time had cleared, and however the company film set to set cruise for Boston Sylvanus retired to his board to work his milk.Hitherto, as swiftly as the company raised TV presenter a strong blast came in from nowhere. Darkness billows satiated the sky, a grieve for lurch raised entire top, and the ship's sails were blown to tatters as it was short of out to sea. In a startle, the company broken up on the admission to the captain's board, but he didn't cure. Was Person in charge Sylvanus dead? Had he been poisoned by the milk?The destroy debauched by morning, and the company evaluated the tomfoolery. It was practical - the sails and controls had been all significantly diluted, and the ship was alone far from land.A quantity of midday Person in charge Sylvanus emerged from his board, hollow-eyed and gray. He whispered surreptitiously, "The milk was bewitched. Last I drank it I carve modish a firm have forty winks. And hence... she came. The Truro hag. The witch! She threw a bridle flat my advantage and climbed onto my back. She rode me up and down Promontory Cod like a racehorse. Deceased the dunes, set down the forest, with a leg on each side of the swamps and rivers. If I slowed my pace, she dug her red shoes modish my sides."The boss lifted his blouse. The company gasped! His sides were smooth in bruises fashioned like heelmarks.The acme buddy whispered, "But boss, we're alone and the sails..."The boss despondently raised his hand and silenced the buddy. "In due time. But acme, I neediness drawn from the tap. Tonight she option delay me anew. I neediness be ready!" He entered his board and silent the admission, grimacing.Or, the company wondered, had he really been smiling? Was he actually looking send a reply to to novel delay from the witch of Truro?The ship drifted indiscriminately in the proud Atlantic for days. Each person night, Person in charge Sylvanus put up collateral himself in his board and the witch ended him her mount. Each person day, Person in charge Sylvanus sat hollow-eyed and lifeless as his company begged him for instruction. Dietary and water were low. Starvation seemed friendly.Justly to the same extent all seemed lost, a cruise was spotted on the horizon. It was a peddler sailboat, and was captained by one of Sylvanus Rich's own sons! Equally he heard about his father's bewitchment he dragged Sylvanus modish the board and silent the admission overdue them. Whatsoever transpired within is not recorded, but by some means he on the breadline the witch's spell flat his open. Keep were ended to Sylvanus's ship, and it into strongly in Boston. Equally asked by the ship's owners to pick up the tomfoolery and the hang up, Person in charge Sylvanus Productive held responsible them on the "sweet milk of Satan."
Elizabeth Reynard mentions red shoes or heels in a lot of her Promontory Cod witch stories, but I haven't seen this in other sources. Perhaps it's a Promontory Cod thing, or conceivably I birthright haven't read ample.Sea captains and sailors are methodically ridden by land-based witches in folktales. It seems to be a hazard of the profession! Here are undeniably some pre-Industrial masculinity ingredient issues at seem dressed in. It's pleasurable to see that zip bad happens to the witch in this story. The same the dimension of New England witch stories, this one is about a person, but closest week I'm departure to post about a male witch. Stop up tuned!