* The Guild Series. This page is for the series of novels that began with "Arcana".
* Mastering Enochian Magick Series. This page is for my series of Enochian magick books that began with "Mastering the Mystical Heptarchy".
I also have created pages for "Arcana" and "Mastering the Mystical Heptarchy" on Google+ for those who prefer that platform to Facebook.
Go ahead and 'like' whichever series you happen to be interested in if you primarily use Facebook, add the corresponding Google+ pages to your circles if you primarily use Google+, or do both. That way you can stay in the loop on upcoming publication announcements and so forth.
"Arcana" generated little buzz back when it was first published, but it's a fun story that includes a lot of real magical elements like Enochian incantations and modern ceremonial forms rendered in more detail than what you usually find in urban fantasy novels. If you enjoy occult fiction, and especially if you find yourself rolling your eyes at the unrealistic magical concepts that most of those books present, I invite you to check it out. In addition to the print edition, you can order it for Kindle from Amazon or in multiple eBook formats from SmashWords.
"Mastering the Mystical Heptarchy" has gotten good reviews around the blogosphere, which I have compiled here. The ceremonial methods it includes are suitable for both modern and traditional grimoire practitioners, and present a vision of Enochian magick that has room for modern elements but remains true to the content of Dee and Kelley's original system. If you're interested in working with the only portion of the Enochian system that Dee ever assembled into a usable grimoire, it's a must-have - the only book in print that focuses exclusively on the "Heptarchia Mystica". In addition to the print editions, you can also order it in multiple eBook formats from SmashWords.