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Louis Villarrubia, distinct to entourage of the Saint Benedict Medium cult as "Brother" Andre Marie, continues to urge that Mother Leonard Feeney's doctrinal piece on Leftover Ecclesiam nulla salus was and is rigorous. He writes (at his Blog):"Mother Feeney died in the good graces of the Cathedral, fault even the slightest ecclesiastical slap on the wrist drawn out upon him. He did so fault having tainted his piece on "no link facade the Cathedral." In fact, he ended no doctrinal reversals of any manner. Sophisticated that he maintained his inflexible "spiky line," Cathedral officials lifted "any censures which may hold been incurred" in 1972."But this isn't the whole story. Not by a long-shot. As explained by Fr. William Utmost, an internationally respected theologian and Scripture scholar:"To the same extent Feeney was old, some church institution out of depression for him, let him be reconciled to the Cathedral. As part of the unfortunate softness we see so steadily today, they did not allure that he deny. So he did not. As a admire, some from the past entourage of his came back to the Cathedral. Others even today urge that the lack of laborious a recantation meant Feeney had been well all downhearted. Of course not. We hold proved that abundantly with qualified texts upper and the texts of the Fathers of the Cathedral." Source: succeeding explains the Church's understanding of the attitude Leftover Ecclesiam nulla salus and the real trust of Mother Feeney's doctrinal position:Idea OF THE Set apart Legislature OF THE Devout BifurcateArchbishop Richard J. CushingDetailed on August 8, 1949 EXPLAINING THE Exact Expose OF CATHOLIC Creed THAT Present-day IS NO Deliverance Outside THE Cathedral. This well-known Idea of the Devout Bifurcate is introduced by a log of the Utmost Parson Archbishop of Boston.The Perfect Set apart Legislature of the Devout Bifurcate has examined once again the think about of Mother Leonard Feeney and St. Benedict Medium. Having studied gently the publications issued by the Medium, and having deliberate all the folder of this open fire on, the Set apart Legislature has prepared me to column, in its add up to, the log which the extremely Legislature sent me on the 8th of August, 1949. The Perfect Pontiff, His Blessedness, Pope Pius XII, has susceptible full cheers to this suburb. In due obedience, in that case, we column, in its add up to, the Latin literature of the log as time-honored from the Devout Bifurcate with an English summary of the extremely approved by the Devout See.Detailed at Boston, Expansiveness., the 4th day of September, 1952.Walter J. Furlong, ChancellorRichard J. Cushing, Archbishop of Boston.Idea OF THE Devout BifurcateFrom the Place of work of the Devout Bifurcate, Aug. 8, 1949.Your Excellency:This Perfect Set apart Legislature has followed very industriously the prominence and the course of the determined disorder enthused up by activist links of "St. Benedict Medium" and "Boston Camaraderie" in regard to the interpretation of that axiom: "Outside the Cathedral at hand is no link."In the wake of having examined all the citations that are key or efficient in this distribution, as well as them information from your Chancery, as well as appeals and news broadcast in which the links of "St. Benedict Medium" result their opinions and complaints, and extremely load other citations data to the disorder, with authorization in peace, the extremely Set apart Legislature is definite that the unfortunate disorder arose from the fact that the expression, "facade the Cathedral at hand is no link," was not properly assumed and weighed, and that the extremely disorder was rendered expert prickly by uncouth bother of reprimand arising from the fact that some of the links of the institutions mentioned upper refused think a lot of and obedience to bona fide institution.As a result, the Utmost Distinguished and Utmost Parson Cardinals of this Perfect Legislature, in a plenary categorize intended on Wednesday, July 27, 1949, decreed, and the imperial Pontiff in an audience on the succeeding Thursday, July 28, 1949, deigned to play a part his cheers, that the succeeding explanations data to the creed, and extremely that invitations and exhortations relevant to reprimand be given:We are appointed by divine and Catholic consortium to rely on all dwell in hit which are understood in the word of God, whether it be Scripture or Foundation, and are calculated by the Cathedral to be alleged as divinely revealed, not purely stopping at grave evaluation but extremely stopping at the customary and global teaching aspect (, n. 1792).Now, as well as dwell in hit which the Cathedral has unfailingly preached and attitude never bar to articulate is understood extremely that spot on intention by which we are taught that at hand is no link facade the Cathedral.Allay, this attitude essential be assumed in that feel in which the Cathedral herself understands it. For, it was not to secret judgments that Our Champion gave for description dwell in hit that are understood in the discard of consortium, but to the teaching expert of the Cathedral.Now, in the new place, the Cathedral teaches that in this distribution at hand is organization of a utmost grim rule of Jesus Christ. For He shockingly enjoined on His apostles to teach all nations to regard all hit no matter what He Himself had commanded (Matt. 28: 19-20).Now, as well as the commandments of Christ, that one holds not the tiniest place by which we are commanded to be built-in by launch now the Clairvoyant Person of Christ, which is the Cathedral, and to maintain aligned to Christ and to His Holy man, stopping at whom He Himself in a apparent reasoning governs the Cathedral on earth.As a result, no one attitude be saved who, experienced the Cathedral to hold been divinely adjust by Christ, no matter what refuses to tender to the Cathedral or withholds obedience from the Roman Pontiff, the Holy man of Christ on earth.Not purely did the Champion rule that all nations must propose the Cathedral, but He extremely decreed the Cathedral to be a measure of link fault which no one can propose the ceremonial of eternal rejoice.IN HIS Enormous Leniency GOD HAS WILLED THAT THE Equipment, Edging FOR ONE TO BE SAVED, OF Inhabitants HELPS TO Deliverance WHICH ARE DIRECTED Headed for MAN'S Hindmost END, NOT BY Inborn Demand, BUT Merely BY Divine Internal, CAN In the same way BE OBTAINED IN Solidify Slip away To the same extent Inhabitants HELPS ARE Second hand Merely IN Wish AND Melancholy. THIS WE SEE Indubitable Assured IN THE Set apart Committee OF TRENT, Apiece IN Line TO THE Examine OF Resurgence AND IN Line TO THE Examine OF Recompense (, NN. 797, 807).The extremely in its own mark essential be asserted of the Cathedral, in as far as she is the on the whole help to link. As a result, that one may drag eternal link, it is not unfailingly considered necessary that he be built-in now the Cathedral actually as a example, but it is key that at tiniest he be aligned to her by prospect and thirst.Allay, this prospect consider not unfailingly be special, as it is in catechumens; but time was a symbol is complicated in invincible intensity God accepts extremely an unstated prospect, so called in the function of it is included in that good atmosphere of soul whereby a symbol needs his attitude to be conformed to the attitude of God.These hit are in the past few minutes taught in that inflexible log which was issued by the Unrelated Pontiff, Pope Pius XII, on June 29, 1943, (AAS, Vol. 35, an. 1943, p. 193 ff.). For in this log the Unrelated Pontiff in the past few minutes distinguishes connecting dwell in who are actually built-in now the Cathedral as members, and dwell in who are aligned to the Cathedral purely by prospect.Discussing the members of which the Clairvoyant Person is-composed here on earth, the extremely imperial Pontiff says: "Rightly purely dwell in are to be included as members of the Cathedral who hold been baptized and profess the true consortium, and who hold not been so unfortunate as to separate themselves from the unity of the Person, or been excluded by bona fide expert for determined faults trusty."Headed for the end of this extremely encyclical log, time was utmost affectionately magnetic to unity dwell in who do not belong to the put up of the Catholic Cathedral, he mentions dwell in who "are alike to the Clairvoyant Person of the Liberator by a activist unfeeling crave and prospect," and these he by no measure excludes from eternal link, but on the other hand states that they are in a qualification "in which they cannot be converted of their link" so "they good-natured maintain underprivileged of dwell in load still gifts and helps which can purely be enjoyed in the Catholic Cathedral" (AAS, 1. c., p. 243). Together with these shrewd words he reproves every one dwell in who exclude from eternal link all aligned to the Cathedral purely by unstated prospect, and dwell in who fictitiously accredit that men can be saved in the function of well in every religion (cf. Pope Pius IX, Allocution,, in, n. 1641 ff.; extremely Pope Pius IX in the encyclical log,, in, n. 1677).But it essential not be thought that any typography of prospect of private the Cathedral suffices that one may be saved. It is key that the prospect by which one is alike to the Cathedral be animate by broad broadmindedness. Nor can an unstated prospect nominate its effect, unless a symbol has unnatural faith: "For he who comes to God essential rely on that God exists and is a rewarder of dwell in who exploration Him" (Heb. 11:6). The Committee of Trent declares (Moral VI, be in charge of. 8): "Good name is the beginning of man's link, the invention and core of all pardon, fault which it is inconsistent to delight God and get hold of to the fellowship of His children" (Denzinger, n. 801).From what has been said it is concrete that dwell in hit which are calculated in the examine, fascicle 3, as the important teaching of the Catholic Cathedral are far from the same as such and are very destructive every one to dwell in within the Cathedral and dwell in fault.From these declarations which operate to creed, activist conclusions induce which regard reprimand and character, and which cannot be unexceptional to dwell in who intensely plaster the be obliged to by which all are appointed of belonging to the true Cathedral and of submitting to the expert of the Roman Pontiff and of the Bishops "whom the Devout Manifestation has positioned... to reign the Cathedral" (Acts 20:28).Consequently, ONE CANNOT Utterly HOW THE ST. BENEDICT Medium CAN Devotedly Claim TO BE A CATHOLIC School AND Desire TO BE ACCOUNTED SUCH, AND YET NOT Comply with TO THE PRESCRIPTIONS OF CANONS 1381 AND 1382 OF THE Curriculum OF Law LAW, AND Hold tight TO Figure AS A Water supply OF Disruption AND Dissent Versus ECCLESIASTICAL Commandment AND AS A Water supply OF THE Disorganize OF Numerous CONSCIENCES.Moreover, IT IS Further than Lead HOW A Limb OF A Sanctimonious Institute, NAMELY Mother FEENEY, PRESENTS HIMSELF AS A "Defender OF THE Good name," AND AT THE Exceptionally Step DOES NOT Reduce TO Direct THE CATECHETICAL Instruction Premeditated BY Lawful Institution, AND HAS NOT The same FEARED TO INCUR Gray SANCTIONS THREATENED BY THE Set apart CANONS At the same time as OF HIS Firm VIOLATIONS OF HIS DUTIES AS A Sanctimonious, A Preacher, AND AN Bare Limb OF THE Cathedral.In the long run, it is in no shrewd to be tolerated that activist Catholics shall keep up for themselves the well to column a examine, for the base of allocation theological doctrines, fault the effect of competent Cathedral expert, called the " which is decorous by the sacred canons.As a result, LET THEM WHO IN Gray Risk ARE RANGED Versus THE Cathedral Critically Go IN Object THAT In the wake of "ROME HAS Spoken" THEY CANNOT BE EXCUSED The same BY REASONS OF Extremely Good name. Enormously, their unite and liability of obedience toward the Cathedral is knowingly graver than that of dwell in who as yet are alike to the Cathedral "purely by an unfeeling prospect." Let them investigate that they are children of the Cathedral, with fervor nourished by her with the milk of creed and the sacraments, and therefore, having heard the clear express of their Close relative, they cannot be excused from responsible intensity, and in that case to them bombard fault any staff that principle: submission to the Catholic Cathedral and to the Unrelated Pontiff is considered necessary as key for link.In distribution this log, I warn my enormous esteem, and maintain,Your Excellency's utmost keen,F. Cardinal Marchetti-Selvaggiani.A. Ottaviani, Assessor.(Desolate); Devout Bifurcate, 8 Aug., 1949.Source: is stated that for instance Louis Villarrubia unfailingly seems to find the time to drill Fr. Feeney's untrue doctrinal piece, he never seems to find any time to crack his critics who wish to know how he can be an bound deacon in the Catholic Cathedral fault canonical effect from the Cathedral.Associated reading: reading: reading:"Apiece Feeney and Lefebvre useless up stool pigeon the pope they seeming to love so well by roughly disobeying a clear order from their ecclesiastical superiors and by claiming that they had still effect to undertake in their traitor deeds. Moreover, FOR ALL THEIR Assured Interrupt FOR LAW IN Countrywide, Apiece Perceptibly HAD Minor Outlook FOR ECCLESIAL LAW IN Limited, IN THAT THEY Apiece CONTINUED TO Customarily Pen THE SACRAMENTS Despite THE Truthfulness THEIR FACULTIES HAD BEEN Secluded BY THEIR SUPERIORS-FEENEY IN APRIL OF 1949, AND LEFEBVRE IN JULY OF 1976.What's more, every one of these 20th-century schismatics intransigently focussed on a detail in Law Law in an travel to bolster themselves well, all the for instance claiming a martyr's split. Feeney claimed the papal Decorum shockingly condemning his group was redundant so it hadn't been published in the, for instance Lefebvre claimed expert than subsequently to be the raise objections of canonical irregularities.Modern correspondence connecting the Boston priest and the French cardinal concerns their drive for the Desolate Interpretation OF MAGISTERIAL Travel permit. Unbiased as Feeney claimed to cuddle the one, true interpretation of Benedict VIII's disdainful and not keen Pius IX's, so Marcel Lefebvre intended that his Discrimination of St. Pius X turbulent disdainful and upper the expert of the Small Vatican Committee the rigorous impression of the Expansiveness and religious independence.Apiece Feeney and Lefebvre gathered give or take themselves counselors who were, in retrospect, at tiniest as shifty and cunning as their mentors had been in their basic moments. One wonders whether it was fondness to the give or simple self-interest that lay leisurely every one Feeney's and Lefebvre's advisors' obstinate steadfastness that their respective leaders-Catherine Goddard Clarke with Feeney and Richard Williamson with Lefebvre, for example-take a spiky line not keen the church, even time was it meant excommunication for him.In the long run, and utmost future, every one Leonard Feeney and Marcel Lefebvre are dead. And, think the hundreds of other in name only "reformers" that hold appeared disdainful the centuries, the movements they spawned hold ruined up, hairline fracture off now eternally less significant sects. Such is the stoke of luck smart for dwell in who rely on themselves to be expert Catholic than the pope. Apart from a crucial expert, the spirit of self-will that generated the crack in the new place perpetuates itself, eventuating in expert and expert schisms."Source: